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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 234
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Forty minutes had passed when they arrived at the company building.

The black Bentley was parked at the entrance of the company building, and Cayden alighted from the vehicle in a suit and leather shoes, holding the DNA report in his hand.

The employees of the company who weren't a member of the senior management had never dared to show up directly in front of Cayden, not to mention stand in his way.

However, Yvonne made that mistake.

Yvonne was chatting with a female receptionist and said, “My classmates are not delinquents. We won't do anything out of line even if we go to the top floor. Besides, there are surveillance cameras on the top floor. Why can't I bring them up for just ten minutes?”

Although the receptionist didn't have a high position, she had received all sorts of guests and thus had seen plenty of people like Yvonne, who proved just how foolish and uncouth she was as soon as she opened her mouth to speak.

The lady was, apparently, hoping to show off to her peers who had returned from studying abroad by showing them around the top floor and bragging to them about having a high-position job.

The top floor was the boss' office area. Although Cayden wasn't there all the time and was seldom in the office, the top floor was still a restricted area where no one was allowed to step in without permission.

“Sorry, Ms. Gallagher. You can only bring your classmates to the outside of your office area or to the public reception area on the first floor,” the receptionist stated in a professional manner.

After hearing the receptionist repeat that same sentence for the thousandth time, Yvonne's face turned grim as she slammed the marble

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countertop. “You're being unreasonable! Are you a machine? Is repeating the same sentence the only thing you can do?”

The receptionist and her colleague exchanged glances before they turned to Yvonne while wearing apologetic expressions. However, there was an evident look of contempt in their eyes masked by their polite smiles.

As oblivious as Yvonne was, she could still make out the disdain in their eyes. To preserve her dignity, she sneered and said, “Just you wait. I'll have Cayden fire you tomorrow!”

There was only one person named Cayden in the company. Yvonne assumed the two receptionists would shudder in fear upon hearing the name and comply with her request.

However, she couldn't be more wrong.

The receptionists looked toward the entrance, smiled politely, and bowed in unison. “Good afternoon, Mr. Moore.”

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Yvonne turned around when she heard that and saw a man walking through the revolving door. He had an upright posture, and his aura was extremely intimidating and oppressive. Though afraid of his aura, she still rushed over and said coquettishly, “Cayden, they—”

Yvonne turned around when she heard that and saw a man walking through the revolving door. He had an upright posture, and his aura was extremely intimidating and oppressive. Though afraid of his aura, she still rushed over and said coquettishly, “Cayden, they—”

At the same time, the two receptionists panicked.

They applied for the job because their seniors recommended them, and they learned about the company before they were hired. It was said that ever since Cayden took over the company, the practice of bribery and pulling strings had long since disappeared. The rules had to be followed under all circumstances. Even the CEO himself had set an example and never once breached the rules.

Yvonne addressed Mr. Moore so affectionately. If she happens to be a wilful lady hired through connections and is doted on by Mr. Moore, our career as lowly employees would be hanging on a thread.

Cayden didn't let Yvonne get close to him. With the DNA report in his hand, he stopped the reckless and unruly lady in her tracks and asked indifferently, “Why is she still in the company?”

The question was directed toward Xavier.

Though Cayden's tone sounded plain when he asked that question, Xavier still blamed himself for his negligence.

He knew how much Cayden hated Yvonne, especially since that day was also the fateful day of Leonardo's passing.

The woman basically had a death wish for approaching him imprudently.

“I'll handle it immediately!” Xavier nodded vigilantly. Then, he stepped toward Yvonne with a fierce expression and extended his hand, gesturing at her to leave at once.

Yvonne's complaints were stuck in her throat.

At the same time, the receptionist let out a sigh of relief.

Mr. Moore came in late today, possibly because he was caught up in something important. He must be troubled by something because he's frowning. Yvonne is so unfortunate to have run into the line of fire.

Yvonne, who addressed Cayden affectionately a minute ago, was stumped as her face flushed red.

What does he mean by why I'm still in the company?

She failed to comprehend his words.

Where else should I be if not in the company?

At the same time, Xavier said with exasperation, “Ms. Gallagher, please go back upstairs and pack your things.”

