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The First Store System

Chapter 1182 First Day After The Sixth Product(9)
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Chapter 1182: First Day after the Sixth Product(9)

Cyan didn't know what to feel when she saw the destruction around her. She felt excited to have a skill with such power, but at the same time, she was also scared of what she saw.

The excitement won over the scared expression soon after she imagined the faces of those who had mistreated her in place of the mangled corpses.

The next moment, she found herself back in the store. It was now her turn to experience the second skill.

She put the [Terra Divine Barrier] in the card compartment, and the next moment, she found herself in different surroundings.

The next moment, Cyan's hair stood all over her body when she looked around.

As far as her eyes could see, she found enemies ready to attack her at any time.

The next moment, whatever weapon they had, they threw it at her. At the same time, the sky was also lit up by various attacking skills.

Cyan felt a chill crawling up her bones, but suddenly her body acted on its own. Soon after, the barrier formed around her and clashed with the countless attacks.

One after another, skills crashed onto the barrier, but it stayed undamaged. Cyan was terrified by the flurry of attacks, but as the barrier continued to be intact without any damage, her heart calmed down.


"Store owner, I want these two," Cyan requested of Aakesh, passing over the two cards to him.

Aakesh took the card, and after taking a quick look at it, he returned it to her.

"You need to pay nine hundred nine supreme Sacred stones," Aakesh informed.

Cyan nodded and then took the sum out, passing it to Aakesh.

Aakesh waved his hands, and the next moment, the stones disappeared from the store and appeared in the system space.

Aakesh then informed Cyan about the process of absorbing the skill's knowledge.

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Time flew by, and hours passed in the blink of an eye.

It was time for the customers who entered Panagea in the first group for a 3x stay to leave. The system forced them out one by one.

As the spots became empty, other people, waiting for their turn, excitedly walked into the room.

The group of customers leaving the portal room consisted of the most powerful customers in the store, including Ayriel, William, and many other high-level cultivators from top races in the Sacred Dimension.

Ayriel had been stuck in that garden for years now, and from what she could infer, it was still several Sacred years away. But fortunately for her, she had found that the place she was stuck in was extraordinary, so she was no longer in a hurry to leave it. She wanted to pass the challenge with flying colors and impress the mysterious being, who came to her and explained some truths about the extraordinariness of the situation.

After coming out of the portal room, she decided to learn about the new store product, and for that, she went to Aakesh.

"Really!" Ayriel exclaimed in surprise. She approached Aakesh to learn about skills, and she learned about the upgrade in the Beast Room.

The Chaotic Wyrm she bought from the store was now a Lesser God level cultivator, so it couldn't compete in the annual event organized by the store. But now that beasts with higher cultivation were available in the store, it was inevitable that the store would have competition for higher level beasts as well.

There was also the fact that Ayriel could now purchase another beast from the store. She was also excited to see what beast she would get for her second pet.

After calming down, Ayriel thanked Aakesh and then proceeded toward the beast room. After Ayriel left the line, another customer from the first group took her place.

When Ayriel entered the room, she found that the space had grown severalfold and that there was now an additional pillar in the room. The first pillar had a long line of customers, while the second pillar only had a few of them, which was better for Ayriel since that was her goal.

Ayriel joined the queue for her turn on the second pillar. It didn't take very long for her to get her turn. As she stood in front of the pillar, she took a deep breath and pressed the switch, setting the summoning system as targeted for Supreme God beasts.

The rotation began, and five seconds later, a familiar beast appeared on the screen.

A smile spread across her face, but soon it turned into a jaw-dropping expression.

[Name: Chaotic Wyrm

Type: Beast

Race: Wyrm

Quality: Ultimate

Element: Chaos

Cultivation: Early Supreme God

Characteristic: Chaos Dominion

Details: The Chaotic Wyrm establishes its dominion over the chaotic realm, allowing it to draw upon unlimited chaotic energy. It grants the creature an endless supply of energy no matter where it is, making it an unstoppable force on the battlefield.


1.) Chaotic Barrier: A shield of chaotic energy that protects the Chaotic Wyrm from all physical attacks.

2.) Vortex Summoning: The Chaotic Wyrm can summon a vortex of chaotic energy, sucking everything in its vicinity into a chaotic maelstrom.

3.) Warp Step: The Chaotic Wyrm can momentarily shift into the chaotic realm, allowing it to teleport in any direction.


9.) Chaotic Breath: The Chaotic Wyrm can unleash a devastating breath of pure chaotic energy, causing destruction and chaos in its wake. The energy will disintegrate and scatter anything it touches.

10.) Sense of Discord: The Chaotic Wyrm creates a chaotic aura that distorts reality and causes confusion and disarray among enemies.

11.) Reality Sunder: The Chaotic Wyrm can tear through the fabric of reality, creating unstable rifts that lead to chaotic space.


21.) Chaotic Form: The Chaotic Wyrm can temporarily assume a more powerful form, enhancing its strength, speed, and resistance to all kinds of damage.

Card Description: The formidable Chaotic Wyrm is a force to be reckoned with its overwhelming strength and elemental control. This creature boasts several killing skills, making it a ruthless killer in battle. With this card, you can bring a powerful monster onto the battlefield. This monster can do a lot of damage and help the team. Use it wisely, and watch as your opponents fall before the power of the Chaotic Wyrm.

Price: Ninety thousand nine hundred nine ultimate Sacred stones.]

She got the ultimate quality Chaotic Wyrm on her first try. She didn't expect to receive an ultimate quality Supreme God Chaotic Wyrm since there was a vast difference between a Divine Transformation and Supreme God cultivation. The greater the cultivation, the harder it was to proceed further.

When she saw the details of the card, she couldn't help but stare at the card in astonishment.

The first Chaotic Wyrm had several elements, but the one she just summoned had only one element control ability.

It also had a characteristic unlike the last one, and that was an extremely valuable ability. It allowed the Chaotic Wyrm to have an endless supply of chaos energy.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Ayriel then read the skills it had, and similarly, there were powerful ones, especially [Reality Sunder] and [Chaotic Form].

Ayriel liked the Chaotic Wyrm, so she decided to go ahead with the purchase after finding skills better than she expected in her second beast.

Customers no longer had to approach the store owner to complete the next steps, so she went toward the square device in the room.

There was already a queue there, so she had to wait for some time. After some time, she finally got her turn.

The next moment, she placed the card in the card compartment and her hand in the hand section.

Suddenly, Ayriel found herself in slightly familiar surroundings with her cultivation, dropping to the early Supreme God.

The environment looked somewhat the same as the last time she came here to battle the Chaotic Wyrm.


The next moment, Ayriel heard an angry roar originating from one of the countless space fractures in the surroundings. Before Ayriel could pinpoint the fracture, another roar rang, and its origin was a different space fracture.

The next moment, a gigantic head came out of one of the fractures and stared at Ayriel. The eyes held no second emotion other than brutality.

Ayriel was ready to battle as a fire seemed to have erupted in her heart, seeing the beast.


The creature hadn't even fully come out of the fracture when it suddenly released a Chaos Blast.

The next moment, a large ball of energy, disintegrating the space around it, flew at Ayriel.

Ayriel attacked back with one of her skills.


Suddenly, the bell rang, and the two attacks dissipated. Only after the bell rang would the battle begin, so the previous attacks had no value.


A/N: Sorry, only one chapter!

The book will return to its original update rate tomorrow. I will also try to make up for the two chapters I've missed in the coming days.

Thanks for reading the book!

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