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The Primordial Tamer

Chapter 304 The Power Of Atlas (2)
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Orion gazed upon the Crystal Rhinoceros with a mixture of awe and pride. He had summoned this magnificent creature with his own power, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the sight of it.

The beast was massive, easily towering over even the tallest of humans. Its muscles rippled beneath its crystalline skin, giving it a sense of strength and power that was almost palpable.

Orion couldn't believe how much Atlas had changed since the last time he had summoned him. The beast was now even more incredible, with a newfound sense of majesty that was awe-inspiring.

As Orion marveled at Atlas, he heard Stella's voice appear in his mind. "He's great, isn't he?" she said, her tone filled with admiration and wonder.

Orion was surprised to hear Stella's voice, but he quickly realized that she must have had a hand in Atlas's transformation. "Stella, did you have something to do with this?" he asked, his voice laced with curiosity.

Stella's voice was filled with excitement as she replied, "Yes, I did! I used my fire to temper him, and with the Primordial Qi from your Beast Space, his strength has risen to another level. It took a lot of effort, but I think the results speak for themselves."

Orion was impressed by Stella's skill and dedication. He had always known she was a powerful mage, but seeing the results of her work firsthand was truly awe-inspiring. "Thank you, Stella," he said, feeling grateful for her help. "Atlas is truly amazing now."

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Feeling satisfied with Atlas's transformation, Orion decided to check on the creature's current status. "System, can you show me the current status of Atlas?" he asked.

[Please wait a moment, Host.] the system replied.

Orion patiently waited as the system processed his request. After a brief pause, a holographic display appeared in front of him, showing Atlas's current stats.


[Beast Race: Crystal Behemoth]

[Elements: Crystal]

[Realm: First-Stage Beast King]

[Tier: A]

[Skills and Abilities:]

[Crystal Body:] Crystal Behemoth's body is composed entirely of durable crystal, granting it immense resistance to most forms of damage. Additionally, its crystal body can regenerate over time, healing itself from damage sustained in battle. This ability also provides Crystal Behemoth with a layer of crystal armor that enhances its physical defenses and grants it enhanced strength. This makes Crystal Behemoth nearly impervious to physical and elemental attacks while also allowing it to deal devastating blows to its opponents.

[Crystal Manipulation:] Crystal Behemoth has the ability to manipulate crystals with great precision, allowing it to shape, move, and control crystals at will. This ability enables Crystal Behemoth to create constructs out of crystal, such as walls, barriers, or even weapons. It also allows Crystal Behemoth to reform and reshapes its body, allowing it to adapt to different situations and create new limbs or appendages as needed.

[Crystal Impale:] Crystal Behemoth can channel its crystal energy into a powerful burst of sharp crystal spikes that erupt from the ground beneath its enemies, impaling and severely damaging them. This ability can also be used to launch crystal shards in a focused beam toward a single target, piercing through even the strongest armor and dealing massive damage. The precision and destructive power of this skill make it particularly useful for taking down heavily armored opponents or dealing with multiple enemies at once.


Orion was in awe as he looked at Atlas, who had undergone a significant transformation. His once impressive Rhinoceros had become a Crystal Behemoth.

Atlas had grown even larger, with muscles rippling beneath his durable crystal skin, emanating an aura of immense strength and power. Orion couldn't help but feel proud as he realized the extent of Atlas's transformation.

Orion couldn't wait to test out Atlas's new abilities in battle. He knew that the Crystal Behemoth would be a formidable opponent, capable of dealing massive damage to any who dared to challenge it.

As he watched Atlas move, Orion noticed that the beast seemed more agile and nimble than before, despite its massive size. It was as if the crystal armor that covered its body had somehow made it lighter and more fluid in its movements.

As the disciples watched Atlas, their faces filled with awe and wonder. But as the Crystal Behemoth towered over them, they couldn't help but feel a sense of fear.

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"What is that beast?" one of the disciples asked, his voice filled with trepidation. "How can it be so huge?"

"I don't know," another replied, his eyes fixed on the creature before them. "I've never seen anything like it before."

Leon's heart sank as he looked at the monstrous Crystal Behemoth towering over them. He had faced Orion before and knew the extent of his power, but this creature was beyond anything he had ever seen.

With a heavy heart, Leon shouted out to his men, "Fall back, retreat! We cannot beat that monster. We need to come up with a new plan."

As his men scrambled to retreat, Leon couldn't shake the feeling of despair that gripped him. They had trained for months, preparing for this battle, but all their efforts now seemed futile in the face of such overwhelming strength.

Leon couldn't help but feel a sense of regret as he thought about their choices leading up to this moment. Maybe if they had sought peace instead of conflict, they wouldn't be facing this overwhelming enemy. But it was too late for regrets now.

Meanwhile, Mason and his group charged forward, completely ignoring Leon's warning. Mason, the leader of the group, was confident in his own abilities and that of his beast, Rocky. He believed that the behemoth was no match for his strength and power.

"Men, that monster is only about size!" Mason shouted as he charged ahead. "Rocky, summon a huge rock and smash it toward it!" he commanded.

Rocky roared and followed Mason's order, summoning a massive boulder and hurling it toward the behemoth. But to their surprise, the boulder bounced off the behemoth's crystal-like skin, barely leaving a scratch.

Mason and his group were left stunned and defenseless as the behemoth let out a deafening roar. They soon realized the gravity of their mistake as the behemoth charged toward them, ready to attack.

Mason's bravado was quickly replaced by fear as he and his group scrambled to retreat. They had underestimated the behemoth's power and now faced the consequences of their foolishness.