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The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 345 First Time [R18+]
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[Warning R18+]

As soon as the Sword Emperor said the word "counter," there was a change on the battlefield.

The fiery dragon punch that Dimitry had unleashed suddenly disappeared from its trajectory, materializing right before him. 

Dimitry was stunned for a moment, and his eyes grew wide with fear.

The fiery molten punch attack struck him, obliterating his upper body and leaving behind only his legs, which plummeted earthward.

The whole Colosseum was filled with a deep silence that surrounded both the Kingdom mages and the people watching. 

Astonished gasps and looks of disbelief could be heard even from the balcony of Felgura Kingdom.

"When did he have a unique power?" Yotum asked.

"And it was not even his; he used Tatiana's power," Raigun Redmont said.

"Did he steal it or can he copy it?" Elric Crestfall asked, pondering while rubbing his chin.

[Master, this guy is too dangerous. He might steal or copy our imagination in the future]

You are right; we don't know what he actually did. I have to ask Vespara about this more." Aizel thought.

In a breathless stillness, the Sword Emperor hung suspended in the air, his chest rising and falling with measured intensity. 

Abruptly, the very fabric of reality seemed to splinter, whisking him away from the dimension and back to the stage where Shoka awaited.








The Sword Emperor walked back to the grand balcony of his kingdom, turning his head away from the cheers and praise that surrounded him.

A faint furrow creased his brow, a lingering headache tugging at his thoughts.

"Well everyone, that's it from today's battle. We will have a one-day break, and after that, the team kingdom battle will finally start. 

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"Have a good night, then," Shoka said.

"Good work, Kishin," Aquarian said when he saw the sword emperor arrive on the balcony.

"You are really good at hiding things," Yotum commented.

"What do you expect? No one wants to reveal their trump cards." Madam Evergreen said.

"Everyone, for now, let's head back. This is not a place for discussions." Elric Crestfall said.

Ashlyn made a gleaming portal appear in front of everyone with a graceful sweep of her hand.

They walked out of the Colosseum one by one as they crossed its barrier. Their footsteps showed the way back to their castle.

"Aizel wait,"

With a subtle nod in response, Aizel exchanged a meaningful glance with Daisy before turning her steps toward her room. 

Meanwhile, Aquarian and Aizel found their way beyond the castle's confines, strolling towards the serene expanse of the garden.

"So how did you feel after witnessing today's battle?" Aquarian asked as they walked on the grass, without wearing any boots.

"It was incredible; I learned a lot," Aizel replied.

"Umm.. for now only I know what you can do after witnessing the battle. What do you think? Can you apply everything in your battle?" Aquarian asked.

"It is going to be difficult, but I think I can do it." 

"Are you not going to ask anything?" Aquarian asked, looking toward Aizel.

"Naaa, I don't want to ask anything or hear anything from you. I have no interest," He replied with a plain expression on his face.

"Ohh I see," Aquarian replied.

[Master, ask him about the sword emperor's power]

"By the way, did you know about the sword emperor's power?" Aizel asked.

"Yes, only me and Vespara knew about it until now," Aquarian replied.

"So can he copy anyone's power once he has seen or experienced it?" Aizel asked.

"Noo.. he can steal powers from others," Aquarian replied, while AIzel's eyes went a little wide upon hearing that.

"But for that... he needs to kill that person personally, and there are some limitations too, but he didn't explain those," Aquarina explained.

So he can steal anyone's power after killing them; maybe he can steal mine too.

There are limitations too; well, it was obvious; even my imagination has limitations," Aizel thought.

"I am going back now, need to sleep." Aizel bid him goodbye and went back to his room.

As Aizel walked through the castle's halls, his thoughts were a collage of what had happened recently. His path took him back to the room he shared with Daisy.



"You are back," Daisy said.

Aizel stepped into their chamber, and he gently lifted Daisy into his arms, cradling her like a precious treasure as he made his way to the bed, their sanctuary within the castle walls.

