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The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 433  King's Wisdom
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Chapter 433  King's Wisdom

Draven's firm voice filled the quiet hall, "On the day of mourning, Ember Aramis failed to control her powers, and irrespective of her intentions, she unintentionally caused harm and death to other people. Her behavior brought fear and unrest to the hearts of the people. Ember Aramis deserves to be punished as well so such a mistake won't happen once more."

The council members were visibly relieved, some even  glad to hear that the King would not shirk his responsibility and was not going easy on his own mate. "Ember Aramis would not be given the title of the Queen of Agartha. She will not partake in any official duties nor will she be given authority, only living as an ordinary citizen of the kingdom and the mate of Draven Aramis."

This was another news to be happy about. As supernatural beings, how could they bear to call a human their queen? No matter what, their kind had too heavy a grudge accumulated against human beings. Though they could accept Ember as an individual, they found it difficult to accept that they had to bow in front of her, calling her their Queen.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"Once I return to my city, the people will surely praise the King for being fair and just."

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Amidst those cheering people, there were few who didn't like this decision. Erlos thought it was unfair to Ember, while Leeora was sighing in her heart, still wishing to see that sweet girl sitting next to her mate as a Queen. After the crowd quieted down, Halifax cleared his throat. "With that, we have covered the items from our agenda. If there's nothing more to discuss, I believe we can end the council meeting here—" "

"There is one more thing we are yet to discuss," Draven interrupted him.

Though startled, the old elf quickly lowered his head. "Forgive me, Your Majesty, but may we know what His Majesty means?"

"We are yet to punish those who participated in deceiving the King and in the murder of Commander Morpheus," Draven replied as his gaze passed through the two accomplices standing among the aides and attendants of the council members. Halifax and the rest followed his line of sight. Erlos announced, "The witches, Zelda Venn of the Millow Coven and Thala Grimsbane of the Honeyharbor Coven, step forward and receive His Majesty's decree!"

The two elderly women, one with a hunched back and the other with a wooden leg, stood in the center of the hall. Now, everyone understood what the King meant. "Your Majesty, I accept my crime of participating in Commander Morpheus' murder. I will accept the punishment His Majesty would decide for me," the Black Witch said as she lowered her head in front of the King. Thala repeated after her, "I, Thala Grimsbane, accept my crime and will accept the punishment His Majesty decides for me." However, she did not bow, instead opting to look at the King on the throne. "But let me make it clear that I do not regret stabbing you with that weapon."

Her last words didn't affect Draven as it was nothing unexpected. Before Draven could declare their punishment, Halifax once again spoke, "Your Majesty, on the behalf of all the council members, I would like to say something."

Draven approved with a light nod and the elf said, "The reason we did not include Thala Grimsbane and Zelda Venn) in the agenda is that rather than punishment, we feel that these two deserved to be rewarded instead. The council unanimously concluded that based on their testimonies as well as Acting Commander Logan's investigation, these two were persuaded by Commander Morpheus to save your life, Your Majesty. "Their actions saved the life of the King of this kingdom, ensuring the survival and peace of this kingdom. It's every citizen's duty and honor to protect the King, even if you find the means not to your liking. We do not think these two deserve to get a punishment."

"In my opinion, I, as your king, I should be responsible to protect the lives of each and everyone in this kingdom and not the other way round," Draven said. He then continued, his red eyes looking down at them from his throne.

"Thala Grimsbane and Zelda Venn, you willingly participated in this act knowing it would kill the Commander of Warriors. Thala Grimsbane has endangered the lives of people by attacking me and interfering in my responsibilities, which includes protecting my subjects and my mate. As for Zelda Venn, you helped orchestrate the situation that caused our kingdom to lose Commander Morpheus."

No one could defy what the King had explained. "As these two had used their powers for the wrong purpose, I hereby declare that Thala Grimbsane and Zelda Venn are hereby prohibited from using their magic powers till the end of their lives. High Elder of the Moon Elves, I order you to craft a magic lock on their bodies. They can never use their powers and will live as powerless witches under the watch of their covens."

That was a cruel punishment for witches who are known for using their magic in their daily lives. Especially for Thala, that would mean she could no longer use her magic to move her wooden leg. "I accept my punishment, Your Majesty," Zelda said without a tinge of hesitation. "I accept my punishment, Your Majesty," Thala said the same.

As the two witches accepted the punishment, no one had anything to say. The council meeting was over and every member returned to their respective cities. Upon returning to Spirit Circle, Thala headed straight to her room while Maria and Glinda stayed in the drawing room. "What do you think about the punishment she got?" Maria asked as she folded a shawl.

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"In my opinion, any punishment that is not death is a good punishment," Glinda replied. "I don't know what to think as my sister won't be able to use magic. She won't be even able to walk without crutches—"

"Look at the better side, Maria," Glinda said. "Thala's energy core is already empty and she used her life force to create that weapon. If she uses more of her magic, we could lose her soon. His Majesty has instead saved her by punishing her."

Maria was surprised. "I didn't think of it that way…Thank you, sister. I am now relieved that she got punished.  It's for her own good. I am not ready to lose her…"

"Same goes for Zelda. She must have paid a great price to scry into the visions of both Cornelia and Elder Leeora and she even helped Commander to perform that forbidden act of changing destiny. Without her sacrifice, I find it hard to believe the Commander would be successful. Didn't you notice how weak she looked earlier?"

"So His Majesty in fact saved these two by punishing them," Maria asked as the realisation surprised her.

Glinda nodded as the light smile painted on her lips.

"We can say that. His Majesty thinks far ahead for the sake of his subjects. Other than his strength, the King's wisdom is the main reason why the kingdom can never lose him."