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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 201 - Farewell
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Lory was banned to go outside because of Zhao Li Xin but thankfully the courtyard in the villa is big enough for her to do exercise although it's not as challenging as exercise inside the forest, Lory knew she needs to give in when he still angry after he calmed down she would persuade him again so, for now, this will do.

Lory wanted to hone her archery so she asked Mong Yi to build specific practice field, at first she practice with standstill target a common target people use for practice Lory used this to train her stance and her posture it didn't take long since archery is the second weapon she wields the most in her past. ​​

Then Lory changes from still target to moving target like a pendulum is used to train her focus and reflex after she gets used to then she trained her speed, and she only needs two days to achieve her former abilities.

Hei Shen members who never saw her fighting watch her with awed and admiration they don't understand how could someone who had no cultivation could become that strong.

Lory also didn't understand why people in this world give up on martial arts when they realize they have no cultivation especially woman but even though they can cultivate but then they realize their talent is mediocre they would stop practice, this way of thinking never suit her, Lory grew up with great expectation where failure is not an option so when she failed she must get up and try-try-try again until she succeeds.

Like Fargo always said 'Ten percent talent, ninety percent hard work'

"You work hard," said Zhao Li Xin while approaching her.

Lory releases her arrow with buzzing sound the arrow hit the mark perfectly, Lory smile at Zhao Li Xin "I'm just warming up…"

Zhao Li Xin notice the blister on her hand he feel his heart prick by a needle but Lory seems not realizes it, without saying anything he make her sit then he takes out a gauze and green bottle after he soaked the gauze with the liquid from the bottle he wrapped Lory's hands, Lory feel her hand tinge with cold sensation then gradually her hand become more comfortable, she look at Zhao Li Xin with warmed smile.

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After he finishes he put the bottle on the table "Do this every day before and after practice, it will reduce blister and wound in your hand also get rid callous in your hand" said Zhao Li Xin.

"Is my hand too ugly for you?" Lory asked jokingly.

"Your wound makes my mood ugly, didn't you notice?" Zhao Li Xin said in a long face.

Lory giggles softly "I did notice….sorry" she pursed her lips.

"Do this and I forgive you," said Zhao Li Xin again with reprimand looks.

Lory chuckle slightly it's always funny when he tried to threatening her when he didn't have the heart to punish her it becomes an empty threat but as a sensible girlfriend, she respects his wishes.

"I will be gone for two days so you need to take care of yourself, Mong Ki is following me but Mong Yi is not here with you he has a job with Bei Li Yan so you will be alone but the other shadow guard would stay here to protect you so just be save don't left the villa when I'm gone, you hear me" Zhao Li Xin begin to nag her again.

Lory was used by him "Where are you going if I may ask?"

"I have a lead about my mother but this person insists to meet face to face, he didn't believe I'm that woman Son" he explained it calmly he has no high expectation he didn't feel excited to know his origin that's why he hesitated to leave her without adequate protection.

But Lory rejoices by the great news "That's great, FINALLY!" Lory exclaimed, "You've been searching about your family for a long time finally you find someone who knew about it, It great isn't it!" Lory looks happier than Zhao Li Xin.

He smiles calmly "I Just curious who wants to kill me since I was a baby…that's all," he said in a flat tone, he does not interested to know who is his family it weird but his heart didn't flutter with this sudden news, on the contrary, he feel suspicious.

"I feel something wrong about it, suddenly the news that I'm searching for almost a year suddenly fall in my lap, something is not right…" Zhao Li Xin pondering he immersed in his though could someone want t to trap him or ambush him with this low-level trick wouldn't they asked for they're owned death, no one crazy enough to provoke him at least not in this continent but id they come from other continents…

"Good things you bring Mong Ki with you, it's better brig more guard for protection," said Lory "But you must go, maybe it's a trap maybe it's not but you need to figure it out, you might not have another chance to know about your family" Lory value family more than anything so she eager to reunited Zhao Li Xin with his family.

Zhao Li Xin sigh "But I'm worried leaving you here all alone, Mong Yi was not here, Bei Li Yan and Jin Hao also returned to they're Palace, I don't feel good about it…"

Lory pinches his cheek "I'll be fine…" Lory roll her eyes "You only went for two days and I'll be here inside the villa with your shadow guard and your high cultivator servants, not to mention your protective array around this villa so what could happen to me?" Lory assured him she doesn't want him to give up the clue about his family because he worries about her.

She also can come with him because she is afraid of what if it's really a trap, she doesn't want to burden him. There are two types of people who would make trouble with Zhao Li Xin, a very stupid one and very strong one she afraid it would be the last if that true then her presence will only make things difficult and that's why she stays as a good princess would do.

Zhao Li Xin remains reluctant to left but Lory keeps insisting him to leave finally like always Zhao Li Xin gives in, he decide to leave soon so he can come home early just when he wants to leave his heart suddenly flustered for some reason he feel restless.

"What's wrong, this is not the first time you left me for days, do you remember when you cultivating and disappeared to that weird world?" Lory wrapped her arms around his waist.

"That's not the same, I'm still around and when something happened I would know and come immediately," said Zhao Li Xin while embraces her closer "This time…..I don't know, I don't feel good"

Lory kissed his lips deeply she can feel his thin lips on her then he kissed her back although its more like he devours her, her heart begins to races and her leg become limp she hold on his shoulder while he wrapped his hands on her waist to prevent her not to fall on the floor, it supposed to be a simple and quick kiss for goodbye but who knew it becomes long and passionate kiss.

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He finally stops when he feel she have trouble breathing, her big watery eyes stare at him in dazed her lips become redder after the long kiss, there face only inches from each other.

Lory was panting because of the lack of air or she just forget to breathe while Zhao Li Xin's breathing becomes heavier because of the surge of fire inside him.

"Now you make me don't want to go," said Zhao Li Xin his eyes filled with desire for her.

"You have to…" Lory gulped she feel like a rabbit eyeing by the wolf and her heart beating deafening her ears, it's hard to listen to her own voice.

"No, I don't!" Zhao Li Xin refuted, he rather spends his days kissing her than chasing the clue about his so-called 'family'.

"Yes, you do!" Lory glare at her to force him to leave but it sends a different message to him.

Zhao Li Xin smirked, he buries her face on her neck, Lory squeal from the tickles she hit his chest but no avail it's like a bunny scratching the wolf he didn't feel anything on contrary it only makes him excited then he pulls him closer until her their body pressed to one another, on the other hands Lory's brain is going haywire she didn't know where left or right she only closes her eyes when a certain Lord took advantages of her.

"Xin….you will be…late" she tries to remind him.

"Hm…" he reluctantly let her go "Don't go anywhere…" he said in a husky voice.

"I won't….silly!" Lory chuckles "Now go, come home soon!" she hit his chest lightly try to hide her shyness.

He kisses her forehead "I'll be back soon" he gives her one more hug before he left the room, Lory watches his figure walk away from her heart still race then she takes a deep breath to calm herself with smiles still plastered on her face.