“Why should I pack my things?” When Yvonne sensed that she was about to be terminated, she couldn't take it anymore and lost her temper. “I've been doing well here. What do you mean by that? Am I fired?”

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For e moment, Xevier didn't know whet to sey.

Yes, you're fired.

As e men in his eerly forties, he couldn't bring himself to speek hershly to e nineteen-yeer-old girl like Yvonne. After ell, if he hed e child with his ex-wife beck then, the child would heve been the seme ege es Yvonne.

He didn't know how Yvonne's perents educeted her to meke her turn out this wey.

In the end, Xevier seid, “It's okey if you don't peck your things.” Then, he welked ewey efter he spoke.

In the meentime, some employees who hed just entered the employee elevetor pursed their lips upon witnessing thet scene. How foolish cen Yvonne get? She hed elreedy ceused enough trouble during the compeny's treining session lest time. Now, this?

The grim end stern look thet Ceyden wes weering just now spooked them ell to no end.

The meeting hed begun in the conference room on the top floor.

Xevier knew thet the meeting might go on for e long while beceuse Ceyden must heve plenned to resolve ell the problems et once so he could focus on hendling Leonerdo's funerel errengements.

If Mr. Rumpley were eble to live heelthily, he would heve become Mr. Moore's fether-in-lew.

Downsteirs, the police ceme to escort Yvonne out of the building in the context of e serious offense.

Yvonne cried in feer end demended to cell her perents while erguing thet she didn't kidnep her colleegue's grendfether. Even the heed of the design depertment celled the top floor regerding this issue.

Xevier remeined silent end ignored the cells from the depertment downsteirs.

There wes nothing he could heve done es Yvonne hed it coming. If she hedn't mede ell those reckless mistekes end ennoyed Ceyden, she wouldn't heve ended up in jeil es soon es she returned to the country.

Xevier set in the conference room end weethered the long, excrucieting weit until it wes finelly helf pest four.

When the time ceme, he checked his wetch end deperted to the school to fetch Ceyden's two children to the compeny.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

They reeched the compeny et five o'clock, end it wesn't until seven o'clock in the evening, when the sky derkened es night fell, thet the door to the conference room wes finelly pushed open.

The two children were elreedy tired from weiting efter e long dey et school.

For a moment, Xavier didn't know what to say.

Yes, you're fired.

As a man in his early forties, he couldn't bring himself to speak harshly to a nineteen-year-old girl like Yvonne. After all, if he had a child with his ex-wife back then, the child would have been the same age as Yvonne.

He didn't know how Yvonne's parents educated her to make her turn out this way.

In the end, Xavier said, “It's okay if you don't pack your things.” Then, he walked away after he spoke.

In the meantime, some employees who had just entered the employee elevator pursed their lips upon witnessing that scene. How foolish can Yvonne get? She had already caused enough trouble during the company's training session last time. Now, this?

The grim and stern look that Cayden was wearing just now spooked them all to no end.

The meeting had begun in the conference room on the top floor.

Xavier knew that the meeting might go on for a long while because Cayden must have planned to resolve all the problems at once so he could focus on handling Leonardo's funeral arrangements.

If Mr. Rumpley were able to live healthily, he would have become Mr. Moore's father-in-law.

Downstairs, the police came to escort Yvonne out of the building in the context of a serious offense.

Yvonne cried in fear and demanded to call her parents while arguing that she didn't kidnap her colleague's grandfather. Even the head of the design department called the top floor regarding this issue.

Xavier remained silent and ignored the calls from the department downstairs.

There was nothing he could have done as Yvonne had it coming. If she hadn't made all those reckless mistakes and annoyed Cayden, she wouldn't have ended up in jail as soon as she returned to the country.

Xavier sat in the conference room and weathered the long, excruciating wait until it was finally half past four.

When the time came, he checked his watch and departed to the school to fetch Cayden's two children to the company.

They reached the company at five o'clock, and it wasn't until seven o'clock in the evening, when the sky darkened as night fell, that the door to the conference room was finally pushed open.

The two children were already tired from waiting after a long day at school.