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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 153 - Temptation
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"Her scheming might work if only Hei Shen is just a normal sect," Bei Li Yan sneered at the thought of Tang Mei Yi's vicious plan.

"How much different is Hei Shen Sect compare to others?"


Bei Li Yan's smile grew, it's a good thing for the future madam to have interest in her own sect. "For starter, Hei Shen Sect is created solely by Milord himself, so he's not bound by any old rules from the previous masters and we don't have scheming elders who undermine and plot from inside like normal sect have."


"Elders are those who might previously serve the old master. They can be the right-hand man or a trustee," Bei Li Yan poured more tea for him and Lory. "They can also be someone who gains merits for the sect, so the Sect Master promoted their position."

Lory nods her head in understanding of how the sect works.

"The elder position is like the advisor and supporter of the Sect Master. That is why their position is only below the Sect Master, and if the elders were to join hands, they could even demote the Sect Master himself."

"Does the King Palace also have the same position as the elders?"

"Yes, but we can't influence Milord like the other elders in their own sect. Do you think our Lord is someone who compromises to get what he wants?" Bei Li Yan laughed, "Unlike other sects, our Lord will never succumb to anyone, especially to his own subordinate. Loyalty to him is a must, he won't take any less than that. Our Lord is absolute!"

Lory knew Zhao Li Xin's temperament, someone like him would not let anything limit his movement. Maybe it was because he held no control when he was a child that when he grew up, control became important for him. Other than with her, Lory realized he never compromised to anyone, not even to his Master.

"That's what Tang Mei Yi would never understand," said Bei Li Yan. "She wants to portray you as a wicked vixen who is controlling our Lord, she wants to incite doubt and dissatisfaction inside our sect. She hopes Zhao Li Xin would eventually have to choose between you or the sect." 

Bei Li Yan suddenly hits the table then laughed out loud, "How stupid! Of course, he would choose you! I do not doubt it." he can't stop laughing at Tang Mei Yi's stupid plan. Why does everyone think Tang Mei Yi is smart when the truth is, she's just an arrogant woman who overestimated her ability.

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Should she be happy or be worried about that statement? She shakes her head ignoring Bei Li Yan's words, she continues to drink her pink tea.

"And her plan even backfired, she could never have guessed that the Lord can be persuaded by you, Missy." even Bei Li Yan was surprised by this. He still can't comprehend how much his Lord loves Luo Ri Yi.

"I just knocked some sense on him. It's still his decision to let Jiang Jin Wei and his sister go," Lory didn't expect all the compliments. She thought Zhao Li Xin was never really angry with Jiang Jin Wei in the first place, he only needs her to give him a reason to forgive the man.

"But still… Jiang Jin Wei and his Palace members are grateful for your benevolence."

"And what about his sister? Jiang Yi… something."

"Jiang An Yi." he corrects her while scoffing as he said the name.

Lory nods her head, "She's in good terms with Tang Mei Yi, isn't it so? How is her situation now?"

"That stupid girl, without knowing, she had been used by Tang Mei Yi. Jiang Jin Wei is so pitiful to have that kind of stupid sister. If there's anything I hate the more than vicious women, it's stupid women." Bei Li Yan face turned sour, he genuinely feels bad for Jiang Jin Wei, even if he can see through this disaster in one piece, who knows the next time his idiot sister might involve him again in another disaster.

"She's only fourteen, she still can change."

"Only if she understood her mistakes, if not, I'm afraid it would just be wishful thinking." he knew Jiang An Yi since she was just a little girl, that girl is dependent on Jiang Jin Wei for everything and she doesn't think anything's wrong with that. She is spoiled and haughty, Jiang Jin Wei didn't know how to handle her, that's why he left her with the maids and servants in his palace and let her do anything she wants and look at what happened.

Like Bei Li Yan, Lory also thought the same thing. She grew up sensible because she was thought with strong discipline and guidance from her father, brother, and friends. Even if they were all kind and spoiled her but when she made a mistake, they would always reprimand her firmly, especially her father. He will never stop until she understands her mistakes.

She remembered her father made her do a side job as a waitress in a coffee shop because she accidentally wrecked her car for the third time, her father refuses to pay for repairs and forbids her to use her monthly allowance, so that was how she ended up becoming a waitress. Although she was in disguise, the news that she's working at the coffee shop still spread like wildfire inside the Cestine Palace.

Everyone starts visiting her. Fred even reserved a table on the corner to do his work while watching her, at the same time became a harsh critic for her work that it made Lory wants to flip the table, and her brother who's supposed to come and check on her, came just to sleep on the corner; he didn't even say hi when he drops by.

Overall, everyone checked on her. From the High Minister to their normal King's men, all were eager to see their Princess wearing her waitress uniform.

In the end, she learned her mistake. It was so embarrassing that she never dared to wreck her car ever again, and if she did, she would fix it immediately even before her Father knows about it.

