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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 170 - Crafty Girl
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"Find it!" Lao Min Na said in unhurried toned.

All her subordinated dispersed in swift, they all scattered around inside the ruined residence while Lao Min Na walks calmly at a slow pace as if she walked in her own courtyard, a mischievous smile bloomed on her beautiful face she seems immersed in her though when suddenly someone is screaming.


"Miss, we found it," one of her male subordinated tell her.

Lao Min Na smile bloomed like a flower "Show me!" she said excitedly.

Her subordinated lead her behind the main building the walk past the moon gate with bamboo three on the left and right then they arrived in the small building but no one can't get closer the place is protecting with an array, all of them circled the small building when Lao Min Na arrived all of them bow to her.

"Miss, it's a high-level protective array" one of the male subordinated reports to her.

Lao Min Na sneered "Lousy array" she waves her hand and red fiery red bird engulf in fire immerged beside her, the bird flies high above then a second later the bird dive like a bolt of fire it hid the array, with loud deafening booms everyone staggering backward some even fall on the ground, all of them was shocked but Lao Min Na face remains placid.

She walks calmly then the red bird circling around Lao Min Na asking for praise, Lao Min Na stifles she patted the birds head the birds chirping happily and making a cute gesture.

'What a cute bird…' Lory lament to herself then she stares at Girsha who perch on shoulder look indifferent.

[What?] Girsha looks at her with blank looks.

[Nothing…..] Lory looks away from the old bird.

Once again her focus back on Lao Min Na, she follows Lao Min Na enter the small building who turns out to be just a small room with a Budha altar on the corner and on the wall there's a painting of a man and woman holding hand, Lao Min Na only glances a second to the painting before she indifferently looks away.

She crouched on the floor her hand knocks on the floor then she smiles cunningly, suddenly she used her qi to hit the floor, the floor broker to pieces leaving a big hole in the middle of the room, Lory crosses her arms watching what Lao Min Na doing. Lao Min Na subordinated enter the room as they already expected what happened, four of her male subordinated jump into the hole then a few seconds later they got out with wooden coffin.

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Lory could have a guess who is inside the coffin, she looks at Lao Min Na with a disdained expression. For Lory disturbed the peace of the death is taboo and disrespectful especially when lory knew what is that person in the coffin had gone through but for Lao Min Na there's no honor for the death, they just a piece of bones for her.

Her subordinated forcefully open up the coffin, the smell of rotten flesh spread on the air, all of them grimace while covering their mouth and nosed but Lao Min Na only frowned slightly there's no disgust on her face she approaches the open casket, inside the white sword lay beside the corpses while the corpses hold gold hairpin on his chest.

Lao Min Na tilted her head slightly then she took abruptly the hairpin from the hand corpses she didn't care when the finger of the corpse breaking, she might not even hear it but Lory breathing become heavy her hate for Lao Min Na increased to the roof but nothing she can't do but watching in silent.

Lao Min Na secured the hairpin inside her spatial ring, her eyes now fixed on the white sword she reach the sword with her hand but Lory watch her with a suspicious gaze, she notice Lao Min Na wearing a glove, is she know about the cursed, but how? People in this world didn't have any knowledge about cursed.

[Lory…] Girsha called her.

[Yeah, I see it….] he replied calmly.

Lao Min Na's face lit up with glee, she took the sword with her, she turns around before she left the room one of her subordinates asked her politely.

"Missus, what should we do with the coffin?" he asked.

Lao Min Na shrugs her shoulder indifferently "Just let it be…" she said casually.

The subordinated obey her, they leave the room to follow Lao Min Na exit the room. Lory approaches the wooden casket she sighs deeply he put her transparent hand on the casket "Don't worry, I'll come back for you…"

Lory follow Lao Min Na closely, she wanted to know what would she do with the sword, Girsha also curious about this Lao Min Na although he can't feel anything familiar about this woman, still his beast instinct told him this woman is too dangerous.

"Miss, they have arrives" the female subordinated said.

"later than I thought…" she rolled her eyes in disappointment.

