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The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 144 - The Man With The White Sword
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It's easy for Lory to see the hidden hatred behind Tang Mei Yi's eyes, she kept on mentioning the past because she wanted to show her she had known Zhao Li Xin long before Lory, she also showed how useful she could be to Zhao Li Xin and she used Zhao Li Xin master to put pressure on her.

This trick could be work if Zhao Li Xin had a gentle and caring nature but unfortunately, he's not.


After all, Lory understand Zhao Li Xin character very well, she knew he is someone who lives by his own rule and he never let anyone controlling him, Someone like Zhao Li Xin was not complicated, if he wanted to stay then he stayed, and if he wanted to leave no one can't stop him. 

In this case, Lory and Zhao Li Xin have a similar attitude so she understands him quite well, and for what it's worth Lory would not force a man who didn't love her wholeheartedly to stay, if one day she knew Zhao Li Xin heart changed she will not hesitate to leave him, no matter how painful it would be, after all even though you can't choose who you falling in love with, but you can choose who you live with.

However, it didn't change the fact that she was jealous when she realizes Zhao Li Xin treated Tang Mei Yi better compare to other women who try to seduce him, Zhao Li Xin was more patient when she faces Tang Mei Yi which is annoyed Lory very much.

Lory doesn't like an ambiguous relationship, and three is a bad number for a serious relationship. She already has enough in her plated she doesn't want to add another heartache in her portion because she's not a masochist.

"May care to explained?" Lory smiles sweetly at Zhao Li Xin but there's a flash of anger in her eyes, suddenly he feels an imminent threat come toward him, all of the sudden he feel very nervous and slightly....scared.

"Oh….cough!" he awkwardly clear his throat but that only make Lory smiles become scarier Zhao Li Xin forces a calm smile and say: "That is Tang Mei Yi, her master and my master is an old friend so I know her since we were a kid, but we don't have much contact so nothing happened between us" he gives Lory reassuring looks.

"Is that so…?" the same on Lory face still not diminished, but Zhao Li Xin become more restless, he feel like an ant on a hot pan.

"She said your master might not approve our relationship, be honest with me, do you have a prior engagement with Tang Mei Yi?" Lory asked casually but Zhao Li Xin can see a hidden dagger inside her words if he said wrong things she would slash him without mercy.

"NO! there's no such thing's, even if there is I will never concede!" he strongly refuted.

Lory sneers as she stares at him with a murderous glare "So, you admit there is such thing...and you never told me" she looks down in disappointment.

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As if someone had stabbed his heart and squeeze the knife, he suddenly becomes speechless even though he knew his master's fondness towards Tang Mei Yi and frequently gave him subtle hint to marry the woman but Zhao Li Xin ignored his Master's wishes.

But at the same time he never really refused her because he wanted to give his master some face no matter what he owed a lot to his master who once taught him how to cultivate, even though Zhao Li Xin was an overbearing man but that doesn't mean he didn't know how to repay his debt, however, that's doesn't mean he would let his master control what he can and can't do.

Lory didn't probe further, more or less she could predict the whole situation but she still annoyed by him so she gives Zhao Li Xin the legendary 'silent treatment' eventually, she ignores him the whole day while they walked together.

Her cold treatment make him anxious but he didn't dare to irk her further so he followed wherever Lory goes like a puppy, deep down he cursed Tang Mei Yi and all her eighteen ancestors.

In the end, they never seen the puppet show but instead return to their new residence early, their new home is a small villa but it got a massive garden because Zhao Li Xin remembers Lory likes to spend her time in the garden.

As they enter the villa Zhao Li Xin still following Lory, he tries to find the right time to coax her then all of a sudden Lory slammed the door behind her and it almost hit Zhao Li Xin Face. Stunned and confused he froze just an inch from the door.

This the first time she treated him this way so he was shocked and utterly panic. The matter becomes worse when Lory's room and his room are far from each other, not like the other manor this villa is quite small and didn't have many rooms. So there are only a few decent rooms available for them unless he wanted to put her in a much smaller room beside him.

Zhao Li Xin froze in front of her room he didn't know what to do? This is the first time he scares to knocked on her door. He let out a long sigh before he returns to his room, once he enters his room he takes a sit on the arhat chair when he hears someone knocking on his door he promptly take long strides across the room and open the door excitedly, thinking it would be Lory, sadly the one who knocked was Bei Li Yan.

Bei Li Yan surprised his Lord's joyful greeting but instantly Zhao Li Xin's mouth curved downwards his expression becomes bleak, Bei Li Yan's mouth twitch, can his Lord pretend to be happy to see him once a while, this subordinated feels hurt too?

"Milord" he bows courteously at Zhao Li Xin not dare to speak out his dissatisfaction.

Zhao Li Xin turns around and back to his arhat chair then he leans his head on his fist, his expression couldn't be worse "Updated!" he ordered.

