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The Max Level Hero Has Returned!-Novel

Chapter 624
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“Sister, why are you behaving like that?” Ja-Seong asked, already sensing the strange atmosphere.

Yun Hee-Ryeong looked up at him without uttering a word, despite his question. Instead, a serene emotion, indefinable in its nature, was visibly unmistakable in Yun Hee-Ryeong's reddened eyes.

“Brother? Sister?” Cheon Ji-Hee, who was struggling to carry a basket full of items, called out as she noticed the odd atmosphere between the two. She then slowly approached them.

“Hee-Ah! No!!” At that moment, perhaps instinctively sensing something was amiss, Ja-Seong screamed and surged his qi throughout his body.

He was immediately repelled by an invisible barrier, sending him rolling on the ground powerlessly. He had already reached the Peak and Absolute Realm with a deep understanding of the Heavenly Destroyer Divine Art. But right now, he was only feeling excruciating pain, unspeakable anxiety as if his consciousness was about to fly away, and utter helplessness.

“Sis… Sister… Why…” Trembling violently, Cheon Ji-Hee asked Yun Hee-Ryeong, who was approaching in silence.

She continued to advance with an expressionless face, not saying a word in response to the simple question that was filled with confusion and fear. Eventually, a sword with a definitive black hue began to form in her hand as she silently looked at Ji-Hee with reddened eyes and fluttering blue hair. She then pointed the tip of the sword at Ji-Hee.

“No... Stop!! Sister! Stop! No!!”

Yun Hee-Ryeong looked down at Ji-Hee, who was looking up at her with eyes that seemed to shake with terror. And then…


The chilling sound of flesh being cut echoed, and blood spattered.

* * *

The Spirit Realm was among the white, drifting clouds. In this realm, starting with the SuprLord, there existed various deities including the highest-tier deities and their subordinates, the high-tier deities. The atmosphere, which was blessed by the power and the authority of the SuprLord, looked so pristine and pure.

And there, seated leisurely at a pavilion, was the SuprLord, who wore a complex expression on his face as he was feeding the cranes.

“The wind is nice and cool.”

It was the symbol of peace, and it seemed as though there would never be any conflicts to occur in the place because of its utter tranquility and serenity. Perhaps the reason why information about the Spirit Realm had spread to the Lower Realm was due to such an atmosphere. However, the SuprLord knew that in the past, the realm was not as peaceful and pure as it seemed on the surface.

The serene winds of the realm began to subtly change, and the cranes, which were pecking at their feed, took flight. The SuprLord slowly removed the crown from his head and stood up from his seat.

“Disaster has approached. The dream has ctrue,” he murmured softly to himself before dissipating as if blending with the wind.

And when he reappeared, he was above a giant waterfall.


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Red mist swirled around. The SuprLord frowned at the sight of it rising from the huge lake below the waterfall, which now looked like blood.

“So it is you. You hurt the deities who descended to the Lower Realm.”

Among those who had lost contact were his daughter, Princess Minhua, and her husband-to-be. When they lost contact, he already sensed that the monster, which was emitting the red mist before him, was the culprit.

“Why do you defile this land?” the SuprLord coldly asked as a sword engraved with symbols materialized in his hand.

At the stime, the Royal Seal of the Immortal King in his other hand started to emit a strange power. It was a power that was seemingly much stronger than a regular master’s power. And according to the legend, the Royal Seal of the Immortal King, which was the divine object of the authority granted to the SuprLord, held the will of the one who created the realm.


The SuprLord gazed at the form of the beast that was obscured by the red mist. He then transferred the power of the royal seal in his sword.

As he pointed the weapon in his grip toward the heavens, a massive ray of purification light pierced through the red mist from above, pressing down on the demon called Reaper.

A massive vortex formed, and because of the light pillar that the SuprLord created, the body of water formed by the waterfall splashed and split in all directions.

Reaper, having no chance to even scream, was crushed to the floor emitting pitiful and pained sounds.


“Now, speak. Why do you appear here and defile our land?”

The SuprLord pointed the sword toward the sky once again, intensifying its power. This caused the demon’s body to slowly burn.

Such a display made the overwhelming power of the SuprLord, who was wielding the power of the Royal Seal of the Immortal King, evident to anyone who was watching.. But it was a misconception.

Suddenly, a thin, red tentacle leaped from the water and pierced the heart of the SuprLord.


As he staggered from the fatal blow, a chilling smile spread across the face of Reaper, whose visage was filled with exoskeletons and horns.

-Even in this land where you are confident…

For the first time, a dreadful voice cout from the monster’s mouth.

-The offspring of the gods will feel fear.

After saying so, it then yanked the SuprLord toward it, causing him to fall.

