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The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 348 The Team Battle Start's
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The group went back to the familiar hall after coming out of the underground room.

"I hope you both have experienced something good that might help you in the future," Fridola said, looking toward Aizel and Seraphine.

Both of them nodded in response.

"Now, we should go back to the castle, or I might get into trouble," Ashlyn said.

"Wait, why don't you drop them back and come back here? I need to spend some more time with you," Fridola said, quickly holding her hand and looking at her like a puppy.

"Umm.... Fine. Let me drop them safely back to the castle hall first."


Ashlyn made a portal with a quick move that took everyone from Fridola's house back to the castle.

Having made certain that everyone had safely returned to the castle hall, Ashlyn stepped back through the portal, her destination set once again for Fridola's mansion.

"Where did you guys go?" I was looking for you everywhere."

Suddenly everyone heard the voice and turned their attention towards it.

[This bitch is back]

"Join us; we need to do a quick meeting and decide who will fight in the team battle tomorrow for the first match," Zareena said.

Zareena turned around and started to leave, while everyone followed her except for Hazel, who went back into her room. 

They walked through the castle's hallways until they eventually reached a modest meeting room. 

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Inside, Raven, Edumont, and Soren were all sitting down and looking very serious. As the others took their places, there was an air of eagerness in the room as they waited for the princess to start the meeting.

"Everyone already knows that every kingdom will have two teams. Tomorrow the first draw will commence, which will decide who we are going to face in the first battle.

"The first battle will have one event of 1v1, one event of 2v2, and the last 5v5 team battle.

"Now let's decide who will participate in which battle tomorrow," Zareena said.

"Isn't it better to decide this tomorrow after seeing who our opponents are?" Aizel asked.

"Even if you see your opponent tomorrow? Can you guess or know anything about them at a mere glance?" Zareena asked.


"The mages who will be taking part for another time will not be the same as how they used to be. And mostly, there will be many new mages in the battle." She explained.

"Okay, I get it, but Daisy will not participate in any 1v1 or 2v2 no matter what," Aizel said.

"I already know that, and she is too weak to participate in 1v1 and 2v2, don't worry about that," Zareena replied.

Aizel nodded and sighed in relief.

"So who would like to participate in 1v1 first?" Zareena asked.

"I would like to do the honors, princess," Edumont said, raising his hand.

"Any other?" Zareena asked, looking towards Soren, who seemed uninterested.

"Okay, then Edumont will fight first in 1v1, but do remember it is a death battle."

"Yes princess," Edumont replied and nodded.

"Now for the 2v2, I think me and Seraphine should participate. What do you say Seraphine?" She asked.

"I have no problem," Seraphine said with plain expression.

"Now lastly, for the team battle... Me, Soren, Raven, Seraphine, and Daisy will participate." Zareena declared.

"Oi oi oi, where am I?" Aizel asked.

"You have already shown everything to everyone. There will be many mages who might have already taken measures against you, which can become a problem for us in the team battle.

"However, most of them don't know that you have already advanced to Grade III. 

"And I can bet you have more tricks and cards hidden," Zareena said with a sly smile.

"You should remain hidden for a while now."

"Hmmm... well, you are right. I guess I can stay out for the first battle and enjoy you guys fighting from the balcony. But I will fight in the next one." Aizel replied.

"Of course," Zareena replied.

"Is it alright for me to participate in the first battle?" Daisy asked.

"Yes, Daisy, your mana sensing will help a lot in the team battle. We have Raven, who can disturb their sensing capabilities for a while; we have some potions that Hazel brewed for us.

"Together with you, we can plan out many strategies to take out our enemies one by one or all together," Zareena explained.

"Alright then, I will do my best," Daisy said.

"So that was all of that, now all of you leave and have some rest," Zareena ended the meeting. 

Aizel was the first one to stand, took Daisy with him, and left the meeting room.

"This guy... really doesn't care about anything," Raven said, shaking her head.

"But I like how he cares for Daisy," She further added.

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"Ahem... Raven, would you like to go out with me to have some food," Edumont quickly asked after hearing that.

"Sure, you know I was waiting for that; let's go." They both left the room together.

Soren also left the room. 

"Seraphine, where did you guys go?" Zareena asked.

"To meet Ashlyn's friend,"

"For what?"

"She has a magic room that can present our true potential. You can either fight with that or ask for some knowledge. It depends on their personality." She explained.

"So what did you experience?" Zareena asked with a little interest.

"Can't tell; now I will take my leave; I am tired."

"Oh.. okay, have a good rest."

Seraphine left the room, leaving Zareena alone.

"Now what should I do now...."


The Next day...

The hall was abuzz with activity as everyone gathered behind the King. 

A shimmering portal stood before them, each person stepping through it and emerging onto their respective kingdom balcony in the Colosseum. 

The arena below was already teeming with eager spectators, their anticipation tangible in the air, all prepared to witness yet another clash of mighty mages.

"They really love to see others fight to death," Aizel murmured.

[It will be a boring day, we ain't getting any chance to fight, Master]

"Yeah, it will be boring,"