She pierced the sword on the ground then she smiles mischievously "Let's go!" she said cheerfully, and just like that Lao Min Na and her people disappeared without a trace. Not long after Li Mo Zhen and his Jiu Yun sect member arrived one of them saw the sword stand majestically pierced on the ground he got excited.

"Young Master, look the sword is here!" he exclaimed with joy.

Li Mo Zhen also elated "Where is it?"

They all run to toward the sword but Li Mo Zhen stops them "Wait, let me check if there anything harmful around it!"

Just like Li Mo Zhen said he had checked everything before he approaches the sword but unfortunately the threat from the sword is something unrecognizable by him. Li Mo Zhen's relief when he didn't find anything although his instinct told him there's something wrong with this situation his joy finding a sacred weapon is conquer every sense of him.

Li Mo Zhen grabs the sword then he pulled it from the ground, he looks overjoyed and his subordinated also thrilled.

"Young Master it looks...…." He didn't finish his word when suddenly Li Mo Zhen cut off his head, the blood spurt from his head, his other subordinated shriek in fear he looks at Li Mo Zhen in fright, he didn't have time to run when Li Mo Zhen cut his body in half.

The white sword engulfs with black fog and the darkness covers the white sword surface like black mold then gradually everything is covered in black and Li Mo Zhen screamed in insanity.


Lory slowly opens her eyes, the first this she saw is Zhao Li Xin handsome face he looks at her anxiously, he makes the same expression before she sleeps and when she awoke he still wear that expression, she wonders if he looks like that the entire time.

"Are you awake?" he asked softly.

Lory nods her head slowly, she relief nothing major happened it can be said smooth sailing "I'm fine….."

"Miss Luo" Jin Hao give her a bowl of medicine "This is for returned your body temperature, your body is too cold"

"Really?" Lory holds the warmed bowl with two hands.

"Your heartbeat increased too much I'm scared you will have a heart attack I almost forcefully wake you up," said Zhao Li Xin with a complaining tone.

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Lory sips her medicine with a grimace expression, it's too bitter and she hates bitter the most, then she looked at Zhao Li Xin begging for amnesty not to drink her medicine, Zhao Li Xin put a cand in her mouth she doesn't know what kinda candy it is but the sweetness spread in her mouth make the bitter tasted disappeared in a flash, Lory face brimmed with a smile.

"Miss Luo, your bird transforms into an orb and pierced through your chest and suddenly your condition becomes better," Jin hao asked curiously.

Lory chews the candy "Uh-huh, Girsha is part of me….it's not weird isn't it?" she heard a contractual beast have the ability to come and disappeared as the owner command.

"It's weird….no contractual beast can transform like that, they disappeared because the owner transferred them inside the ring, no beast can merge with their owner," said Jin Hao.

"Huh?" who knew she got a new knowledge again, suddenly her chest lit up a white orbs burst out of her chest then transform into a bird, the bird leisurely nestling on the bedside, Lory look indifferent but Jin Hao watch in agape.

"Is….is the bird your contractual beast?" Although he never hears a person without Qi could make a contract with the beast.

Lory smiles "No, Girsha is my guardian…."

"Is that different?" Jin Hao confused.

Lory gives the bowl to Zhao Li Xin, she didn't want to finish it "There's no contract between us, I don't force him to stay thought" Lory wiped her mouth.

"So how could you…?" Jin Hao didn't stop asking like a passionate student.

"In my world, we don't make a contract, we make promised to each other!" Lory said casually.

"Enough, she needs to rest," Zhao Li Xin cut Jin Hao who ready for the next question, Jin hao pouting but he did not dare against his Lord and he does think Lory needs to rest too.

"Wait! I need to talk to Li Mo Zhen!" Lory clapped her hand.

"Can it wait for tomorrow?" Zhao Li Xin frowned in dislike.

"Sorry it can't, what happened to Li Mo Zhen is no accident it's all schemed," Lory said with an angry face, which is rare for Zhao Li Xin to see.

"Whose schemed?" Zhao Li Xin curious, who else can make her angry like that.

Lory snorted "Lao Min Na!"