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The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 420 Visit Before The Funeral
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"...and the rest, you personally witnessed what happened," Logan said as he finished explaining to Draven what happened in the palace that morning with Ember and Morpheus. All the while his gaze didn't leave Draven as he waited for his reaction. 

After a minute of silence, all Draven said was, "Where is Isa?" 

Though his demeanor seemed outwardly calm, his tone was cold. One could see immense anger behind those flickering red eyes. 

"WIth her clan in Dylan. According to the last report, she remains unconscious till now despite getting treated by the witches," Logan replied and asked, "What do you plan on doing with her?"

"Make sure to heal her completely." 

Logan could see through his friend. To others, those words might sound ordinary, making it appear as if the King worried about the recovery of the little fox, but Logan knew better. 

"I guess I can't stop you from being cruel now," Logan commented, "But I will be with you as that little fox caused us to lose our another friend. Even if the entire Divine Fox Clan sides with her, she won't be spared from severe punishment. If Aldis were alive, he would have also…" At this, Logan let out a sigh.

Draven said nothing but his eyes silently agreed with his friend.

Logan continued, "I have informed the leaders of the clans regarding the findings of my investigations so you don't have to worry about your mate being falsely accused. This time, not humans but our own kind has harmed us."

Draven simply nodded, not letting out a single word. Silence stretched between the two for some time.

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"What's going on in your mind, Draven?" Logan asked. 

There was a short pause before Draven answered, "I was supposed to be the one in Morph's place."

"What do you mean?"

Draven explained to Logan about those visions and how he was ready to face his death, as well as how Morpheus acted behind his back to change the foreseen future.

Logan could only gape in shock. "Changing someone's destiny, isn't it an impossible thing to do? From what I remember, back then…"

Draven closed his eyes momentarily as he sighed, "But he managed to do it."

After his initial shock, Logan regained his bearings. "I cannot believe such an absurd thing happened. But from what I know, the price for such an action is horrific. I'm afraid it won't end with Morpheus simply exchanging his life for yours. Who knows what else he sacrificed?"

"I will get answers from his accomplices."

"Who are those?"

"Black Witch Zelda and Thala Grimsbane."

"No wonder. Only witches who can see fate have the chance to change impossible things," Logan commented but then felt conflicted. Who could judge whether the original future or the changed one was better? Either way, he would have ended up losing one of his friends. 

Draven remained silent, his mind lost in thought. The warrior mirrored the King's grave expression.

"Are you planning to visit him before his funeral?" Logan asked after some time. 

Draven nodded, but at the mention of the word 'funeral', his heart felt like it was pierced with a thousand thorns all at once.

"I shall come with you as well," Logan offered. "Though things are still a mess, I made sure the affairs of the palace are more or less settled."

With Morpheus gone, along with Draven's earlier disappearance, Logan had been forced to temporarily carry out some of the more important tasks that the council members could not do. Because of his responsibilities, he could not even spare time to grieve for their deceased friend. 

"I will see you in the morning then." 

Draven stood up and Logan did the same. They went their separate ways for the night.

When morning came, both figures appeared in the Divine Eagle Clan's territory. 

As the home of the feathered races and the main city of the shapeshifters, Redcrest was a bustling place filled with countless beastmen from all walks of life. However, the sight of a lively city with all winged people freely soaring in the air could not be seen at the moment. The streets were empty, and the skies bare. 

The handful of people loitering outside had downcast expressions on their faces. 

As one goes past the residences, they could see a number of warriors belonging to other races heading towards the centermost region of Redcrest. They were warriors who wanted to pay their respects to the Commander.

Not only the Divine Eagle Clan and the other members of the feathered race, the entire kingdom were mourning the death of Divine Eagle Morpheus.

Morpheus' body was kept at the main hall of the clan building. Death was rare for supernatural beings, and as such, most families would keep the wake intimate, choosing to put the deceased in their family homes for a day at most before sending them to the clan graveyard to be buried. 

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Chief Agraleus decided to make an exception for Morpheus and opted to make his wake public. Though  the dead body was accompanied by their family members, others could come and visit it to pay their respect. The next day was going to be the day when Morpheus would be buried next to his parents in the mountain at the outskirts of Redcrest.

When Draven and Logan reached the clan building, Aureus, Chief Agraleus and the other Divine Eagles were there along with a few elders from other clans. 

Morpheus' body was placed on a stone platform in the center of that huge hall. His body had been cleaned up, and he now wore a ceremonial white robe crafted together with the feathers from the members of his clan. On his side lay a sword and a few trinkets that held important meaning to Morpheus, each item representing something that once belonged to his family and close friends.

Aureus was next to his uncle, looking at him helplessly, not willing to believe that Morpheus was gone.

With the arrival of the King and the Deputy Commander, a visibly aged Chief Agraleus stood up to receive them and signaled the others to leave. Everyone did so as they bowed towards Draven, some also greeting Logan, before leaving. Only the Chief and Aureus stayed behind. 

By now, Logan had released the initial results of his investigation to the council, and most of the high-ranking figures knew the truth of the incident. No one was blaming the King's mate for the death of their commander. 

Draven walked towards the stone platform. His heart was heavy with guilt as he stared at the peacefully smiling face of his friend, a face too white, too rigid and too lifeless for his liking. 

'It should have been me…not you…'

Draven closed his eyes for a moment to get hold of his emotions. 

Mere days ago, they were still at each other's throats, fighting over Morpheus' taking advantage of his mate. If he could turn back time, Draven would choose to be more honest to him. It was too late now. He would never get to see that annoying lopsided smile of his and he would never get to hear those provoking words from him once more. 

No one would barge in from his windows anymore and mess his chamber with their silly brawls. 

Another friend of his was gone, and it was his fault. 

Every moment of his existence, Draven would be reminded that his life was made in exchange for his friend's life. 

He looked at the covered part of Morpheus' chest where the stab wound should have been. 

Draven glanced at Aureus who remained unmoving like a statue next to the stone platform. He didn't acknowledge anyone's presence around as if he could see or feel nothing. Draven had no words to console him because both of them contributed to Morpheus' death—Draven's destiny and Aureus' blood. He could somewhat understand what Aureus was feeling at the moment. 

Regret. Guilt. Shame.