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The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 391 Little goblins
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Chapter 391 Little goblins

While the enormous goblin rushed at Aizel, he also dashed toward the terrifying foe.

Aizel observed the colossal monster lifting its enormous club, poised to deliver a powerful and potentially devastating swing in his direction.

Amidst its stroke, the creature burst into a swarm of tiny goblins, each armed with a pair of daggers. The sudden transformation shocked and confused Aizel.

*crackle* *crackle* *crackle*

*crackle* *crackle* *crackle*

*crackle* *crackle* *crackle*






They sprinted around, crashing down on Aizel from every angle, their thunderous crackling as they did so.

Their incredible speed, coupled with their diminutive size, provided them with a distinct advantage.

With daggers in hand, the first goblin lunged for Aizel. He dodged the attack, but another goblin appeared from behind him before he could respond.

Swiftly, Aizel shoved the first goblin away and delivered a kick to the second one.

Surprisingly, the kick went straight through the goblin, causing it to suddenly transform into an ethereal being.

Fuck, lightning, numbers, and can go ethereal, this is gonna be tough,"

Sekki, try to note till when they can stay ethereal and find the mistakes and disadvantages, I will try to dodge till then,"

[Yes Master]

Swift as lightning, the goblins attacked Aizel in rapid succession.

He concentrated on evading and blocking their attacks, but they would transform into ethereal every time he tried to counter them.

The fact that Aizel started to get cuts on his body was a sign of how challenging the lightning-charged goblins were.


[Master, it seems, whenever you try to attack them, they are turning etehral]

No shit dumbass,"

[And they can't stay in ethereal for too long, maybe around 5-10 sec. That window is where we can attack them when turn back]

Umm...so how should we do it?"

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[fufu, let's try 4th Hokage technique]

"lul, nice one,"

Sekki changed into several daggers in an instant, two of which Aizel held tightly in his hands and the others circling around him.

Swiftly, Aizel dove out of the way of a goblin's strike and tried to stab it. Nevertheless, the evasive goblin reverted to ethereal.

Sekki, in its dagger shape, soared straight up behind the goblin at the same time.

Seizing the moment the goblin solidified, Aizel materialized instantly behind it.

He firmly grasped the dagger and plunged it into the back of the goblin before he could go ethereal again.

The dagger emitted a radiant glow, and a burst of flames engulfed the goblin, extinguishing its existence.

As soon as the little goblins caught eyes on Aizel—his eyes flashing lightning and a sinister smile playing on his lips—all of their joyful antics came to a sudden stop.

Sekki swiftly transformed into a swarm of daggers, then leaped into the air and dispersed throughout the battlefield. Aizel unleashed a merciless assault, ruthlessly dispatching the goblins one by one using his newly discovered strategy, all while grinning like a demon.

With the final goblin vanquished after an hour of fighting, Aizel was back in the field with Electra.

Sweat dripped from him, contrasting with Electra, who appeared completely unscathed.

"Good job, you did well," She said.

"That was fun, you didn't go all out against me," He said.

"I am a Grade IV mage, it will be too much for you, now let's go for the mental illusions. These ones are the most dangerous.

"Wait, let me take a break and calm myself. I am sure my emotions might go haywire after this," Aizel said.

"Yes, the more control you have over your emotions and mental state, the more easy it can get for you."

"Well, I don't know about that, *phew* Seated on the ground, Aizel summoned a bottle and took a sip of water.

He needed to take a break to clear his mind and refresh himself.

"I don't feel like doing this now. Can we do it later Electra?" He asked.

"Sure, even I am feeling a little hungry. Let's come after two hours,"


Aizel re-donn his cloak and followed Electra back towards the tribe. They ventured towards a quaint restaurant constructed from bamboo and leaves, exuding a beachside ambiance.

A tap on his back caught Aizel's attention. He turned around and saw two women, both wearing cloaks similar to his own.

Recognizing them, Aizel promptly took their hands, and with Electra, they entered the restaurant. Finding a corner, they all sat down together.

"What are you guys doing here?" He whispered.

