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The Last Primal

Chapter 273 - 273 - Masters And Servants
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Waves appeared on the surface of the portal replacing the previously calm that dominated it. A moment later, a robust, monstrous body stepped out from it. He had dark brown skin, similar to the orc leaders situated in the room, but apart from that, there were clear obvious differences. 

For one, his domineering height. Even without standing next to this giant, these leaders, who were considered the strongest amongst their tribe and the warlords, the decision-makers of the horde at best reached up to his torso. This leather armor-wearing giant was truly massive, towering over them.

Second, he was monstrously massive. Orcs were indeed known for their strong physiques, but looking at this being's bulging musculature, they should be ashamed of themselves. 

Third, his face. Apart from the two large fangs that protruded from his lower jaw, standing proudly, he looked almost like a human. He had dark brown eyes, that were hidden in a perpetual shadow, due to his oversized forehead bulging out. He was bald, or better to say, completely hairless, no hair, no eyebrows, not even a strand of bristle. 

There were no weapons visible on the figure, nor could any of the orc warlords feel an aura or intent radiating from his body, yet, for some inexplicable reason, their very beings, their souls trembled at the sight of this creature.

"Y-you… W-w-what are you doing here?!" The carefree, nonchalant look instantly vanished from Master Dominus's face when he spotted this terrifying existence, his Master's Guardian.

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At first, the creature did not respond. His stern gaze slowly traveled across the room, scanning and scrutinizing all the leaders of the Horde. He only looked at each of them for a brief moment, each time, a scowl flashing through his human-like face.

Eventually, he turned to look at the aged elder, giving him a similar look to all the others in the room. 

His eyes were piercing, each of them, including the bearded master, could feel as if their very existence was being seen through under those dark, emotionless, cold eyes.

The tall creature's lips slowly parted, his guttural, hoarse voice rang out in the room. He spoke curtly, not showing any of the respect, that he demanded from all the other warlords previously.

"Dominus, we are finished here. Master expects your presence." He didn't speak the orc's native language but was discoursing fluently in the Common, surprising the lords once again. 

Master Dominus was shocked hearing the new command. Why did the master want him back now of all times? The next phase of the plan was being finalized and should be ready to be initiated. Why the sudden change? Did he make a mistake?"

"M-may I ask, why did Master ask for my return?" Opposite of how he addressed these primitive barbarians, the elder's tone was subservient towards this mysterious being, earning puzzled, incredulous looks from those present.

"Change of plans." The tall monstrous figure responded coldly, showing signs of impatience. 

Noticing the reaction on him, Master Dominus could only sigh defeatedly, as he silently stood up, and walked towards the still open swirling gate. Many thoughts raced inside his mind, he was wracking his brain trying to figure out what sort of mistake, mess he made. 

Could that invading boy and his strange company be the cause of his misfortune? He clenched his fists at this thought, turning towards the direction of where their battle was still ongoing. A dangerous glint flashed in his eyes, as he memorized the boy's signature. The humiliation he would be suffering today, he will be sure to pay it back tenfold later.

Master Dominus' figure vanishing as he stepped through the dark energy, the tall creature took one last look at the remaining warlords with an impassive look, before turning around and leaving through the gate himself. His figure vanishing, the portal closed as well, leaving only the stupefied orc warlords in the room only.

They did not understand what had just happened. Who or what was that creature that just appeared, and where did he take their lord, the true leader of the Horde. What were they supposed to do, now that they were basically headless?!

The faint sounds of battle, reached their ears, waking them up from their stupor and grabbing their attention. They lost the leader, but the plan was also almost finalized… They just needed to squash this small problem… A cruel smile appeared on the group of 14 warlord's faces, already looking forward to the next morning…


In the dimly lit room in an unknown, hellish landscape the air suddenly began to buzz with visible excitement. The only resident in the room, a thin figure with a humanoid shape covered in perpetual shadow was looking at a floating screen showing the battle transpiring in a demolished hallway. 

Even as the air at the other side of the room started to sparkle and when the dark essences in the air began to take form in the shape of a doorway, he didn't even bat an eye. His attention was completely focused on the lean figure of a boy with long, black, silky hair and exotic golden eyes. His dark green skin glistened even under the obscure lighting in the once royal hallway as it faced off a creature that was once an orc that tried to evolve but somehow turned into an abhorrent abnormality.

The surface of the newly formed portal began to ripple, as the traveler stepped through its thin, magical membrane. An aged, old man with a long white beard and a bald head, donned in dark grey, threadbare robe appeared. 

Spotting his master, fear flashed through his tired body. He gulped, trying his best to reign in his palpating, trembling heart, and calm the tumultuous storm raging inside his mind. He stepped forward and gave a deep bow as he greeted the being in a shaky tone.

"M-master. I was informed you have called for me. How may I be of assistance?"

As he spoke, the surface of the magical portal rippled once again, as the strange, bulky giant stepped out from it. He snorted at the human's subservient posture as he walked by him, taking his place behind the sitting lord of the room. His figure vanishing as he merged with the darkness once again.

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Still focused on the image of the boy on the floating screen, the being spoke in a calm, indiscernible tone of voice.

"Don't be so scared, there is no reason for you to worry." A wooden chair materialized out of thin air with a simple gesture of his right hand. "We will be changing our plans, we do not need to rely on your little experiment any longer. Leave those orcs to themselves. Although not in the way we have originally planned, they have still managed to serve their purpose. We have found someone with great potential."

Dominus took a gander at the floating image, letting out a gasp as he noticed the familiar face of the figure that it was focused on. 

"M-my lord… Are you perhaps, interested in that one?"

"Yes, is that a problem?" The shadowy figure asked with the same calm tone as before, seemingly not surprised by the old man's reaction.

"N-no my lord, I wouldn't d-dare!" Dominus' figure shook in fright, as he quickly denied all previous thoughts. He lowered his posture and gazed at the ground below, hoping that he would somehow avoid the master's ire. His hands were clenched into tightly balled fists, as his anger towards the boy that somehow still managed to cause more and more problems every passing second grew once more. Still, he had to reign his feelings in, if the master was truly interested in him, Dominus had to shelve all thoughts of revenge for the foreseeable future. Well, at least until he was initiated to their ranks…

Seconds kept passing as Dominus gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, hoping to survive the incoming punishment. Yet it never came. Instead, a chuckle was heard, causing Dominus to raise his head, and look at his master with an incredulous, questioning gaze.

"I am interested in the boy, but we still need to make sure that he is indeed who I think he is. For that, I believe we can actually utilize that bubbling hatred you have for him." 

The surface of the dark portal rippled ferociously with another single gesture of the Master, its dark surface slowly changing, showing the sight of a dilapidated manor sitting at its lonesome on a hill, the cover of night surrounding it.

"Return to your little abode for now and continue with your personal… experiments. I will send word once the time is right." The master spoke, returning his attention to the screen in front, ignoring the old man once more.

"Yes, Master. I will do as you wish and will wait for your orders." The old man spoke with reverence before he turned around and stepped through the new portal without any hesitation. He was glowing, brimming with happiness, as the Master actually gave him another chance to prove himself! 

His next task would actually allow him to pay back to that pesky little brat that ruined his last assignment...