Bei Li Yan didn't know who crazy enough aggravated his Lord, however, he chooses to feign ignorance "That man told me, his family is the one who make that red jade for a noble family in Gui Hong Continent for Qin family but too bad Qin family is disappeared around twenty to twenty-five years ago and every record about this family is gone, so we don't know what happened to the family but the rumor said that they were infuriated powerful man so all of their family was killed, by whom, we still don't know yet"

Bei Li Yan then continue "That man said everyone who has a slight connection with that family is killed so he and his family transmigrated to this continent to hide from them, he never knew who is it because his parents never divulge the identity of the man who responsible for the Qin annihilation"

Bei Li Yan sighs then he crossed his arms in front of his chest he rubs his chin while contemplating "Gui Hong is very far from our continent and we don't have our people in there yet, so I think we need to dispatch a few of my girls to infiltrated Gui Hong continent, we can make them spy the tea house and noble house to digging what happened around that time"

Zhao Li Xin remain unfazed but that how his face normally looks like so Bei Li Yan pay no heed, and he continues his report "Milord today Jiang Jin Wei and Jin Hao has departed to Heavenly jade pavilion, fret not they long history would be ended by the end of this week" he said with excited smiles, he hated heavenly Jade Pavilion for they audacity to fight against them he wanted to make heavenly Jade pavilion as an example for anybody who dares raise their hands against Hei Shen Sect.

Bei Li Yan waiting for Zhao Li Xin opinion with great expectation, Zhao Li Xin take a deep breath he closes his eyes like he has absorbed all the information with his minds, his finger tapped the arhat small table in monotone sounds, Bei Li Yan waits patiently, he curious what order his Lord would give to him.

"Li Yan…," he said with a solemn expression.

"Yes, Milord" he bows at Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin beckoned Bei Li Yan to come closer "Most of your Palace members are women aren't they?" 

"True, Milord" his body leans forwards, his Lord looks very serious so his curiosity increased.

He looks deeply at Bei Li Yan's eyes "Tell me…." 

"Yes…?" Bei Li Yan frowned, why is his Lord being so secretive?

"How to….coaxed angry women?"




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Lory awoke again inside the white mist, she can only sigh helplessly but at least the white mist isn't as thick as before, she realizes she's inside someone's dream but whom? She still didn't know.

The mist gradually become thinner, the slowly she sees endless stairs in front of her every step is illuminated by white lampion, she realizes is a night time but she sees no stars or moon only pitch black, suddenly she senses something isn't right, then from upstairs she sees red liquid flowing down, tainted the grey stones stairs, Lory shifts her feet from the blood then she looks something drawn her to climb the stairs.

Her heart beating faster while slowly she climbs the stairs one by one, with every step she takes the more bloody the stairs becomes, Lory, take a deep breath, she continues to climb up suddenly something rolling down towards her, Lory immediately shifts her body away from whatever it is, then he realizes it was a human corpse, a man with light green robes with red eagle embroidery on his chest sprawl lifeless with his eyes open on the cold stairs, his throat was slit until his neck almost fall of and the blood-soaked his chest, Lory's eyes bulged open it is a gruesome scene even for her.

She wanted to climb down but thick mist covers her way down, Lory's lips pursed tightly someone didn't want her to left yet, she can only go up…

She had no choice other than figure it out what this dream wants to tell her, then he reaches a big double wooden gate, but the half gated already destroyed with only half door remain standing but everything is cover with blood, the stones floor cover with a pool of blood, she wondered what had happened to this place.

She takes the white lampion with her then she walks past the wrecking gate, she enters a big courtyard that is illuminated by a few stone lamp, then she sees a square pond on her left and right with lotus flower floating above it, but the color of the water is tainted with deep red then she sees a dozen corpses floating on the pond like a dead leaf, they all wear the same robes like the man from below, she realizes she enter a massacre, her heart stars to race like a drum Lory unconsciously gulp.

She doesn't know why she keeps walking passing all the corpses on the ground as her body move automatically, then she passes the moon gate and reach the massive courtyard then she sees more corpses in the most gruesome ways, Lory take a long deep breath she closed her eyes to calm her frantic nerves, then he hears someone crying…..

Lory knew it's bad news when you hear crying in the middle of nowhere but still, her eyes wander as she searches the source of the sounds, at far she sees it a man wailing, he kneeled on the ground only his swords who withstand him from falling, his white robe was soaked with blood and his disheveled hair cover his side face, the man was sobbing while mumbling something she cannot hear.

But rather than the man Lory's eyes are fixed on the sword on that man hand, it is the same white swords she had seen before but the sword is cover with blood know and there's no holly bright light around the swords, Lory's eyes frowned deeply, he wondered what this man had done to the sword? Is he killed these men using that sword, what he had done?

Suddenly the man lifts his head, he aware someone is here with him, Lory reflex takes a step backward.

Thankfully the man didn't look scary but instead, he looks innocent and seems harmless, although it sounds crazy since the man faces smear with blood, he looks stunned when he sees Lory then he looks confused, he rose from the ground then slowly walk towards her.

The man looks desperate, sad, and somehow hopeful, he stops in front of Lory, they exchanged glances with each other and Lory could feel his deep sorrow, suddenly she feels pity for him.

"Why are you so sad?" Lory's heart breaks when the man looking at him with swollen red eyes.

"It's you…." The men murmured, he suddenly grabs her hand "You finally here…." He burst to cry again but this time his cry didn't sound sad or desperate but instead it's sound relief.