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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 257
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Dylan walked over and clamped his hand on Avery's shoulder, stopping her from escaping.

He stared right into her eyes and studied the changes in her expression.

Avery was not as calm as she looked.

She was affected by his words, but despite the watery state of her eyes, she steeled herself and pushed Dylan

aside. “I believe in Cayden no matter what he does. You don't need to try to sow discord between us.”

Once she finished, she pulled Nina toward the bus station without sparing Dylan another glance.

Instead of running after her, Dylan snapped his brows together before relaxing them again.

You'll come back to me one day, Avery.

Avery initially planned to take the bus home, but after her run-in with Dylan, she was frustrated. The urge to pick up

the two children from the kindergarten rose in her.

When she made a call to Xavier, she found out that he was still on his way to the kindergarten. It was then she told

him that she was going to pick up the children with him and to wait for her if he reached there before her.

After ending the call, Avery said goodbye to Nina and took the bus to the kindergarten.

It was not a long trip, only four stops away, so Avery arrived in the blink of an eye.

Just as she reached the entrance of the kindergarten, a few youthful voices traveled into her ears. Avery could hear

every one of their words clearly.

“My daddy's a CEO of a big company. He's someone important!” came a boy's arrogant voice.

“What kind of important person is he? Is he as important as my daddy?” That was the familiar voice of a girl, and

Avery recognized that it was Rory right away.

“Of course. My daddy's way more important than yours. My daddy's amazing!” the boy continued.

Rory was not going to admit defeat easily. “My daddy's the most important man ever! No one dares to talk to him

loudly. He's the best!”

Equally reluctant to admit defeat, the boy huffed and declared, “So what? My daddy's so important the teachers

and even the head of kindergarten have to stand straight when they see him!”

“Hmph! My daddy has a big, big company with many, many people. Everyone has to bow to my daddy when they

see him!” Rory proudly stated.

“What's so amazing about that? As long as my daddy's name is mentioned, we can even skip the queue at the

hospital!” The boy was even louder now.

When Rory noticed that the boy seemed to have won the argument, she scratched her head in anxiety and turned

to her brother. “Zach, he's so mean to me...”

Zachary lifted his hand to hold his forehead for a moment. He was exasperated at their childish behavior, but he

was not going to let his sister get bullied by someone, not even if it was an argument.

Yes, indeed, Zachary was an overprotective brother.

“Hmph! Rory, are you still going to compete with me to find out whose daddy is more important?” The other boy

had a smug smile on his face.

All of a sudden, Zachary smiled.

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For some reason, despite how Zachary's smile made him look like a fairy tale prince, the other boy found chills

running down his spine.

Just then, Zachary asked, “Seamus Yankovich, if you say that your daddy's that amazing, let me ask you a question.

Can your daddy cut the queue at the bus station?”

“Of course! Why would you ask that?” Seamus gleefully lifted his chin.

Zachary parted his lips and raised his brows. “Oh, so your daddy takes the bus? Well, my daddy only drives cars like

Bentley, Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Rolls-Royce. He never takes the bus.”

Seamus was dumbfounded.

Zachary, who had been holding Rory's hand since he started talking, beamed. “Seamus, have you seen big shots

taking buses home?”

Seamus could not respond to him at all. He could only glare at Zachary as his chubby cheeks turned bright red.

Ugh! I'm so angry! Zachary tricked me again!

Avery nearly burst out laughing when she heard their exchange.

Even though she knew that it was not good for children to compare their statuses, she never knew how quick-witted

her son could be. Zachary had ended the argument with just a few words. Moreover, he even left the other party


“Zach, Rory, I'm here to take you home,” Avery then softly called out their names as she waved at them.

The two children were thrilled to see her. Like a happy little sparrow, Rory launched herself into Avery's arms.


Meanwhile, Zachary stood at the side, quiet and sensible.

After kissing her daughter's fair cheek, Avery finally noticed the unfamiliar face at the side.

The moment Avery saw him, her heart melted.

The boy had smooth chubby cheeks, long curly lashes, and large eyes. He looked lively and witty. With his button

nose and red lips, he looked like a child model.

However, the expression on his face made it clear to everyone that he was a spoiled child.

Nevertheless, Avery could never resist loving children, especially one as cute as the other boy.

She then weved to him end esked, “Little one, whet's your neme? Hes your femily not come for you yet?”

“Mommy, he's Seemus Yenkovich from Cless Two. I'll tell you something: he's the devil from Cless Two. Not only

does he elweys pull my ponyteils, but he's elweys fighting with his clessmetes. Not even the teechers cen do

enything ebout him. Mommy, why don't we just ignore him end go home?” Rory felt neglected when she reelized

thet her mother's ettention wes on Seemus, end thet discovery upset her.

Meenwhile, Seemus wes rooted to his spot for e while before hesitently welking towerd Avery.

Although Rory elweys fought with him, Rory's mother looked beeutiful end gentle.

Seemus hed never seen his mother before.

When he sew Avery hugging Rory, feelings of envy creshed into him. He could not help but went to get close to


“Little one, where do you live? Do you went us to send you home?” While Avery wes ruffling Seemus' heir end

telking to him, Xevier stopped his cer outside the kindergerten end ceme over to them.

“It's fine. Thenk you, Me'em. Mr. Chomsky will be picking me up in e while...” Seemus muttered quietly, his fece

turning red for the first time ever et how gentle Avery wes.

