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The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 423 Help To Create Weapon
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After a long, grueling conversation, Morpheus bid the Black Witch farewell, promising to return after some progress with their plan. He then went to Draven, and he successfully took over his responsibilities in relation to the day of mourning. 

Fortunately, Draven's attention was diverted by his investigation of Myra's whereabouts. 

From then Morpheus began to busy himself with the security of the kingdom. 

Thinking about how to spend the remaining days of his life, Morpheus found a new appreciation for life. He felt strangely enthusiastic, finally having a goal after aimlessly drifting in the past. It was as if a heavy burden was lifted off his shoulders. 

The Next day, after a morning meeting in the palace, he went to see Ember after informing Draven. Long used to his attitude, Draven didn't stop him.

When he saw her beautiful form standing on the balcony, his heart could not help but flutter.

'Since my days are numbered,  can I afford to be a little selfish? I wish to spend more time with her…even if it is merely as her friend.'

Ember was visibly upset. 

As her friend, giving her comfort would not be out of line. 

Standing by the railing of the balcony, Morpheus relished in her presence, listening to her sweet voice as she voiced out her worries. It turned out she was worried about troubling others, especially her busy mate, with her issues. 

'This little female could not afford to worry about others? I did not realize she has grown more mature,' he could not help but think. 'I wish I could witness more of your growth but…'

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Thinking about what was to come, Morpheus gave Ember his whistle. 

The vision only gave glimpses of Draven's future, but that did not mean he was the only one whose death was looming—there was a high chance that his mate would also encounter fatal danger. 

Morpheus wanted to keep Ember safe, thus giving her a way to summon him was good. It would also work in his favor if on the earliest sign of danger, the first person she would call was him, instead of Draven.

Seeing her amusement over the whistle, he could not help but think, 'A little adult but still like a child.'

He taught her how to blow a whistle, and those few silly but enjoyable moments with her, he held them dearly in his heart.

The next day, along with Aureus, Morpheus began to search for the divine weapon in that ominous vision. It was a race against time. He even went to Draven to check if he managed to find that weapon, but even that haughty Dragon had not a single clue. 

It made him realize the possibility that the weapon was either yet to be brought into Agartha from outside…or was yet to be crafted.

This led Morpheus' way back to Zelda to share his discoveries. However, Aureus was sticking to Morpheus' side all day long, and it would be highly suspicious to drive him away.  He could only ask his nephew to wait for him outside the witch's cottage while they had a private chat inside. 

That day, Zelda and Morpheus got into an argument. Zelda feared the repercussions of changing the destined future. She could not bear to imagine the cost of such a sin! 

By saving a single life, they would lose more than what they gained!

"...I could not find that weapon," Morpheus explained. "I thought we could reforge or enchant it, weaken it enough to simply injure Draven. I will still keep my eye on it, but that aside, we should create a replica. What do you need to forge the replica? Tell me. I will gather the ingredients you need—"

Zelda sighed. "I will have to rudely ask you to see yourself out."


"I have thought things over. I believe it is best we leave destiny alone. It was extremely foolish of me to tell you about mirroring destiny. Even if you replace your friend and die in his stead, what if the consequence ends with both of you dying? Such a terrible future…"

"This is not the time for you to back down, Zelda. Neither of us know what will happen after I die, but if Draven dies, I assure you, Agartha will collapse." Morpheus was desperate. "The day of mourning is near and we do not have much time. You need to tell me how to create the replica."

"...I don't support this, Commander."

"You have to. You know my reasons."

"He is our king and I can't—"

"It's for this kingdom. Think of the people…"

"No, I won't and I in fact have no capability of helping you the way you want me to."

"Then who can? I trust you, Zelda, and I know you will help me. I need to set up the stage right. Everything should go as planned."

"No. Do not expect any help from me in this. I cannot do this."

"Then tell me who can. At least this much, you can help me, right?"

There was a long pause. 

"Please, Zelda."

In the end, the Black Witch was persuaded by the stubborn Divine Eagle.

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"Thala Grimsbane," she sighed. "Seek her." 

"The Witch of Destruction? But she is neither a crafter or a blacksmith."

The old witch nodded. "Indeed. Her reputation boasts of her offensive might, hence her moniker. But, Commander, have you seen the leg she lost? Do you have any idea how exquisitely made it was, as if it was a real leg made of flesh rather than wood? As far as I am concerned, be it technique or precision, no one could surpass Thala Grimsbane. 

"It was exactly her eye for detail that allowed her to maximize the output of even the ordinariest spells, allowing them to produce might unimaginable to most. If you wish to have a replica made, one that could deceive the King into thinking it was the real one, only Thala Grimsbane could do it."

"Then I have to go to the Spirit Circle."

"But I am sure you are aware that she has long retired from the affairs of the world. Her core is broken, and I am not sure how much of her remaining magic is left."

Despite Zelda's warning, Morpheus was in a good mood. "That sulking old witch… Considering how much she hates Draven, I guess it should not be difficult to persuade her."

"It is impossible to see them without their permission, and even if you do get to see her, her companions, Glinda Mortem and Maria Grimsbane, won't allow her to help you."

"I will figure out how to deal with them."

"Think about it once more, Commander. The future—"

"—the future, I will protect it," he finished the sentence in her stead. "Trust me. It's for everyone's betterment. I will not act without thinking twice. When I need your help, I will come again."

"I didn't agree to help you."

"You already did when you told me to see Thala Grimsbane."

"I hope she won't help you."

"That we will see."

With renewed determination, Morpheus brought his nephew to Spirit Circle.