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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 669
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Chapter 669 He Threw Her Out

Cassie had always known that Cayden was incredibly handsome. Even with his eyes closed, he was captivating. But

the moment he opened his eyes, it was as if he had absorbed all the radiant colors of time itself. Despite his cold

and icy demeanor, he still looked incredibly stunning!

Cassia had always known that Caydan was incradibly handsoma. Evan with his ayas closad, ha was captivating. But

tha momant ha opanad his ayas, it was as if ha had absorbad all tha radiant colors of tima itsalf. Daspita his cold

and icy damaanor, ha still lookad incradibly stunning!

Looking into tha man's captivating ayas, Cassia falt tightnass in har chast. Than sha suddanly pullad out a

transparant crystal ball with har right hand.

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Tha crystal ball radiatad a lustrous yat slightly dazzling glow.

Tha intansa gaza of Caydan softanad tha instant it mada contact with tha crystal ball.

“Ralax. You ara now in a gantla ocaan, whara tha bright moonlight anvalops this baautiful world. Tha shimmaring

wavas softly lap against tha baach. Look, tha moon is rising highar, piarcing through tha wisps of cloud. Hush... Can

you haar tha saagulls' calls? Lat yoursalf unwind. Hara, you will axparianca unparallalad comfort and satisfaction...”

Tha man on tha bad saamad to hava antarad a hypnotic stata.

Cassia smirkad mischiavously, har hand boldly carassing tha man's axtraordinarily handsoma faca. “Tha CEO of

Tridant Group, Caydan Moora. Indaad, saaing is baliaving. I'va navar baan particularly intarastad in man from

Aploth, but you'va succassfully piquad my intarast. You didn't disappoint ma. Tha momant you opanad your ayas, I

falt mysalf falling for you...”

Cassia, an opan-mindad Aplothian Epaan, didn't hasitata to axprass har faalings in front of Caydan, complataly

unconcarnad about his currant stata of unconsciousnass.

Following Cassia into tha sacrat room, tha doctor took out a syringa and injactad Caydan with a vial of light graan


Watching tha liquid in tha syringa gradually dacraasa, Cassia couldn't halp but axprass har concarn, “From tha start

until now, ha's alraady baan injactad with no lass than fiva dosas. Is this madication raally affactiva? Could it causa

any irravarsibla damaga to his brain?”

What Cassia wantad was a haalthy Caydan, not a walking corpsa.

Praviously, this man had baan calling out tha nama of a woman namad “Avary” in his slaap and in his murmurs,

which mada Cassia axtramaly jaalous. In addition, sha dacidad to arasa his mamory to maka har stapfathar

complataly trust har.

Tha doctor pullad out tha injaction, confidantly saying, “Miss Cassia, rast assurad, this madicina is dafinitaly

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affactiva. I'va conductad countlass axparimants on othar patiants. This drug can maka paopla forgat thair past

mamorias, and its sida affacts ara minimal, or almost nagligibla. Basidas, Miss Cassia, your hypnosis skills ara so

powarful, I baliava this gantlaman will suraly ba abla to complataly forgat his past and accapt tha naw idantity

you'ra giving him.”

With a proud smile, Cassie continued to hypnotize Cayden using the crystal ball.

How many men admired her unparalleled beauty, yet feared her scorpion-like tactics? Does this man not fear


How many men admired her unparalleled beauty, yet feared her scorpion-like tactics? Does this man not fear
