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The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order

Chapter 93
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93 Assassination (II)

Just the idea of assassinating the Horn-Flame Boar Leader in its territory should have been outrageous enough for the group to no longer hear anything that came from Cain’s mouth. However, this one had repeatedly proven himself, elaborating and performing incredibly dangerous plans with massive effects on the battlefield.

“The Horn-Flame Boar Leader is currently harmed and in a weakened state. The beast knows that the other Wave Beasts would perceive any form of weakness as a chance to kill it and take control over its territories. I am confident that the beast isolated itself, not allowing anyone to be anywhere near it until it could fight back the effect of the venom on its bloodstream.

We can use the fact that the Horn-Flame Boar Leader put itself into self-isolation to kill it.”

Cain’s words greatly affected the soldier and cadets present, as his plan made perfect sense and could indeed work. However, one question in everybody’s mind needed an answer.

“Who would enter the forest and perform the assassination?” The one that spoke was Jamal, and he expressed the worry in the heart of many of the squad leaders.

Soldiers can not refute rational order. Although there would be immense danger and a great chance of death, infiltrating the forest for the opportunity to kill the Horn-Flame Boar Leader was not an irrational order.

If Cain commanded Jamal or any other squad leaders to perform the assassination, they had no choice but to obey.

Cain could see the worry in the eyes of the soldiers but did not mock or look down on them for that. The fear of death was something everybody felt, and he was not an exception.

“The ones forming the assassination party will be Levi, Beelze, and me.”


Shock assaulted Lurin and the squad leaders when they heard that. On the other hand, Levi and Beelze stared at Cain for a moment before nodding, accepting that task.

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“I don’t think you should go.”

“That is right. One of us could take your place.”

Lurin and Jamal spoke a second after Cain and immediately attempted to change this one’s mind. Although the duo did not begin on the right foot, the brotherhood of the battlefield was more potent than any minor grievance.

It was not that Jamal and Lurin did not trust Cain’s battle power since it was among the best of the southwest battlefield. However, they could not allow themselves to lose such a promising commander.

Cain saw the worry on their faces and showed a small smile before shaking his head.

“I am the one with the greatest chance of carving a safe path toward the Horn-Flame Boar Leader. Levi and Beelze have the highest destructive power, so they are the best choice for an assassination.

It must be the three of us, and adding anyone else would only make things harder.”

Lurin and Jamal saw that there was no way to change Cain’s mind, so they had to follow his guide.

“Now, as I said before, your job would be to perform a lightning strike on the horde. You will do it the moment I say it, not a second before and not a second later. Right when I say it!”

Cain allowed a flash of red light to emerge from his eyes as he spoke those words, making it clear to Lurin and Jamal just how important timing was.

The duo adopted a solemn expression as they nodded, showing that they understood their responsibilities.

“Do not get too deep into the forest. Your mission is not killing Wave Beasts but wreaking as much havoc as possible.

The more noise you generate, the better.

I will inform you once it is over so that you can pull back the soldiers to the city. Levi, Beelze, and I will find it impossible to leave the forest due to the state of the horde, so we will find a hidden place to lay low for the night and return the next day.”

Cain then focused on Lurin and sent a file to the A.I. Chip of this one.

Lurin saw the file with a cadet battle formation with him at the lead. He understood that his responsibilities would be much greater during the next stampede since Cain would not be present.

Although taking control of the entire group made him somewhat nervous, it was also what he had wished for a long time.

Lurin did not say a word, but the look in his eyes told Cain he would give everything he had on the battlefield.

Once the plan was finished and everybody knew their role, Lurin called Vice-Captain Razmun and informed him of their next moves.

The dwarf was worried about the immense danger in which Cain, Levi, and Beelze would get in, but he also knew what would happen if they did not weaken the horde, so he authorized it.

However, Razmun did not just authorize their mission but also sent them a Wave Artifact in the form of a red ring. When Cain saw it, a large smile appeared on his face since he knew the chances of success grew exponentially.

Cain, Levi, and Beelze marched less than an hour later after having packed enough medical supplies and battle drugs. They move to a corner of the forest, far from the horde’s perception, and begin to make their way in.

Cain took the lead, using his sense of smell to search for Horn-Flame Boar Leader’s resting place. As for why he, Levi, and Beelze did not have to worry about some beast picking their scent, it was that their Wave Armors could hide it.

The trio moved extremely fast through the forest as they knew time was of the essence, but they were also careful. If the horde were to detect their presence, then forget about killing the Horn-Flame Boar Leader; it would be a miracle if they could run away alive.

Cain’s eyes glowed with red light from the second they entered the forest. He had rested properly, so his brain could endure the pressure of his Ego Wave for the time being without too much backlash.

Levi and Beelze silently followed Cain as this one guided them through the forest, away from the sight of every Wave Beast. Suddenly, they showed some surprise as this one dashed forward.

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The next second the duo saw Cain’s fingers piercing the skull of a Level 2 Earth Lion, killing the creature instantly before storing the body in his space ring.

At first, Levi and Beelze were confused, but then they saw that the only way forward without alerting the bulk of the horde was through the path occupied by that Earth Lion.

That happened multiple times, with Cain having to borrow Levi and Beelze’s space rings since they could not leave any corpse, or they risked altering the horde.

As the trio moved closer to the Horn-Flame Boar Leader, they noticed that the number of Wave Beasts diminished significantly. That realization made them smile since everything went according to Cain’s hypothesis.

Finally, after almost one hour of running, Cain raised his hand and stopped the other two. His eyes narrowed as he focused on a small cave on the side of a mountain.

The Horn-Flame Boar Leader was in there, and since Cain detected a single scent, he was sure the beast was alone.

‘Now comes the hard part.’ Cain took a deep breath as that thought crossed his mind.

Making their way through a forest with hundreds of Wave Beasts ready to kill them was not easy, but killing the Horn-Flame Boar Leader before this one could alert anyone was a truly monumental task.

‘The Horn-Flame Boar Leader should be a Level 5 Wave Beast. The venom should have weakened its vitality and reflexes, but since it knows that other beasts could attack, it must be ready to fight at any moment.’

Cain looked at the red ring that Razmun gave them, and it was a one-time use Wave Artifact. It would fire a Level 5 Wave Warrior Fireball.

Although incredibly powerful, the fireball was very slow, so anyone at Level 5 could easily dodge it. Razmun knew the red ring would not be much help against a strong Level 5 Wave Beasts, but the venom weakened the Horn-Flame Boar Leader, and it would be up to Cain to figure out a way to use it.

Cain focused on the cave and understood why the Horn-Flame Boar Leader chose it. There was only one way in and out, and its narrow path made it perfect for the beast’s flaming charge.

However, unknown to the beast, it also provided the perfect terrain to use the red ring.

Cain could get near the cave entrance and shoot the fireball, but he immediately shook his head. He decided to save the ring as a trump card in case anything went wrong and carry on with the assassination using his original plan.

He stared at Levi and Beelze, and a cold expression appeared on their faces. They all understood that failure could mean death.