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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 143 - Ugly Little Thing
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Chapter 143 - Ugly Little Thing

I didn't get a wink of sleep until morning came and servants arrived. They treated me like an actual royalty.

Dresses were much fancier and flashy in colors. The servants even put light powder and colors on my eyes and lips.

I stared at myself in front of the mirror. My gaze stared at the pair of olive eyes staring back at me. Chestnut brown hairs rolled into huge curls, falling to my back; some hair accessories crested with real gems clipped on the side of my hair.

My lips painted in deep red, matching my black and red dress. The dress colors complimented my warm, undertone complexion to an unbelievable extent.

"I look pretty…" I whispered, but not in awe.

Although I looked different, dressed differently, making me looked refined and expensive. I could barely recognize myself. I felt like a doll, dressing up to the master's liking.

Back in Grimsbanne, although the servants took care of me, I looked more simple. The changes as a peasant to a proper lady were drastic, but I looked more like myself.

This current change was a bit more surprising for me.

"Because you're already gorgeous, your highness." The servant smiled, pleased at my remarks.

I did not mean it as a compliment. But, I held back on saying those.

"I — I'm not a royalty." I gazed down, biting my inner lip.

The maid servant didn't reply anymore. Instead, she took a step back quietly.

"Your schedule for today is to be toured around in the palace, your highness."

How stubborn. I'm not staying here for a long time. Why should I? Was what I wanted to say. However, if I wanted to escape, I should know every turn of the way in this place.

"Lead the way." I nodded.

With that being said, the servant escorted out of the bedchambers. As she guided me around, I glanced back. More maids were following us at a safe distance.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I'm still unsure of what the royal family wanted from me. If they abducted me, they were surely treating me as one of them. Perhaps they're afraid of the disaster Sam might cause?

Nevertheless, I just had to go along with the flow. I listened carefully to the maid touring me around.

She pointed out the prince's and princess quarters, other palace wings where the king resides, and even the minor details.

I felt some deja vu with this. Fabian also toured me around in the Duke's mansion. Unlike back then, I wasn't in awe of the places I've seen.

After long hours of the tour, we finally arrived in the garden. I didn't get surprised to see an enormous garden. It's the palace, after all. It was expected.

Even so, it was beautiful. Only gardens could put this anxiety creeping in me at rest.

A subtle smile turned up on my lips. The voice of the maid faded into the background as I looked around. There were a variety of flowers, bushes that were formed with different shapes, and a fountain.

"… the palace has 12 gardens in total. But the garden in the Avolire Palace said to be the best among the 12."

"Can I rest here?" I muttered, shifting my gaze to the maidservant.

"Yes, your highness. I will escort you to the gazebo near the lake." She said. I nodded, and she led the way.

It took quite a walk to reach the place she mentioned. But, I couldn't deny that the long walk was worthy.

Soon we reached a gazebo situated to the nearby lake. Surprising how a lake, sparkling magically under the bright rays of sunlight, existed in a vast garden. Well, it's the palace, after all.

"I will get you some tea and snacks, your highness."

As I perched on the empty seat, I gazed up at the maid. I only nodded before glancing at the other servants outside the gazebo, bowing.

"Will they stay like that the entire time?" I asked, curious.

Back in the ducal residence, the servants were more free. Although they used to act like this at first, they changed overtime.

They still bow and were polite to me, but they're more relaxed around me. But these servants just had this impregnable wall between me and them.


"Can I have a time alone?" I inquired, shifting my eyes back to the head maid — I assumed she was.

"They are here to serve you, your highness. We can't leave you all alone, but they can keep a distance." She explained, leaving me helpless with this situation.

"I can't be alone?"

"Yes." she answered with a bow.

"Ask them to leave." I sighed, seeing her raising her head as she cast me a look. Before she could speak, I intervened.

"You stay. I'm not alone in that case, correct?"

She remained silent for a while. When she concluded silently, she bowed. Slowly, she walked back and ordered to get some tea and snacks. The head maid then stayed outside the gazebo while the rest resigned.

'I can't breathe in here freely.' I muttered internally, leaning on the table, resting my jaw on my knuckles.

Another sigh slipped past my lips. My eyes on the still, sparkling lake with some lotus floating, which gave it more life.

I got all the luxury in here, honestly. I could only dream about it before.

However, I felt more down than ever. I couldn't understand everything.

What I only knew was that I shouldn't be in this place alone. How could I arrive here before my groom?

"Ughh…" I let out a frustrated grunt as I closed my eyes. "This is upsetting."

I mumbled in distress. I miss Sam, and I just wanted to melt into his embrace. I felt tired and suffocated in the air around this palace. Not to mention this tight corset.

This was not the time to idle, Lilou! You're a hostage here! They abducted you, remember?

Slowly, I opened my eyes and sighed at my own scolding. What else could I do? If I wanted to escape, I still need more time to study this place. Also, what if I successfully escaped, then Sam arrived?

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Her royal highness is here to see you, your highness." The maid servant approached me, startling me back to my senses.

"Ah?" I moved my gaze at the woman making her way inside the gazebo. My brows furrowed.

Dark plum hair flowing along with the soft blows of the wind. She's not the first wife I encountered last night.

"Please pay your respect to her royal highness, your highness."

Did she say her royal highness? Did that mean it's the second wife? I glanced at the head maid. She seemed a little alarmed, confusing me even more. Still, if she's one of the king's wives, I guess I had to give her my greetings.

With that thought in mind, I slowly got up from my seat. When she arrived at the gazebo, I made a small curtsy.

"Greetings, your royal highness." I greeted just like how Fabian taught me.

I didn't look her in the eye. But I could feel her eyes drilling into me.

"So, you're Hell's bride?" She scoffed in ridicule.

Yes, I am. Why do they ask that if they already knew? I replied internally. Unlike the woman last night, this second wife — which I assumed? — certainly had a more arrogant tone.

"Your highness, her royal highness is asking you." The head maid whispered in my side.

Ahh… I need to answer?

"Yes, your royal highness." I nearly rolled my eyes as I replied, keeping my head hung low.

"Hah! Raise your head." She ordered, and I did as I was told.

Once our eyes met, she smirked. Her eyes establishing superiority between us. Well, she's superior and I'm aware of that.

However, why was she staring at me as if I snatched her husband away?

"Ugly." she commented coldly. "What a waste of time. I can't believe I had wasted my precious time to confirm the hearsay. Let's go."

She peered at me from head to toe and scoffed in disdain. Immediately, she turned around as if she merely turned in the wrong direction.

'Ah????' I blinked, confused at her sudden shift of mood. Tilting my head to the side as I gazed at her back.

'What childish things to say, but it seems it made her happy?' I wondered. Was insulting me made her happy? She obviously came with bearing that malicious aura, but was now walking back in high-spirits.

'Well, if that made her happy and left me alone, I guess that's alright?'