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The Main Heroines are Trying to Kill Me

Chapter 275: Declaration of Being a Professor
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༺ Declaration of Being a Professor ༻

“I-it’s Frey!”

“A-arrest him!”

When Frey revealed himself, the hall erupted with shouts of rage.

“Huh, you weren’t dead?”

“I expected him to be alive… but why has he come here…”

Amidst the burst of rage, the once-frozen atmosphere in the outdoor hall had mostly shifted toward condemning and mocking Frey.

“What exactly… are you trying to do now, Frey?”

Amid such chaos, Ruby gazed quietly at Frey and asked.

“It may be just an orientation, but it’s a significant event to conclude the year nonetheless. You knew that, right?”

“Yes, I am aware.”

“So, explain yourself? Why have you barged into this sacred and significant event?”

With a resolute expression, Ruby held the sound amplification magical device to her mouth and asked that question. A moment of silence spread around.

“Don’t move, Frey! You are under arrest for treason…”

Meanwhile, the soldiers and the knights rushed toward Frey with fierce gazes, weapons aimed at him.

– Zing…!


“Damn, what the hell is it? Why is it so strong…?”

Suddenly, they were pushed back by the barrier unfolding around Frey, helplessly falling due to the strong defense. They stared blankly as their weapons flew away.

“Hero! Please stay behind!”

“It’s dangerous! Someone may be targeting y—”

After the short-lived absurdity ended, the soldiers climbed onto the platform and started surrounding Ruby.

“Please protect the students first! I’ll be fine!”

However, Ruby urgently called out to the soldiers.

“Prioritize the safety of the students!”

After sending away the soldiers to the freshmen sitting on both sides of Frey, Ruby glared at him coldly.


Thus began a silent exchange between the two amid the panic.

“Over here, Sir!”

“I wonder… what will happen in the next event.”

“Even though it’s an Imperial command, your life is more important. I’ll find a way to escape next time.”

While envoys from different countries were nonplussed, nobles accustomed to such incidents after experiencing the slave market raid and the appointment ceremony incident moved to their prearranged escape routes while exchanging jokes.

“They completely treat me like a sinner.”

However, Frey—the mastermind behind this commotion—was the most relaxed person.

“It should be here by now…”

Frey, absentmindedly glancing at his wristwatch as if waiting for someone. Despite being surrounded by knights filled with murderous intent, he showed no sign of panic.

– Clop, clop, clop…

“Here it is.”

While everyone was puzzled by Frey’s attitude, the imperial messenger bearing the imperial seal swiftly arrived at the outdoor hall.

“This is the decree His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Raikon, issued!”

Those dumbfounded by this sight gradually knelt when the messenger, taking out a scroll, proclaimed loudly, sneaking glances at Frey.

“Is it trickery, perhaps?”

“No, that’s real. The magic on the scroll cannot be replicated.”

“What kind of magic is this…”

The knights knelt a little while keeping their weapons aimed at Frey. The envoys, still clueless, glanced around cautiously.

Nobles, with their high pride and disdain for the recently destabilized Imperial Family, made displeased faces and sighed as they knelt.

Similarly, Ruby and the other students also knelt.

“Frey, shouldn’t you kneel as well?”

“The Duke of Starlight has no reason to kneel before the Imperial Family.”

“I know that, but… haven’t you lost your noble status?”

Frey’s expression soured at these words. The previously silent outdoor hall resonated with murmurs.

“Moreover, you are currently charged with treason against the state and collusion with the Demon King’s Army. Also, I learned that you would be stripped of all your rights in the Empire.”

Ruby’s words were a fact.

The current acting head of the Starlight family, Aria, had already renounced Frey’s disownment. Frey’s apparent death had only temporarily delayed the execution.

Even if that was not the case, the two severe treason charges against him only worsened matters.

Even if someone were to grab Frey by the hair, strangle him, and spit on his face right now, they would likely receive minimal punishment.

– Sssk…

Whether or not Frey was aware of this situation, he closed his eyes and knelt quietly.

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“Is your action right now an acknowledgment of my words?”

Ruby, observing him closely, asked with a glint in her eyes.



