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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 194 - Forget Where She Come From
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"Then Why are you here!"

"Can I just be here! Is this place have your name stamp on it!"


"Why can't you just admit you regret refusing my proposal?"

"Are both of you're ears filled with water, I should have burned you then the dowry instead!"

Lory sit calmly on the stool with her leg cross and her hand propping her chin, Mong Ki and Mong Yi stand on her right and left with bland expression, the three of them is amazed how great Gu Lian Fu 'Self Destruct' ability as if he deliberately pushes the red button over and over again to kill himself.

Meanwhile, Lory watch the show leisurely Tang Mei Yi glare at Lory like a beast to her prey, of course, her rude behavior attract Mong Ki and Mong Yi stand there guards more, they look at Tang Mei Yi with warning expression they show they won't hesitate to attack her if she dare hurt Lory.

Tang Mei Yi clenched her fist she envy with Lory position in Hei Shen Sect, she could never understand why everyone accepts a weak and low banc ground as her as there future Madam of Hei Shen sect, why no one questioning her motive or her worth as Zhao Li Xin wife, why no one show their objection?

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Lory realizes Tang Mei Yi starring dagger at her face but Lory just too lazy to concern about her, Lory attention back to the professional 'Self Destruct' Gu Lian Fu who eagerly pissed off Yang Xi Ying.

"Can you just leaved, I already wasted my precious time with you!" Yang Xi Ying said in an exasperated expression.

Suddenly Tang Mei Yi steps in "Master Gu, you should not blame Miss Yang, she might still worry for Master Li health" she said with a gentle smile.

Yang Xi Ying hates Tang Mei Yi pretentious act, she is the one who lured Li Mo Zhen into a trap she also the one who blackmailing her for Jiu Yun treasure, Tang Mei Yi and Lao Min Na is in Yang Xi Ying top list as the most hated person.

"Thank you for you're concern but my fiancée is live and well…..no thank to you though" Yang Xi Ying sneer.

Tang Mei Yi face turn ashen, she wonders if that rumor about Li Mo Zhen back on his feet is true is Jin Hao can really cure him but Lao Min Na said assured her that only her who can cure him that's why she dare to blackmail Jiu Yun sect, she's not fear for they retaliation because after Lao Min Na take over Jiu Yun Sect she would off the hook at the same time she could make Zhao Li Xin owed her but everything had fallen apart.

But who knew not only Zhao Li Xin didn't appreciate her effort he even furious at her he even retract all Hei Shen resource and protection for her and know Jiu Yun also pressing her, Tang Mei Yi has pushed to the edged by the two powerful sects, how could she live on from now on.

"Miss Yang we might no agree on one thing but you should understand my attention is good," said Tang Mei Yi again, she can't offend Yang Xi Ying as she is the future Madam of Jiu Yun Sect.

"Good?" Tang Mei Yi scoffed "You are very good, I still remember how much I owed you….wait, we owed you" Yang Xi Ying emphasize the last words clearly.

Tang Mei Yi's face turns white, are they know she was the one who lures Li Mo Zhen to that place and what about her relationship with Lao Min Na do they know about it too? That can't be no one knows about it even in Fu Hua no one know about this except her most trusted subordinated.

"What? You think we all stupid, only you and Lao Min Na are the smart ones?" Yang Xi Ying smirked.

Tang Mei Yi feel the lightning hit her head, her hands unconsciously trembling under her sleeve 'They know!' Tang Mei Yi's face turns white as a sheet, she knew she was doomed this time.

"Okay-okay, we don't have much time" Lory raised from her seat she patted her bottom nonchalantly "We don't have all day" Lory can imagine a certain Lord who sulking in there residence.

"Oh, you right!" Yang Xi Ying also remembers his fiancée who might be waiting for her, after he recovers from the cursed Li Mo Zhen become more clingy to her, well it is not like she hated it she even finds him quite adorable that way.

Tang Mei Yi hate Lory calm and casual manner she didn't understand what so good about her that make Zhao Li Xin fond her "Hump, don't be so happy you don't know when Brother Zhao changed his mind about you, after all, you just a wasted who have no talent or background, you might depend solely on your talent on the bed" she mocked Lory in a public to ruined her reputation, she wants to know how she left her house after this.

When people believe Tang Mei Yi word there point their finger at Lory but Lory's face didn't change she didn't feel ashamed with Tang Mei Yi words, in a normal situation she would already sleep with Zhao Li Xin and she didn't feel its a shameless thing and when it comes to people gossip about her she was immune by it, in her world she didn't know how many rumors people spread about her and her family especially Lucas and not like this world her world has freedom of speech so she can't shut everyone mouth.

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"Miss Tang please mind you're words, Mis Luo is our future madam and irreplaceable woman for our Lord if you dare slander her one more time that means you provoke all the entire Hei Shen Sect, can you take the consequences…" Mong Ki move forward, he glare at Tang Mei Yi and everyone who point there finger at Lory.

When people hear Hei Shen sect name no one dared to talk some people who sneered at Lory shrunk there body and pray Lory and her bodyguards didn't notice them, Tang Mei Yi gritted her teeth in anger "Just a weak commoner who climb her master bed, what so good about her" her anger make her blurted her thought out loud.

Mon Yi strikes his palm on Tang Mei Yi chest, his move is too quick she didn't have times to reacted when Mong Yi hand land on her chest and she was pushed backward until she hit the wall and fall face down on the floor, everyone was dumbfounded they didn't know the two Hei Shen people dare to hit Tang Mei Yi without hesitated.

"Miss Tang!" Gu Lian Fu was stunned and so other men who admired Tang Mei Yi, they all run to help her. Lory's eyes widened she also in shock, she didn't know Mong Yi would attack Tang Mei Yi just because of a few words but then she realizes how precious reputation for a woman in this world she becomes understand why the Mong's brother reacted strongly plus Tang Mei Yi not only mocking her but she also mocked Zhao Li Xin so its served her right.

"Miss tang only speak her mind, why is your bodyguard hit her" Gu Lian Fu scolded on Lory at the same time he helps Tang Mei Yi to raise from the floor.

"Why not?" Yang Xi Ying stand beside Lory "Is she so precious and others women are not, you think other people should be quiet when she was humiliated and mocked in front of other people? Who do you think she is, a princess? An Empress? Isn't she just an orphan from the questionable background who fortunate enough to become Master Lu Yao disciple?" Yang Xi Ying speaks indifferently, her words reminds everyone about Tang Mei Yi's background.

Everyone seems to forget who is Tang Mei Yi, they already used to see her as a beautiful owner of Fu Hua and the talented disciple of Goddess Lu Yao, no one seems to remember she only a commoner and that includes Tang Mei Yi herself and no one hated her owned humble background than herself.

"Xi Ying that's not what I mean…" Gu Lan Fu let out a long sigh, why can they talk normally, why at the ends they always fight?

"I don't care what you mean and please call me Miss Yang, we are not that closed and I don't want my Fiancee misunderstood," said Yang Xi Ying coldly.

Gu Lian Fu face feel his heart got tighten when she mentions her fiancée, when they were a child she used to run to him with bright innocent smile but now he can only see her looking at him in utter disgust, Gu Lian Fi feel so lost within him even though it's too late he still can give up on her.

"Let's go" Lory left the crowd she seen enough, both of them walk to the garden leaving Gu Lian Fu watching Yang Xi Ying figure slowly get farther away and his heart becomes cold.