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The Devil's Cursed Witch

Chapter 332 Hurt And Angry Mate
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When Ember opened her heavy eyes to the bright sunlight flooding inside her chamber, she could not comprehend what situation she was in. She could only let out a groan, finding the brightness painful to her eyes. As she tried to bury herself under her sheets, she realized she was lying naked in bed, and for a moment, her mind was blank.

'Why am I...?'

Her bleary sight took some time to adjust to her surroundings, but when she looked around, her servants were nowhere to be found. Still in a stupor, she could not understand the situation. It was late in the morning, maybe even noontime, but neither Reya or Clio were around. Those two, she always found them ready to attend to her whenever she woke up every morning.

'Where are--'

"Uggh..." She tried to move in bed but her entire body was assaulted by a heavy, dull ache that made her unable to gather even an ounce of strength.. 'My body hurts. I can't even move.'

She closed her eyes and lay in bed without moving. The corners of her eyes turned moist at the helplessness she was feeling, and only then did the memories of her rigorous night come back to her.

'Him! It's all because of him! He didn't listen to me and...' She felt like crying. 'So cruel, he is. Next time...no, there won't be any next time. I won't let him...I won't allow him to... Ugh, I won't fall for his sweet words...

'He said it won't hurt but look at this! Look at me! I can't feel my arms, and my back, and my legs--and my hips! Wah! My entire body feels like I've been battered by an enemy, from head to toe. How is this even possible?! Liar, such a liar!'

Her entire body was a mess, dirty with sweat and stuff she didn't even want to think about. Her initially unblemished skin was now peppered with bruises, teeth marks and love bites. The place between her legs, her thighs still felt so sticky--

It was driving her crazy! She wanted to jump out of the bed right away and dive in the pool of water to clean herself.

"Reya, Cli--cough! Clio, cough!" Her throat felt dry and sore.  'M-My voice? Why is it so bad?'

Another memory from last night flashed before her eyes. The way she cried out his name repeatedly, how he made her beg for mercy, how she could not stop herself from being loud every time he made her peak.

Half in embarrassment and half in anger, she felt like cursing out loud.

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'He must pay for bullying me!'

Just then, the door of the chamber opened and Reya's head peeked inside the chamber. "Miss, we heard you calling for us."

'Despite my voice? Thank goodness, elves have sharp hearing!'  Ember nodded with a strained smile. She cleared her throat a few times, but her voice was still barely a croak. "H-help me... get up..."

The two elves who had been waiting outside immediately entered her chamber and helped her get up.

"Bath...I want..."

Even after Clio handed her a drink from her bedside table, she could not speak much.

"Don't worry, Miss. We understand," Clio said while Reya wrapped the sheet around the naked body of their master. Though they acted calm, from the shaking of their eyes, it was apparent her body wasn't a pleasant sight to see.

Their king sure had taken full liberties with his frail mate. A Dragon...No need to imagine what he was capable of, and the pair of elves could only give looks of pity towards the struggling human girl. For a moment, they wondered if this was a result of him already being considerate of her.

The two helped Ember have a long, long bath, helping even massage parts of her body. After they helped her get clothed, Ember was brought back to her bedchamber, where the sheets on the bed had been already changed to clean ones.

She sat on the newly-made bed with a big frown on her face, her hands fidgeting over the long sleeves to cover some of the marks on her arm, and the more she stared at the finger-shaped bruises, the more her anger simmered.

"Miss, have this tea. The honey will help soothe your throat," Clio offered.

"Oh I know what will make you feel good, Miss. You must be very hungry by now. I will bring your meal for you so you can eat in bed," Reya exclaimed in an attempt to cheer her up before leaving.

'How embarrassing it is to let these two see me in that condition but...' she sighed as she accepted the cup. 'I had no other option. I could not even walk on my own.'

"Miss, is your body feeling better now?" Clio asked.

Ember had a sip of tea and nodded lightly. "A little."

"Dame Yula had given us an ointment. Once you have your meal, we can apply it on your body. It will heal you overnight."

"Thank you, Clio. Please let Yula know I appreciate it."

Not long after, Reya brought her meal for her. Ember could not deny she was starving, giving her an illusion that she had not eaten anything for days. One thing was sure, whatever situation she was in, she would never say 'no' to food. Her stomach was always honest and would not reject anything that would enter it.

After having a hefty meal, she continued to stay in bed, half-sitting and half-reclining with a handful of soft pillows placed on her back. Though she wanted to move about, her body was not in a good state, and she was starting to get bored.

'Maybe I should read some books to pass the time.'

It happened that Clio reentered the chamber after taking back the empty dishes to the kitchen. "Miss, His Majesty is on his way here. Shall I help you up?"

In response, Ember pointedly fluffed the pillows on her side. "Tell him I am resting and I am not accepting any visits."

"B-But, Miss..."

"Didn't you hear me? Also tell him I am not going to talk to him so he should not bother me."

Clio and Reya gulped. Their master sure was short-tempered but they didn't expect her to show her temper to the King, of all people. Not many in this kingdom dared to be impolite to him, and to think that his mate....the two could only sigh.

Reluctantly, Clio went out of the chamber where she found Draven standing silently. He had heard what Ember said. Instead of feeling offended, there was a light curve at the corners of his lips as if he was pleased to hear what Ember said.

"Y-Your Majesty, M-Miss...said..." Clio trembled to pass such a message to the King.

Draven turned around and left, not bothering to let the servant finish what she had to say.

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Clio returned to the chamber, only to hear Ember ask, "What did he say?"

With a somewhat relieved face, Clio replied with her hand over her racing heart, "His Majesty said nothing."

"Nothing?" Ember asked, feeling a little disappointed. "Then?"

"His Majesty simply left," Clio answered.

"Left?" Ember exhaled lightly and then frowned. "Good for him. I don't want to see him at all."

Draven, who was walking away, didn't fail to catch what his mate said. The small smile remained on his lips as he continued to walk leisurely along the hallway.

Someone overpowering him, disregarding his authority as a King, such a pleasant feeling it was and only his mate could do it...only his mate was allowed to do it.



Dear readers, "The Devil's Cursed Witch" is participating in the DOUBLE GOLDEN TICKET event which starts from today -20th Dec and ends on 8th Jan. We have to make sure we win this contest and there will be a nice REWARD I have planned for you all with a nice SURPRISE.

Q- How to help win it?

A- Vote all your "GOLDEN TICKETS" to this from today till 8th Jan, so we can make use of it to win the event. Every golden ticket voted during event will be counted double in number.

For Ex- if you vote 1 GT, It will be counted as 2 GTs.

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Reward for readers-

Mass release for both s of "Devil and Witch" series with important events in the covering up.

Also, another SURPRISE which will be revealed only after we win the contest.

The with most number of GTs during the event will win the contest and I really do wish us to win. We can do it. <3<3