As Frey responded in a low, formal tone, the silent outdoor hall, where one could hear the breath of the person next to them, echoed with Ruby’s chuckle.

“But that’s only half true.”

“…Pardon? What does that mean?”

Frey said with a smile. Ruby, who was already smiling, tilted her head and asked.

“I admit that I’ve become a commoner after being disowned by my younger sister. However, I cannot accept the treason charges.”


Ruby seemed interested, but everyone else was perplexed.

Over the past few months, his ‘high treason’ had been widely publicized in the newspapers. After all, they were heinous acts.

Even if the crimes revealed in the last investigation were considered, Frey would be doomed without being charged with ‘high treason.’

Despite the presence of overwhelming evidence, Frey had just outright denied the two crimes that carried the heaviest penalties.

“What’s your basis for that?”

As the people’s confusion peaked, Ruby quietly posed a question to Frey.

“Do you have any evidence that can overturn all the numerous pieces of evidence, examinations, and testimonies gathered so far?”

“Of course.”

Frey’s response plunged the situation into uncontrollable chaos.

“By the way, even if you are the Hero… isn’t interfering with the Emperor’s decree excessive?”

As Frey calmly pointed out the messenger, who had been clearing his throat softly, Ruby nodded in agreement and fell silent.

“Ehm, hmm, then… I shall announce the decree.”

As everyone watched in suspense, the messenger infused mana into the scroll, causing radiant letters to appear in the air gradually.

[Summary Judgment on Two High Treason Charges Against Frey]

– Treason against the State (Suspended)

– Collusion with the Demon King’s Army (Suspended)

[Reason: Insufficient evidence and the existence of other matters that are difficult to determine through a summary judgment.]

At the sight of the first paragraph, everyone’s eyes widened except for Frey’s.

[The above summary judgment was decided unanimously by the Sunrise Empire Advisory Council gathered for Frey’s judgment.]

[As such, the application of the two high treason against Frey is hereby suspended until next summer’s verification trial.]

– Raikon Solar Sunrise

The Emperor’s signature was at the end of the text on the scroll, a powerful ancient spell that no one could counterfeit. Nevertheless, some people still suspected the authenticity of the decree.

Most people were shocked at the undeniable fact that this decree was real.

“How could…?”

“T-the Emperor is one thing, but the advisory council… How could they…?”

The format of the summary judgment played out in the case of someone presumed to be deceased, like Frey, was straightforward.

Sometimes, there were cases where the crime was so clear that there wasn’t a need to scrutinize judgments or trivial details.

In such cases, a carefully selected advisory council of influential figures in the Empire would convene, collect their opinions, and, following tradition, the Emperor would issue a decree for swift resolution.

The high-ranking nobles often exploited this system to avoid judgments, but this time was different.

The council consisted of Vener, the representative of the anti-Frey faction, the Third Imperial Princess Clana, who had recently been associated with peculiar rumors about Frey but widely trusted by the public, and even the Church’s Saintess, Ferloche.

Representatives from all corners of the Empire, including the Imperial Family, the Church, and the Council, comprised this advisory council—people who unanimously despised Frey.

Moreover, with Empress Ramie missing in action and the Emperor’s waning influence, it seemed improbable that he would intervene, further ensuring Frey’s downfall.

Yet, Frey’s two high treason charges had been unanimously suspended.

While he wasn’t declared innocent, and a trial was mentioned for the next summer, the judgment of ‘postponement by unanimous decision’ was sure to carry significant weight.


As people remained in a daze until the messenger finished announcing the decree and stepped back, Ruby, carefully observing them, spoke to Frey.

“Even if this decree is applicable, I doubt you can continue to walk around here with your head held high.”

“Why not?”

When Frey asked back, she tapped her fingers on the podium and said.

“Currently, there are a total of 327 charges against you. With the two just suspended, you now have 325.”


“As a commoner stripped of noble privileges, carrying so many crimes… It doesn’t sit quite right, does it?”

Frey smirked.

“With all those charges, shouldn’t you be arrested on the spot right here? Just suspending high treason shouldn’t be the end, right?”

“No, of course not.”

