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The Human Giant

Chapter 118 118: Where Do I Hide The Bodies
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"What do I do about my clothes?" After killing Martial Silver Thunder, Yoze then turned towards his immediate other needs.

After losing his armor Yoze had no other clothes he could wear as the clothes he wore inside his armor also ripped apart when he escaped Martial Silver Thunder's attack. He didn't mind if Martial Silver Thunder saw him naked since they were enemies.

Now that it was over Yoze felt it would have been strange for him to return to Jewel, River, and Timothy without any clothes and carrying an old man in his arms. Also, he couldn't enter the city without any clothes on, as that would get him banned from ever entering the city again.

"I should put my spiritual speech to good use and ask Jewel to get him some spare clothes." Thinking of a solution, Yoze grabbed Martial Silver Thunder's body and his cracked silver spear and rushed over to where he left the unconscious ambushers.

As he was arriving in the area that the Blood Fog had previously covered, Yoze saw that it had mostly dissipated leaving only remnants of its existence by the bloody smell of iron in the air and the ground that was muddy with blood. As he got closer and closer to the main battle area where the Blood Fog took place the ground became mushier and bloodier, almost turning the area into a blood swamp.

When Yoze arrived he noticed that some of the Blood Fog was still hovering around lowering visibility but with his sharp vision he was able to figure out the general situation. Out of all the ambushers that Yoze had knocked unconscious only the five Tree Sect members remained with the rest of the ambushers having long escaped.

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They even had the decency to take a few pouches of demon meat and bones along with them as they made their escape to avoid another encounter with Yoze. Luckily 

Before he left he had a feeling that the battle with Martial Silver Thunder would not conclude before they retained consciousness and took proactive measures 

 He destroyed all the wagons full of demon meat and bones and the carts that the ambushers had brought with them to prevent them from easily taking everything. Instead, they could only take as much much demon meat and bones as they could physically carry 

With the amount weighing up to 90 tons of demon meat and bones, they were destined to be able to take much back. But when Yoze saw that there was still a large pile of meat left, he was pleasantly surprised to see that the ambushers didn't take as much as he initially thought.

From a glance, Yoze saw that they had only taken around one ton of demon meat and bones. It could last a long time for normal people but for a martial artist a single ton of demon meat was not enough since most martial artists will have their appetites increase as they practice martial arts.

This ran especially true for martial art sects since they had hundreds if not thousands of martial artists that would love to sink their teeth into demon meat. Even with a single ton of demon meat missing Yoze didn't show much interest in helping the City get it back.

How much demon meat and bones were taken by the martial art sects was not a major concern for him since it wasn't his food anymore. He sold it to the city so whatever was stolen was their loss and he had already done them a favor by not only saving some of their soldiers but even a majority of their demon meat and bones.

"What do I do with their bodies?" 

Turning his attention to the five unconscious Tree Sect Blood Masters, Yoze realized that he didn't know how he was going to deal with them. He had wanted to copy their talents but with five blood masters and a martial grandmaster in his care, it would take a long time for him to copy all their talents.

If each of them had five talents then he would have to spend at least a full month, before he completely copied all their talents. That was a massive time commitment that Yoze wasn't particularly interested in giving while also being forced to not get other talents as it would only extend the time he had to take care of them.

The main problem that he had to solve was where he was going to find a place where he could imprison five expert fighters for a long period of time and have easy access to food and other essential items to keep them alive.

The location could also not be too in the open as it would draw too much suspicion from all his possible enemies. It was too suspicious to have any good reason as to why he would imprison these 6 fighters for so long.

Yoze was also worried that other people might also form crazy theories about what he was doing. If Jewel could come up with the conclusion that he was a demon simply from him keeping the Serpent demon alive for a few extra days.

What would people think if he kept several people in his basement? Would they think he was some kind of pervert that loved torturing people?

Yoze shook his head at the idea before also dismissing the idea of just killing them. It was such a waste for such talented individuals if they died without having the chance to pass on their legacy to a worthy successor like himself.

"If I can't kill them or take care of them I might as well let the government deal with them. I'll just ask for special access to visit them in jail or the hospital in Martial Silver Thunder's case." Making his decision, Yoze used spiritual suppression on the five unconscious blood masters so that even if they woke up they wouldn't be able to escape.

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After suppressing them, Yoze jumped toward where he last saw the group before stopping a good distance away and hiding behind a tree for cover.

"Jewel, could you do me a favor and get me some spare clothes? During my fight with Martial Silver Thunder, my clothes were destroyed alongside my armor. "

"Yoze? Where are you?" Jewel's ears perked up when she heard Yoze's voice ringing in her ears.

However, looking around she didn't see him at all before remembering the contents of Yoze's message.

"Did you three hear Yoze or am I going crazy?" Though she was confident that she had heard Yoze's voice she still wanted to confirm that everyone else had heard it and she wasn't getting tricked by a demon.

"Yeah, I heard him." 

"Scholar Yoze has some incredible means to send his voice such a large distance away and still make his voice sound like he is talking right beside us." 

Timothy and River both confirmed that they heard Yoze and both felt impressed by his means of communication. They had been on the lookout for any traces of Yoze returning but they hadn't found a single trace of him.

They concluded that he was either hiding nearby and they simply couldn't sense his presence or he had stopped quite a distance away from them before transmitting his voice using a unique method. Either way was impressive enough in their view that the thought of asking Yoze to become their teacher resurfaced and became more solid.

Unaware of the thoughts that were going through the other's heads, Yoze sent them another message to tell them more information about the matter.

"I have already defeated the Martial Grandmaster who was protecting the group that ambushed you. While also capturing five more Blood Masters and rescuing a majority of the demon meat and bones."