The engraved sword and the Royal Seal of the Immortal King fell out of the SuprLord’s grip powerlessly, and Reaper was very quick to extend his tongue to catch and swallow the Royal Seal. It was the authentic seal given by Davey, and yet it was just consumed by the demon in a heartbeat. Not long after, its body turned an even deeper red and began to release a flame-like light from its exoskeleton. It then burst into a horrendous laugh.

As the beast had already consumed the symbol of the SuprLord, it thrust its arm quite deeply into the ground and began to inject its own energy, which poured out of the exoskeletons in its arms. The vicinity then began to get destroyed and corroded.

“SuprLord!!!” The top guardians of the realm appeared from all directions in an instant upon noticing the absence of the SuprLord. Quickly, they pulled him out of the water where he had fallen.

“What in the world is that?!” Everybody couldn’t help but exclaim as they stared with eyes widened in horror at the demon that was beginning to merge with the ground.

“Retreat! It is not an enemy you all can deal with!”

Sof the guardians still charged at the creature despite the SuprLord’s urgent cry.

But what they got in return for their valiant attempt was just their blood getting spilled. The whip-like tentacles swung by the monster mercilessly shredded the bodies of the guardians, who had charged in fearlessly. Blood splattered on the cheeks of the SuprLord, whose expression was now filled with fear. The guardians were among the mightiest in the realm. But if the SuprLord himself had been defeated, what could the guardians do?

“Run away… Hurry!!”

The SuprLord understood the root cause of this disaster. It was because he had helped the Lower Realm, lending out a hand to destroy the unidentified monstrous creatures that had emerged there, that this catastrophe had fallen in the Spirit Realm.

Soon after a passage had opened between the Lower Realm and the Spirit realm, this nightmarish creature had taken advantage of that gap to enter. But it was too late for regrets. The important thing now was to survive and reorganize their troops.

“Sup… SuprLord!!”

But was it even possible to escape the grasp of the monster that had begun to consthe area? Especially when the SuprLord was defeated and the guardians were slain. The only remaining force would be the sleeping powerful being of the Spirit Realm—the Eight Deities. However, the Eight Deities had possessed the fake Royal Seal of the Immortal King for a long tand were so deep in slumber they had not awoken yet. So if the current force were annihilated here, it would be the end of the Spirit Realm.

Just then, the SuprLord's eyes grew wide when he noticed the tiny bead in his possession began to glow. He recognized the item as one of the two things given to him by the small girl with wings on her back and a halo over her head.

The light from the bead grew increasingly intense with every second that ticked by. Conversely, the demon that had been demolishing the surroundings by embedding its arm into the ground started to yell a very ghastly scream.


The terrifying voice, chilling to the bone, froze everyone, including the SuprLord and the guardians who were cautiously watching the screaming creature.

-This place is filled with the vile power of Freyja.

The monster, who hadn’t uttered a word since it had yanked the SuprLord, suddenly spoke.


-The offspring of the gods will suffer from fear.

Slowly continuing to speak, a glint appeared in the eyes of Reaper.

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-I've waited a long time. My hatred has continued for ten thousand years.

A note of ecstasy colored its voice.

-Despair, ye wretched creatures. Tremble in fear, ye insignificant insects.

“Argh?! My… My ears!” The remaining guardians collapsed as their ears bled from the monster’s voice.

-The world shall burn, and Freyja's army shall fall into ruins. Worship my resurrection.

Even the SuprLord started to stagger because of the harmful effect of the voice. But what made it worse for him was that his power was rapidly draining away since the demon had consumed the Royal Seal of the Immortal King.

-Be afraid, for I am the one, the calamity.

Slowly pulling out its arm, the beast rose just as a power incomparably greater than anything began to pour from it.

At the stime, a girl with blue hair and red eyes, whose presence had been unnoticed up until now, appeared at the demon’s side.

-Your awakening and the completion of all plans exactly as Oedon had schemed. All that remains is forto devour all the power in this land and to open wide the way to that detestable land of Freyja.

Looking down at the girl with blue hair and red eyes, the demon spoke,

-I’ll leave the meddlers to you. That human as well.

At the demon’s instructions, the girl, Isildi, took a step forward.

The energy sword made by Isildi severed the neck of the demon.


* * *

“Brother!! Brother!!”

Ja-Seong, who had collapsed and lost consciousness on the ground, looked up at the girl who was clutching him with tears streaming endlessly down her cheeks.

“Hee… Hee-Ah…”

“Sister has… Sister has!”

Her shout caused Ja-Seong’s eyes to widen. The ground around him was drenched with what seemed to be blood.

How could he not know the owner of this blood? There were no wounds on Ji-Hee or on him. But there was one person who was different. But why was it so?

Ja-Seong then remembered the color of the blood she had shed. It was pitch black. And yet what he was seeing at that moment was no longer that hue. Her blood had turned red.

It was as if something had changed.

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