“As someone well aware of that, why in the world have you shown yourself here?”

The knights, who had been watching Frey like hawks, began to show interest again when Ruby posed the question with a sharp gaze.

“Why? Why are you here?”

“About that… I will explain that now.”

In response, Frey slowly stepped forward.

“D-don’t move!”

“…It’s okay. I’ll handle it if there is an emergency.”

As Frey moved toward Ruby, the soldiers tried to restrain him, but she intervened. She calmly observed him as he walked closer.


Ruby’s expression, which was only visible from Frey’s perspective, was like an invitation to try her once more.

“Mm mm, greetings.”

Responding stoically to Ruby, Frey stood on the platform and brought the sound amplification magic device to his lips to explain.

“We don’t have much time, so I’ll get straight to the point.”

At some point, Frey’s characteristic cunning expression had taken over his face.






“A group that recently went to the Western Continent uncovered an ancient prophecy.”

When I took out the old prophecy I always carried and unfolded it, all eyes were focused on my hands.

“This prophecy contains the magical script that many studied diligently for the past thousand years.”

As I said that, some scholars, standing in the back, nodded with serious expressions.

Indeed, the ancient language known as ‘Hangeul’ was so complex that even most mages could not decipher it due to the multiple, intricate Anti-Recognition Magic layers. To scholars, it might have been as daunting as the Demon King.

Deciphering the intricate Anti-Recognition Magic in this script and interpreting it with only a limited sample size made Serena’s achievement exceptional.

“On the day that marks the thousandth year since the disappearance of the Demon King, her successor will emerge and engulf the world. To stop this successor, a Hero with a power like mine will be needed.”

When I mentioned the contents of the prophecy, already well-known in the empire, people made lukewarm expressions.

“And that Hero will appear precisely at the moment of the Demon King’s death…”

When I continued to the next sentence, some scholars’ eyes widened.

Well, such a reaction was natural.

The Hero statue in the heart of the empire’s academy had a prophecy written in the imperial language on its pedestal. Beneath were small characters written in Hangeul, enchanted with Anti-Recognition Magic.

The scholars who had been secretly acquiring relics from the Western continent for centuries, despite the Church and the Imperial Family’s monopoly, likely had some knowledge of its contents, even if incomplete.

“…and will be born a thousand years later.”

Of course, I kept one thing from them: the ancestors of the Starlight family had reserved the term ‘direct descendants’ just in case.

“And there will be a ‘guide’ to lead that Hero…”

And from here on, it was entirely a work of fiction.

“That guide will be none other than my descendant born a thousand years later.”

The moment I uttered the sentence that could instantly reverse my current dire situation, the surroundings fell silent.

“After seeing this recently dug-out prophecy, for some reason, the characters seem to be more readable.”

“Th-this can’t be true!! It’s impossible!!”

“Do not insult the great Hero!! This is a disgrace to this family!!”

When I shrugged my shoulders and spoke like that, the scholars in the back began to scream in protest.

“Where did you see this content? Did you steal our research?”


One of the scholars shouted with a flushed face.


Silence fell in the outdoor hall.

Yes, that scholar’s words had subtly added credibility to my words among the people.

I had planned this, buying that person in advance and having him shout at the right moment, so the effect was naturally excellent.

“The fact that I can already read this prophecy has been verified. My interpretation matches 100% with the ancient manuscript interpretations held by the Imperial Family and the Church.”

He drove the wedge in with a contemptuous expression, and the scholars wearing blank expressions suddenly started shouting again.

“T-the prophecy is fake! That prophecy is a fake!”

“T-that’s right! The timing is too convenient, isn’t it? This is a scam!”

Since the Imperial Family and the high-ranking officials of the Church did not raise their heads at my words, this time, they had decided to attack my prophecy.

“The prophecy has already been verified.”

“W-what kind of trick…”

‘’The Magic Tower Master personally supervised it, and mages from the Magic Tower conducted inspections. They checked the parchment’s age, examined the handwriting, and performed other magical inspections.’’

Unfortunately for them, I had come prepared.

For this very day, I had thoroughly hidden my identity and traveled between various places. So, there was no way that I couldn’t refute something like that.