"It was Daisy. She wanted to help you. You are here for her potion, and she also wants to help with it," Shelly answered.

"That's really dangerous, you know. And how the hell did you even arrive here?"

"Through Vespara,"

"How the hell did she know I was here?"

"It's alright. Now that they are here, we should train them too," Electra interrupted.

"But before that, let's have a wveryn meal, shihi."

Electra quickly ordered the wveryn meal for everyone by signaling to the waiter. As the restaurant's gate creaked open, three dragon guys strolled in.

One of them promptly noticed Electra and made his way towards their table.

"What are you doing here Electra, why didn't you meet me," He said.

"I told you, I am busy," Electra replied, looking a little annoyed.

"Who are these guys?"

"It doesn't concern you, please leave,"

In an instant, one of them yanked Daisy's head cloak and grabbed her by the hair to see her face.

Suddenly, a deathly chill swept through the air.


Garbed in pitch-black armor, Aizel blazed with lightning and fire, giving the impression of a vengeful demon.


The fans on his armor spun wildly, generating more power.

With a roar, Aizel let out a torrent of blue flames that engulfed the huts, and the dragons in its vicinity, causing mayhem.

As the other two were ready to attack, time seemed to slow down, a result of Shelly's power.

"Stop it, Aizel," Electra shouted.

However, Aizel swiftly maneuvered, reappeared, and in an instant, decapitated them with a swift slash.

As Aizel watched Shelly raise Daisy, his emotions rose. He was so enraged that he screamed fire into the sky.

Gradually, more dragons descended from the sky, joining the unfolding scene one by one.

"No no no, tribal chief is here," Electra murmured, looking more scared.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" He shouted towards Aizel.

His shout suddenly silenced the commotion which was going around.

Quickly making her way to Aizel, Electra bowed to the chief and begged, "Chief, it's a misunderstanding. Theo attacked them without cause," she sobbed.

In no time at all, Kalesi had joined them and was standing before Aizel.

"What do you think you are doing," The chief spoke.

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"This human is in my protection. You can't touch him," Kalesi said.

"Do you think we will just forget, what did he just did?" Suddenly a guy behind the chief shouted.


"He needs to be punished," More and more started to raise their voice.

"Listen, you mother fuckers..


As Aizel attempted to speak, the chief exerted a force that forcefully slammed him to the ground.

"Kill the others and leave him,"


"No but Kalesi, and you meet me afterwards,"

"Y...OOUUUUU...." Aizel tried to speak, but the pressure was too much for him.

Aizel watched as Daisy and Shelly struggled against the dragons. Right before his eyes, the dragons tore them apart.

The intensity of his shouts caused his eyes to turn a blazing red. The already fractured mental core buzzed even more.

Despite Sekki's pleas for him to halt, everything suddenly went blank.

As Aizel opened his eyes, he discovered Electra gazing at him with concern, with Kalesi cradling him in her lap.

*Phew* he is back, I thought he was gone," Kalesi commented.

Aizel quickly stood up and found he was still on the field. He looked around and didn't find Daisy and Shelly.

"You weren't able to break out through illusion. My lady stopped you in time, or you would have been gone by now," Kalesi explained.

"How, when...."

"You are too weak," Kalesi said.

[Master, that was so real]

"You can't even break out from this, how will you manage in the Lunar Marsh? The fairies are even stronger in the illusions," Kalesi said.

Aizel really didn't have anything to reply to her.

"Did you control the scenario inside?" He asked.

"No, the illusions I can create depend on the other feelings. But the fairies are different. They will be able to pinpoint your weakness and create more deadly illusions."

The magnitude of the impending peril, trauma, and savagery sent shivers down Aizel's spine.

"We will extend the date of the mission. You are not ready. I won't send you to the death, and repay my debt like this," Kalesi said, and then started to head towards the tribe.

Damn it, this feels like shit."

[We need to figure out a way, Master]

"Don't worry, we will find a solution and will train more," Electra tried to cheer up Aizel.

Aizel only nodded in reply, and the two of them turned back toward the tribe.