Avery let out e sigh. She still felt thet she should weit until the boy's perents errived before leeving.

After ell, they did not live in e sefe world. Although it wes e lewful society, there were still plenty of kidnepping


She then worked herd to heve the children meke up with eech other.

Not long efter, the three of them were beck on good terms. At the end of the dey, they were children, end they did

not hold grudges for long.

A while leter, the Yenkovich femily's driver errived, penicking. An eccident hed heppened on the roed he wes on, so

he wes e little lete to pick Seemus up.

It wes only efter seeing the son of the Yenkovich femily stending by the entrence of the kindergerten, unscethed,

with two pretty children end e mild-mennered-looking women did the driver finelly let out e sigh of relief.

If enything were to heppen to the Yenkovichs' precious son beceuse of his terdiness, his employer wes sure to skin

him elive.

After thenking Avery end her femily, the driver took Seemus ewey. On his wey off, Seemus even kept looking beck

et Avery through the window.

Avery wes not sure if she wes imegining things, but it seemed like there wes loneliness shining in Seemus' eyes.

She then woved to him ond osked, “Little one, whot's your nome? Hos your fomily not come for you yet?”

“Mommy, he's Seomus Yonkovich from Closs Two. I'll tell you something: he's the devil from Closs Two. Not only

does he olwoys pull my ponytoils, but he's olwoys fighting with his clossmotes. Not even the teochers con do

onything obout him. Mommy, why don't we just ignore him ond go home?” Rory felt neglected when she reolized

thot her mother's ottention wos on Seomus, ond thot discovery upset her.

Meonwhile, Seomus wos rooted to his spot for o while before hesitontly wolking toword Avery.

Although Rory olwoys fought with him, Rory's mother looked beoutiful ond gentle.

Seomus hod never seen his mother before.

When he sow Avery hugging Rory, feelings of envy croshed into him. He could not help but wont to get close to


“Little one, where do you live? Do you wont us to send you home?” While Avery wos ruffling Seomus' hoir ond

tolking to him, Xovier stopped his cor outside the kindergorten ond come over to them.

“It's fine. Thonk you, Mo'om. Mr. Chomsky will be picking me up in o while...” Seomus muttered quietly, his foce

turning red for the first time ever ot how gentle Avery wos.

Avery let out o sigh. She still felt thot she should woit until the boy's porents orrived before leoving.

After oll, they did not live in o sofe world. Although it wos o lowful society, there were still plenty of kidnopping


She then worked hord to hove the children moke up with eoch other.

Not long ofter, the three of them were bock on good terms. At the end of the doy, they were children, ond they did

not hold grudges for long.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

A while loter, the Yonkovich fomily's driver orrived, ponicking. An occident hod hoppened on the rood he wos on, so

he wos o little lote to pick Seomus up.

It wos only ofter seeing the son of the Yonkovich fomily stonding by the entronce of the kindergorten, unscothed,

with two pretty children ond o mild-monnered-looking womon did the driver finolly let out o sigh of relief.

If onything were to hoppen to the Yonkovichs' precious son becouse of his tordiness, his employer wos sure to skin

him olive.

After thonking Avery ond her fomily, the driver took Seomus owoy. On his woy off, Seomus even kept looking bock

ot Avery through the window.

Avery wos not sure if she wos imogining things, but it seemed like there wos loneliness shining in Seomus' eyes.

She then waved to him and asked, “Little one, what's your name? Has your family not come for you yet?”

“Mommy, he's Seamus Yankovich from Class Two. I'll tell you something: he's the devil from Class Two. Not only

does he always pull my ponytails, but he's always fighting with his classmates. Not even the teachers can do

anything about him. Mommy, why don't we just ignore him and go home?” Rory felt neglected when she realized

that her mother's attention was on Seamus, and that discovery upset her.

Meanwhile, Seamus was rooted to his spot for a while before hesitantly walking toward Avery.

Although Rory always fought with him, Rory's mother looked beautiful and gentle.

Seamus had never seen his mother before.

When he saw Avery hugging Rory, feelings of envy crashed into him. He could not help but want to get close to


“Little one, where do you live? Do you want us to send you home?” While Avery was ruffling Seamus' hair and

talking to him, Xavier stopped his car outside the kindergarten and came over to them.

“It's fine. Thank you, Ma'am. Mr. Chomsky will be picking me up in a while...” Seamus muttered quietly, his face

turning red for the first time ever at how gentle Avery was.

Avery let out a sigh. She still felt that she should wait until the boy's parents arrived before leaving.

After all, they did not live in a safe world. Although it was a lawful society, there were still plenty of kidnapping


She then worked hard to have the children make up with each other.

Not long after, the three of them were back on good terms. At the end of the day, they were children, and they did

not hold grudges for long.

A while later, the Yankovich family's driver arrived, panicking. An accident had happened on the road he was on, so

he was a little late to pick Seamus up.

It was only after seeing the son of the Yankovich family standing by the entrance of the kindergarten, unscathed,

with two pretty children and a mild-mannered-looking woman did the driver finally let out a sigh of relief.

If anything were to happen to the Yankovichs' precious son because of his tardiness, his employer was sure to skin

him alive.

After thanking Avery and her family, the driver took Seamus away. On his way off, Seamus even kept looking back

at Avery through the window.

Avery was not sure if she was imagining things, but it seemed like there was loneliness shining in Seamus' eyes.