"Do Tang Mei Yi love Li Xin very much?" she suddenly asked.

Bei Li Yan let out a long sigh, "Who knows? You know how Milord's appearance is. He has this strong, cold, powerful, and dangerous aura around him, at the same time he also has a beautiful appearance that looks like an immortal in a story. That kind of man will evoke any woman's desire to possess and conquer him, especially a prideful woman who thinks she can get everything in the world."

Lory realized all the women who chased after Zhao Li Xin were like that. They're beautiful, talented, and with an amazing background. All of them have lots of suitors, but they would reject them to chase Zhao Li Xin. Lory never understood their behavior, but now perhaps she can grasp a little of how these women think.

"Tang Mei Yi is one of them. There's nothing special about her. Just a pretty face with great ambition," he sneered.


At the same time, at one of Fu Hua Tea House's private room, Yang Xin Ying twists her handkerchief anxiously while in front of her, Tang Mei Yi drinks her tea calmly. She seems to not realize Yang Xin Ying's worried expression.

"Can… Can you help me?" Yang Xin Ying plead.

Tang Mei Yi puts down her cup gently on the table, "It's not easy to make Hei Shen Sect fulfill your request… but it's not impossible," she smiles amicably.

Yang Xin Ying heard from her spy that the owner of Fu Hua Tea House has a close relationship with Hei Shen Sect's master, if she can reach her, perhaps Long Ming would lend her a hand. At first, she thought that the owner of the tea house would be the same woman she saw with Zhao Li Xin but she was surprised to see a different woman.

She felt disappointed, it's not the same woman she met before, and comparing the two women, she didn't have a good opinion about this Tang Mei Yi. Although she's more beautiful than Miss Luo, but this woman seems calculating and sly.

But she said she has a good relationship with Long Ming, and she knows how to reach him, so she didn't have much choice.

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"What do you need, Miss Tang?" she asked straight to the point. The Jiu Yun spies had told her that Fu Hua is not an ordinary tea house, that it's only a cover to what they really do in closed door.

Fu Hua is a mercenary association. They are hired assassins for influenced family, they also sell information for anyone who can afford it. Sometimes they collaborate with Hei Shen Sect using Tian Meng Ji's connection and that's how her business thrives, but after what happened with Lory, Hei Shen retracted all their resources for Fu Hua.

She's also not allowed to use Hei Shen Sect's name ever again, they treated Tang Mei Yi as an outsider. Everyone is forbidden to interact with her and have anything to do or have anything that involves her.

As a proud woman, it felt like a slap on her face. She tried to complain about this to Tian Meng Ji, but even he can't do anything about it and only told her to be patient before he sorts everything out. How can someone like her stay idle? She needs to find a way to mend her relationship with Zhao Li Xin as soon as possible.

Tang Mei Yi smiled, her delicate face becomes soft like a blossoming flower, "Chienzi Flower," she said coyly.

Yang Xin Ying's face becomes pale, "You want Chienzi… Flower?" her hand trembles under her sleeve.

Tang Mei Yi nodded her head innocently, contrary to Yang Xin Ying's enraged expression. Chienzi Flower is a Jiu Yun Sect treasure, the flower only blooms once every three hundred years. Once the flower blooms, it needs to be preserved in elixir water to keep the flower alive, the flower petal could prolong human lives for centuries. The ovule can be used as a medical ingredient to cure any disease or any deform in the human body and the flower pedicel could increase people's cultivation.

There's nothing more precious in Jiu Yun Sect more than the Chienzi Flower, and this woman dares to ask something like that lightly. If not because Yang Xin Ying knew her cultivation is below Tang Mei Yi, she would have slapped this pretty woman's face by now.

"I don't think that's something you can have, Miss Tang," Yang Xin Ying said, her eyes filled with anger.

Tang Mei Yi expected this, she sips her tea calmly before she continued, "Miss Yang, I'm not asking the whole flower, only a tiny part of it. Can that be more precious than Master Li's life?"

Her words pricked her heart, she never cares about treasures or whatever the Jiu Yun Sect has, she just wanted Li Mo Zhen to get better but asking something like that, even for Li Mo Zhen's life, will the elders grant her wish?

Tang Mei Yi knew her heart is wavering, she sneered inwardly, "Moon Tower Sect can't help you. The only power above them in medicine is White Dragon Palace, which belongs to Hei Shen Sect. If you miss this opportunity, you might not have another chance." her voice, calm and sweet, just like the devil teasing Yang Xin Ying's ear.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she asked, "How can you be sure that the White Dragon Palace could save my fiancée?"

"Maybe they can, maybe they can't. But one thing's for sure… Hei Shen is your last option." Tang Mei Yi smiled devilishly. Yang Xin Ying knew that this woman is playing with her emotions but she's right, she had no other option.