"So what did he want to talk about with you?" She asked.

"Nothing, just more about training stuff," Aizelr replied.

"I am happy that the sword emperor won his battle or you..

"Don't talk about that, Daisy. Nothing can take me away from you and the kids," Aizel whispered softly to her as he wrapped his arms around her on the bed.

They fell asleep peacefully, wrapped up in each other's warmth. When morning came, light from the sun came into their room and gave it a soft glow. 

Aizel's eyelids fluttered open, greeted by the serene sight of Daisy's tranquil sleep beside him.

A tender smile tugged at his lips as he savored the moment. Careful not to disturb her, he gingerly rose from the bed and made his way to the bathroom.

He did his morning routine by making a toothbrush and toothpaste appear out of thin air. Even though this world was full of magic, he found comfort in the familiarity of toothpaste and a toothbrush.

Then he indulged in a relaxing bubble bath, the warm water soothing his muscles. Just as he was enjoying the peace of the moment, the door opened with a soft creak, and Daisy walked in.

"Umm.. Daisy, I am taking a bath. Can you come after 5 minutes?" Aizel asked.

Daisy took off her clothes without saying a word, her movements were graceful as she revealed her figure.

She calmly slipped into the bathtub and rested herself against Aizel's chest.

"Aren't you starting to get more bold in recent days?" Aizel asked.

"Do you want me to stop?" She asked.

"Umm... Noo...I mean, I am okay with that, I guess," Aizel replied, with a little blush.

Daisy's fingers wrapped around Aizel's and led his hands to her bosom. She looked into his eyes with a playful smile and said softly, "They may not be as big as Vespara's, but they have their own beauty, a perfect roundness."

"Y...You don't have to compare it like that," Aizel said, slowly enjoying the sensation.

"Do you like it?"

"Y-yes, of course,"

"Do you want to suck them?"

Aizel gulped and then took a big, deep breath.

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He quickly turned Daisy around and went straight to sucking her nipples.


His other hand slowly went towards her legs and slowly started to move towards heaven.

Then his fingers started to work magic, which made Daisy moan more.

"Ahhhhh...mmmm... go all the way, Aizel."

Aizel kept looking at Daisy for a split second before leaning in and giving her an intense kiss.

Their tongues intertwined, igniting a fervent connection that spoke of their deep affection.

With a tender touch, he adjusted their positions in the tub, and his eyes locked onto Daisy with an unspoken understanding.

He took a deep breath and grabbed his dick, keeping his eyes on hers. 

Slowly, he eased himself into her, and a soft, pleasured sigh escaped Daisy's lips, filling the air between them with an intimate connection.

"I will take it slowly, feel free to let me know when to stop," Aizel said.

Daisy nodded.



*uhh* *uhh* *uhh* mmmmmm...

Aizel started a slow, steady movement with his hips while holding Daisy in his arms.

Their bodies merged within the warmth of the bath, creating ripples on the water's surface that echoed the shared intensity of their connection.

As they moved together, their whispered moans and the sound of water splashing made a beautiful song that filled the bathroom.


In the Castle Grand Hall...

Around the grand table, the King, along with the heads of each noble family and esteemed mages of higher ranks, had taken their seats for the meeting.

"Now that the sword emperor has revealed his power in front of everyone, we should take some measures in advance," Elric Crestfall said.

"Of course, others might be in the meeting planning how to deal with this situation. Stealing other's powers is a risk no one wants to keep around for too long." Xavior Valtor said

"Ahahaaa... I am sure Theodora Kingdom will be the first one to make the move if that happens. They already have eyes for our little War God too," Yongiri said.

"Troubles are always there to find their way for us," Madam Evergreen said and sighed.

"I have planned something for that, but I think most of you won't like my idea," Suddenly, the king said.

All eyes turned to the King, and the confusion on everyone's faces was clear to see. 

  Even though they always did what their leader told them to do, their faces showed a mix of uncertainty and curiosity as they wondered what the King might going to suggest that can make them dislike the idea.