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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 167 - Tracing
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"When I search through the echoed of the sword, other than anger there is one memory who is stand out, is the memory about the hairpin, he bought specially for her, the hairpin is represented his genuine loved for his wife and the new beginning with their child, this hairpin is represented his happiness, joy, and hope for a better future"

"You think if we find the hairpin we can break the sword cursed," Jin Hao asks ​​

"I believe so…" Lory said confidently.

"Then, how we do it then?" Zhao Li Xin sigh, he didn't like it but he knew he can't stop her.

"Brother Jin, do you have drugs or something that can make me sleep but not just sleep but deep sleep?"

"It's a simple matter, I have a lot of drugs like that" Jin Hao nod his head although he is a little bit disappointed he thought she would need him to do something more important.

"Good, but I also need you to able awaked me quickly when something happened," she warned Jin Hao.

"Will something happen" Zhao Li Xin's voice becomes deepen.

"I don't know, it just precaution" Lory smiles lightly, while Girsha look at her with disapproving eyes because she lies, the thing she wants to do is called 'Tracing' this is a technique are invented by combined science and magic, the gifted people have the ability to used their sixth sense to hear an echoed from an object but only a glimpses of it, but when people start used science for better understanding they eventually able to put someone on a deep sleep longer enough to gather more information from the object.

But the downside of this technique is quite big, people who were put on a deep sleep would be vulnerable to accept any influenced from the object including trauma when that happened it would overwhelm the person who is in deep sleep if they not pull that person out right away there's a high chance that person would be dead in their sleep.

This technique proves to be quite dangerous so in Harland they would need the approval of the Minister of defense and the King himself to carry out this procedure, but Lory decide not to explain how dangerous it is.

[Lory!] Girsha flew and land on her lap [You must tell him the risk!]

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Girsha and Lory look at each other, although they not talking verbally but their eyes seem understood to each other which is confused everyone except Zhao Li Xin who already has his owned suspicion that they can communicate through telepathic.

[I can't, you know how distraught he is for a simple cut!] Lory refuted him.

[So, you will lie to him!] Girsha said angrily [Like you lie to Lucas?]

Lory took aback, her eyes become moist but she had no words to refute him.

[He deserved to know, you owed him that much…]

Lory's mouth trembles, she hates to admit it but Girsha is right, she can't lie to him if something happened what would happen with him? She cannot make him go through what Lucas had, she keeps telling herself that she had no choice but now...she wiped the upcoming tears on her eyes in a swift move, then she takes a deep breath.

She looks at Zhao Li Xin who is sitting next to him with perplexed smiles, then she turns at Jin hao and Li Mo Mo Zhen "I need to talk with Li Xin privately, would you mind give us some time"

"Of course," Li Mo Zhen replied quickly.

Jin Hao realizes she becomes serious, there must be something she can't say in front of them but he not dare to pry so he cupped his fist respectfully "As you wish"

Both men leave the room with a low sound of a closing door, Lory sigh deeply she thought she dares to tell him but when there's only the two of them her courage slowly decreased.

"Tell me…" Zhao Li Xin holds her hand, he can see the hesitation in her eyes.

She looks down to calmed herself being honest is not her virtue she likes to keep everything inside but she can't do that anymore.

"This….deep sleep, is called 'Tracing' in my world, it used to get curtained information from an object especially old object like that sword because it holds the residue of it previous owner….this tracing is dangerous," Lory said with a low voice.

"How dangerous?" His hold becomes tighter.

Lory said nervously "Without sufficient preparation, in some cased…..it might kill me"

Zhao Li Xin inhales deeply he abruptly rose from his seat, he turned around and walks to the nearest window he didn't want to show her his expression right now, a month of anger surged within him, his hand clenching the window framed. This anger he had felt it before the same anger when he lost her inside the ancient tomb.

"Li Xin….." she called him weakly, this is what she afraid of she didn't want to see him sad like this.

"Should you do this?" he said without looking at her.

"Yes…." She answers calmly.

"WHY?" he turns around then staring her indescribable expression.

