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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 213 - Preparation
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The representative of Lu clan was force leaving with empty-handed, they never have though Zhao Li Xin would continue the war moreover it's only for one woman they convince his action is only on a fit of anger after several days they think Zhao Li Xin would come down and didn't pursue the matter farther, no sane man wants to get involved in unfavorable war.

Then the Lu clan take, they're presumptuous imagination to another level, Lu clan is one of the most powerful families in the northern region they're position even match the northern royal family so they slightly underestimated Zhao Li Xin despite all the rumor about him. ​​

They want to show to other people that Lu clan is the power that no one can trifle not even Hei Shen so they acted magnanimously to give a chance for Zhao Li Xin to explain his behavior for killing one of the Lu clan and for a reward they would granted Hei Shen with forgiveness.

Its a smart move to avoid war and increased their influence in the society although they realize Zhao Li Xin would not entirely agree because he needs to save his face too as the leader of Hei Shen sect so they expected to end up in discussion of an agreement but they did not expect, Zhao Li Xin didn't even bother to see them.

"He said what?" an old man with white hair throw his cup on the floor.

The man who kneeled on the floor didn't flinch his head remain downcast, the old man wears blue lavish robes with topknotted hairstyles cover with silver 'guan' headwear his appearance is very much like nobleman if only he didn't throw tantrum and screaming like a rogue.

"How dare he treated us like trash, what an impudent young man he is!" the old man screams furiously, the old man is one of the elders of the Lu clan, Lu Zhai Quan he also Lu Yao paternal grandfather. The old man didn't feel sad too much about Lu Yao's death because he still has another granddaughter who as good as Lu Yao the truth is their relationship is fall off after Lu Yao refuses to marry after she can't marry with the man she loves.

Lu Yao becomes old spinster is an embarrassment for him but thankfully her cultivation talent is not that bad and she becomes a famous figure so Zhai Quan still accepts her as his granddaughter but who could have thought this 'great' granddaughter would make a mess even after she died.

"Father we can let Lu Yao death swipe under the rug, what other people would think about us, the war maybe give us a little hard time but we must show everyone we are someone that can be trifle with even with Hei Shen," said the main with lavish bright purple robes, he looks just in his early forty with square jawline and slanted eyes who make him look cunning, he is Lu Yao younger brother his name is Lu Mo Yen.

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Lu Zhai Quan flick his robes and sit on his chair with a deep sigh "You thing fighting with Hei Shen sect is the right move, you know about his rumor right?"

Lu Mo Gen puff his chest smugly "Hump, so what? It just a rumor, should we believe all of it who knows if other people exaggerated it and by the way, we are not weak either, with our contractual beast how could we weaker then Hei Shen Sect" he sneer in contempt "Our clan has been ruled for hundreds of years why should we scared with Hei Shen who only been here for a decade?"

Lu Zhai Quan nods his head solemnly "You right, why should we afraid with them, I will tell this to the clan leader, we should not be afraid of them"


In the study room Zhao Li Xin lean on his chair while his headrest on his fist, the four King palace are sitting on the chair opposite him and the Mong's brother stand guard on his left and right, the room is quiet and intense the atmosphere inside the room is heavy and suffocating, everyone looks serious even the cheery Bei Li Yan.

"Where are you people right now?" Zhao Li Xin's voice breaks the silence.

Jiang Jin Wei straightened his pose "Tree thousand people have reached the border of the northern kingdom, Milord"

"Is there any trouble?" he asked again with a lazy tone.

"Some people try to block our troops a few times but nothing serious, nothing really happened Milord," said Jiang Jin Wei with a calm voice.

"How is Lu Clan's condition?" Zhao Li Xin shifts his gaze to Bei Li Yan.

"There are five people who have King level cultivation, three elder including Lu Zhai Quan is on Heavenly King level but the leader of the Lu clan, Lu Tian Mo he is at the Emperor level in transition stage," said Bei Li Yan with serious face, there is no playfulness in his face that he is to show.

Zhao Li Xin didn't make a comment he looks immerse in deep thought "What else…" he asked indifferently.

Bei Li Yan rise from his chair then he spread the big map on Zhao Li Xin table with Mong Yi help, the other King Palace also rise from their chair and all of them gather around Zhao Li Xin table, It's a detailed map of Lu Clan territory who know how Bei Li Yan gets it.

Bei Li Yan then point to the x-marks "This is the array they plant to stop anyone enters their territory, there is a three-layer level array, the first is easy to break but the second and third need some expertise, its a transcendence level of array"

"Transcendence level…" Wu San Bo muttering than he nods his head confidently "No problem, my right-hand man can solve this"

"Good" Bei Li Yan nod his head, one problem solve and so the next "The other problem is they have a lot of Beast to guard there placed, they roam outside the gate and inside, I know Jin Wei could handle them but if they fight outside we will announce our arrival to them…"

"Just a bunch of beast, I have the perfect drugs for them" Jin Hao scoffed in ridicule "My people are more than capable to handle them," he said nonchalantly.

"But I heard they just tamed a great divined beast, the rumor said this beast, not just strong but quite craft too," said Bei Li Yan, "I think they called this beast is Jade Monkey"

Jin Hao rolls his eyes "Should we'll be outsmarted by a monkey?" he mocked "If that so then we must stop being a human"

Bei Li Yan rolls his eyes annoyingly "I'm just saying….we need to be wary though"

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"Where's the armory room?" Jiang Jin Wei ignores there bickering.

Bei Li Yan back to his focus again "Here, and here" he point with long index finger "If we break this fortress, the Lu clan will lose their great defense, bring them down would be easy after this" Bei Li Yan smirked excitedly.

"If….?" Zhao Li Xin stares at Bei Li Yan sharply.

"We will, we will break this fortress" Bei Li Yan correct himself immediately with nervous smile plaster on his face, suddenly he feel chill all over his body and yet cold sweat drench on his back, his Lord is getting scarier after Luo Ri Yi gone stay with him in the same room is become unbearable for him, he blames the Lu clan for the loss of his great future madam, just when he gets used to lax, cool and slightly sill Zhao Li Xin and this happening, Bei Li Yan really want to curse someone.

Zhao Li Xin straightens his back both his hand clasped above his stomach than he becomes silent again, he was pensive for a moment then he looks at Bei Li Yan again "How is the investigation about Lu Yao?"

"Some of my informants said someone did come to met Lu Yao just two days before she came to Sun Jan city but we didn't know who they are, they all wearing disguised so no one can see there face but they sure they all women," said Bei Li Yan, someone might incite Lu Yao to kill Luo Ri Yi and that's mean the target is always been Luo Ri Yi and that would change a lot of things.

"You think is Lao Min Na?" Jin Hao frowned.

"She's the only woman who hates her this much and has the ability to do this," said Zhao Li Xin in a quiet voice.

"Why she hates her so much? She just a harmless woman without ambition whatsoever...unless" he looks back at Zhao Li Xin suspiciously.

He ignoring Jin Hao's question "You all may leave…" Zhao Li Xin raises his hand.

Jin Hao sighs than he and the other cupped they're fist respectfully than they all leave the room, Jin Hao took a glance at Zhao Li Xin's solemn face than he turns his head around and leaves the room.

The room becomes quiet again, Zhao Li Xin slump on his chair he pinches the middle of his eyebrows, in the end, its all his fault, the reason Lao Min Na killed her probably because of him but he doesn't understand why? Is it because he's standing on her way then she should point her anger on him but why her? why his princess? Is she think this would make him weak and surrender, should she knew it only make him enraged and lash out his anger to anyone and anywhere? Wait….is this what she wants?