“If I may quote the esteemed Magic Tower Master directly, the parchment was precisely written a thousand years ago, with the same handwriting as the first Hero. Above all, judging from the lingering traces of mana and soul, it undeniably came from the Hero.”

When I said that, there was a moment of silence.

“Well, therefore… to conclude…”

In that silence, I shook the prophecy and spoke quietly.

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“If it’s not me, then no one else can interpret the content of this prophecy.”


“And if no one can interpret it, doom will befall this world.”

The onlookers’ eyes widened.

“Everything about how the Hero will defeat the Demon King, the events to come, and the relics to be gathered… it’s all written there.”

“That can be fabricated easily…”

“Ms. Ruby, in this world, there are lie-detection devices and magic. Also, note that there’s dark magic capable of extracting information forcibly from one’s mind and even making them commit suicide.”

I immediately countered Ruby’s attempt to interject and spoke with a chilling smile.

“In the testimony inspection conducted by the Church and the Imperial Family, the facts about the ‘special method for the Hero to defeat the Demon King,’ ‘upcoming events,’ and ‘necessary items to secure’ have been proven true.”


“And the Magic Tower Master has also verified it. By any chance, is there someone in this empire who can match the Magic Tower Master in magical prowess?”

Ruby and Irina, standing in the distance, flinched but didn’t raise their hands.

“Well, that’s how it is.”

With a satisfied smile, I firmly clapped my hands once, then whispered into the sound amplification magical device.

“If I don’t help, this world will be doomed.”

Finally, the public understood the truth, and their faces went pale.

“…Is the actual reason behind the ‘existence of matters difficult to determine through a summary judgment’ precisely that?”

“You can think of it that way.”

“In other words, the advisory council had no choice but to make that decision through gritted teeth?”

“Feel free to think whatever you want.”

I responded to Ruby’s annoyed tone with a calm voice and quietly observed people around.

“Well, considering what I’ve been through, I’d love to escape to the countryside until the world is on the brink of destruction… but, truth be told, I’m quite a kind person, you know?”

Wearing a cold smile, I looked down at them.

“Instead of postponing the execution of the remaining 325 crimes, excluding the crime of high treason… I accepted one proposal.”

Then, I looked at the new students, who had blank expressions, and whispered in a low voice.

“So, I’d like to request your help, freshmen.”

Upon hearing that, their faces showed puzzled expressions.

“I am a second-year student at the academy. I am the ‘special lecturer,’ Professor Frey, who will teach you for one year.”

Their expressions quickly soured.

“Here is the associate professor, Ms. Vener, who will assist me.”


Vener, a member of the Hero party who used to glare at me with disdain, bowed to greet me. Her face looked haggard, and the public’s expressions sank even further.

“Hero and everyone, you will learn how to defeat the Demon King from me in the upcoming year. You know you can be chosen as a member of the Hero Party through the special laws, right?”

With a peculiar smile, I looked at the students who would be the subordinates of the Hero Party in ‘Dark Tale Fantasy 2.’

“So, may I ask for your cooperation for one year, future members of the Hero Party?”

Of course, the students’ gazes were incredibly cold.

No, I would have counted myself lucky had they been only cold.

Thanks to the peculiar circumstances of wartime, most students here had been selected without corruption, based solely on their abilities by the Empire. Right now, they were glaring at me with an intense, murderous look.


And that also applied to the second-year students and nobles standing in the back.

“That’s all.”

Then, I turned around with a light-hearted smile and whispered.

“…This is where it begins.”

Ruby, who had been watching me, responded with a snicker.

“Then, we’re counting on you, Professor?”

My “Declaration of Being a Professor,” which had caused a worldwide panic, concluded just like that.







Meanwhile, as Frey and Ruby stared coldly at each other…

“This is strange… I can’t believe that prophecy is real… Ugh, it’s the end of the world.”


Glare, in her academy uniform, glanced quietly at Frey standing behind her. She stood beside the Magic Tower Master, who watched the scene while clucking her tongue.

“If the Pretender is the Demon King… then the Hero is…”

Her eyes, more serious than ever, sparkled.

“…Could it be?”

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