"Because I could...because they need me... because this is who I am!" she clench her fist.

"Even if this cost your life?" he shouted angrily, this is the first time he shouted at her he immediately regrets it a second later.

Lory smiles helplessly, she rose from the bed then slowly approach him "If that can stop me, I will no save you that day" he cupped his face gently "But I did anyway and I do not die instead we met each other and we fell in love to each other, you see at then is not that bad and this time is the same they need my help no one can't help them but me but I'm not planning to die and I believed I won't die, so please trust me!"

Zhao Li Xin kiss inside of her palms "You promised?"

"I promised"

Because they can't want more time, Loryas ked for a bathtub filled with cold water just in case she can't awake fast enough while Jin Hao also have an idea to soaked his acupuncture with elixir, the acupuncture needle is longer and thinner then normal acupuncture needles the elixir is contained high activated drugs when something happened Jin hao would hit a certain area with the needle on the top of her head to abruptly awaked her.

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Lory also thought Zhao Li Xin about CPR just in case she stopped breathing, the Lord learned it diligently with scowled. The only person who is presence is Jin Hao the Mong's Brother and Zhao Li Xin, Li Mo Zhen stay with Yang Xi Ying Lory allowed him to share a secret with Yang Xi Ying because Li Mo Zhen might need Yang Xi Yinh help when his cursed reacted.

lory lay down on the altar bed, they use the altar because it's easy for everyone to approach her if something happened, the ancient bed who have roof and curtains is not convenient.

"I awoke you if I feel something not right " Zhao Li Xin stroked her head gently he looks very anxious.

"I know, I'll be back...." she grinned.

Jin Hao used gloved to touch the sword then he lay the sword on the top of Lory's body, Lory grip the sword handle, she drinks the sleeping elixir then she takes another deep breath while counting one-two-three then slowly her conscious drift away.

Zhao Li Xin watches her from a side with a somber expression.

Meanwhile, Lory sank deeply into her subconscious is like falling into the dark abyss, she falls deeper and deeper until she suddenly stops, everything still dark around her then slowly the darkness dissipated then she heard a woman voice.

"Go Home soon!" the woman waves his hand carelessly to a man to turn around and waved his hand back with big smiles on his face before his figure disappeared in a distance, the woman grinned happily she walk back to the nearest couch while her left hand held her back painstakingly.

The woman is heavily pregnant even though she looks tired but her face glowing from happiness, she let out a heavy sigh when she finally could sit. Lory realizes she already inside the dream this woman must be the village wife and that man is the owner of the sword then after this…..

The door violently kicks open, the woman inside screams in fear while covering her big belly from the wood shreds. Lory look away she hated this part but still, she can hear the man drag the heavily pregnant woman out of the house, without hesitated the man throw her to the ground.

The woman look scared her body trembles in fear she knew who are these men are, even after all these years they still chasing them, why can they let them go?

The old man looks at her with utter disdained, when he sees her big belly his anger only increased.

"It's all because of you!" he pointing at her "If only you never exist my daughter should marry him, she would not heartbroken and kill herself, my daughter should never be dead!" the old man face turn crimson his bloodshot eyes glare at the weak woman on the ground like a beast found his prey, he will not let her go.

"Please, I'm pregnant….no matter what this baby is one of your owned" The woman begged desperately, she didn't want to lose the baby she's been waiting for so long, she can't let them kill her and her baby.

"NEVER! That bastard will never become us!" the old man gritted his teeth, this woman happiness only ignited his burning anger, everything should be fine if only this lowly woman didn't seduce his nephew and break his engagement to his daughter, his family should be a leader of his clan but everything ruined because of this village woman!

The old man kick the woman harshly right on her stomach, the woman screams in agony but his not stop he keep hitting her like a madman even his underling need to look away from the gory scene, Lory also look away she wanted to vomit watching what happened to the poor woman, Lory cover her mouth while closing her eyes but she still can hear the sound of the innocent baby wrecked inside the mother stomach.

"DIE-DIE-DIE!" the old man laughs like a lunatic.