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The Last Primal

Chapter 211 - 211 - Uninvited Guest (Part 2)
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Shivers of fright ran through Sarah's back as she heard the low-toned but equally frightening and commanding tone in Aiden's new voice. She turned to look at the boy with a shocked expression, stunned by the sudden change in the youth's entire presence.

Looking at him, she suddenly felt a strange, previously never before seen or felt aura, a presence, a pressure that was so incredible, that she wasn't sure where it came from. Was this Aiden's true power? His true origin? Was this the power her mother was hinting at? 

'Just… who are you, Aiden?' she muttered to herself, increasing the grip on the hilt of her weapon, getting ready for the upcoming clash.

The wide mischievous smirk not fading from Naybeah's face, she opened her arms wide, leaving her entire upper torso undefended. Looking at the boy, she took a step forward, as she began to speak. Her voice was different as if it was not Naybeah's but if it belonged to someone or something else.

"Now, now Aiden, there is no need for being so hostile. But to be completely honest, you are right, I'm not Naybeah. Or actually, I am, but not at the same time. I'm merely using the bond we all share to speak to you."

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Taking another step forward, Naybeah stopped a few feet away from the boy and the agitated, purple-haired Sarah. Her arms are stretched wide, far away from the front of her body and from her back where her colossal and deadly weapon rested still.

"I am called Klemeia, the current ruling queen of the Amazons. Sister Naybeah here has reached out to me, explained the current situation, and asked for guidance on how to proceed." The presence inside Naybeah spoke. Her grin curved even higher as she continued. "After learning that she lost to you in a duel and that you are her chosen mate, I just had to see it for myself!" 

"What?! C-chosen mate?!" Sarah gasped as she was abruptly woken from her stunned stupor due to Klemeia's shocking reveal. She had a feeling that Naybeah's weird, hungry eyes had some deeper meaning than the remains of some pent-up emotions due to the consecutive battles, but she did not expect that the woman was this set already. 

Although it's not common knowledge it is still widely known that amazons chose their partners, they intend to… mate with through duels and one on one combat. If the suitor manages to overcome and defeat the amazon in fair combat, then he would be considered worthy and could be considered as the 'Chosen Mate' for the woman. Still, before they could continue and progress their 'relationship' their Matron, their Amazonian Queen, also has the right to check and judge the qualities of the male. If she would find the chosen mate unworthy, usually death what's awaited the suitor…

"Wait… Aiden wasn't even trying to go after the woman at all!" Sarah yelped out, slightly worried about what is to come next.

Naybeah, or the currently controlling Klemeia raised her hand to silence the woman. Her eyes not leaving the boy in front of her, she spoke. Her voice now carried a majestic tone, truly fitting of someone of her standing.

"Silence! I know the details of what had transpired! Still…" Her wide grin returned to a smirk as she continued to eye the lean body of the youth in front of her. "Not knowing our rites does not mean you are exempted from them! Aiden! This woman here considers you as her chosen mate. You have defeated her in a one-on-one combat and won her heart. What are your plans with her? Are you willing to take responsibility?"action

Aiden did not answer but kept focusing on the presence inside the blonde amazon. After a while, he shook his head lightly.

"I do not know what you are talking about. If you mean if I consider her as a friend, then yes, I can consider her one. From our fight earlier, I learned that she is a kind and honest soul, that is just looking to help her people." He answered truthfully. His voice, whilst still cold, carried much less hostility than before, but he did not relax his muscles either. The power that he felt oozing from the depth of Naybeah's soul was ancient, something that was much stronger than what he felt so far from all the other humans in this city. It was strong, much stronger than Naybeah herself.

Hearing the boy's words, the smile on Naybeah's face transformed into a frown. "So, you plan to not accept Sister Naybeah, is what you are saying, boy?!" Suddenly the presence that Aiden felt, increased in intensity, an increased pressure began to descend on him coming from the depths of the amazon's soul.

"If that is the case, I'm afraid I will have to punish you, human!" Klemeia's words turned condescending as she looked at the boy with a continued frown, with slight anger beginning to surface in her eyes.

"Aiden… watch ou-" Sarah yelled out, trying to warn the boy but was suddenly thrown back by an invisible pressure with a casual wave of Naybeah's hand. "Silence, wench!" Klemeia didn't even bother to look at her as she sent the girl flying in the air.

Rage began to bubble inside, as Aiden saw Sarah being flung back like a broken kite. Crashing against the trunk of a far-off tree, she slid down the ground, looking unconscious. Although he could still feel that she was alive and mostly okay from the returning pulse he sent out with his [Dark Sense], rage still engulfed his mind upon seeing such a display of disrespect towards his people.

Looking at the sky, Aiden released an earth-shattering roar as he unfolded his full-powered Draconic Aura. A bright light surrounded his entire presence, as his body rapidly transformed.

Large, scaled, wings grew from his back, reaching down to the ground and even a full head above him. A thick lizard-like tail grew out from his lower back, plopping down on the ground, basked in shiny golden scales.

His whole stature seemed to expand several inches and previously unseen muscles began to convulse and work in overdrive. His chest and biceps became broader filling in the louse, baggy linen shirt completely. His olive, tanned-looking skin grew similar, golden scales all over the visible surface, his fingers ending in large ebony claws. 

The golden glow in his eyes turned even more radiant. The pressure that descended on him vanishing, it was now Klemeia who suddenly turned shocked and surprised by the sheer power that started to put its weight on her and the body of the blonde amazon she was currently 'using'.

"YOU MONGREL! HOW DARE YOU? WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO ACT IN SUCH MANNER IN MY PRESENCE!" A deep, growling draconic voice thundered in the aura, shaking the very air itself as it bellowed.

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"KNEEL BEFORE ME!" He commanded at the woman and the presence inside her. Unable to withstand the pressure any longer, Klemeia was forced on her ground, forcing Naybeah to kneel in front of the boy and the ancient, commanding presence inside him.

Unable to wrestle free, she was forced to look at the ground, as she began to speak in a much meeker, shakier tone. The word fear that previously unknown to her, was now etched deeply in her mind.

"Please, calm down Aiden. I did not mean any harm to any of you! I am just protecting Sister Naybeah here! She likes you very much and I just wanted to see if you would be worthy of her heart!"

Not answering, Aiden slowly eased on the pressure, not lifting it completely. Anger was still visible in his expression as he continued to eye at the blonde woman.

"While I may have overreacted, I have to protect my sisters from the dangers of the outside world. This is something I'm sure you can acknowledge. I can see that you harbor no ill-will, and are just. I can only ask you to help out Naybeah, she very much needs it."

As the pressure continued to lessen on her, Naybeah slowly stood back up, but not before giving another bow acknowledging the boy's power.

"If you will have the time, please come to visit our home later. I would very much like to personally welcome you, if nothing else to apologize for my rude behavior earlier." 

With that said, her presence instantly vanished from Naybeah, causing the blonde amazon to fall to the ground unconsciously. 

Seeing that the dangerous presence has left, Aiden quickly calmed down, returning to his normal state. With the wings, tail, and claws vanishing, in a few brief moments, his skin returned to its previous unblemished creole color. 

A minute later as both Naybeah and Sarah began to wake and stand back up there was not even the slightest trace of the previous battle of wills that unfolded here. 

With his usual friendly smile, he approached Sarah and helped her back up her feet before turning back at the blonde amazon who looked at them with a slight blush dominating her cheeks.