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The Alpha’s Little Rogue

Chapter 120
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Chapter 120

Caden’s POV

I’m at the front line, ahead of my warriors as I lead them to the borders where a herd of wolves are nearing.

Alex and Raphael stay at my sides as we approach them. I may have never gotten the chance to see Jude in his wolf form but I’m willing to bet that the average gray wolf in the front is him. The hate and anger radiating off it is a dead giveaway. He feels that he has been robbed of an Alpha position and he’s here to take what he believes to be his. Over my dead body.

Everyone comes to a standstill as both sides face each other head-op.

I shift back to my human form, not caring about the state of my nakedness as I approach Jude’s wolf.

“Why are you on my territory?” I boom, my voice carrying over the silent woods.

The grey wolf’s bones start shifting and transforms into Jude.

I bare my teeth at him, anger rising through my spine. I force it down. If there’s a way forto resolve this without causing the death of a thousand warriors then that’s the path that I’m going to take. Biting Jude’s head off isn’t going to getthat.

He has a stu pi d smirk on his face as he approaches me. “I’ve cto take what is rightfully mine.”

I barely hold in a scoff. Just how delusional can someone get? At this point, I’m starting to think what he needs is sment a l assistance and not a pack of his own.

“You want to be the Alpha of this pack?” I inch closer, my hands clenching into fists. “You’re going to need to take it off my dead fingers,” I say venomously, burning with a hate so strong that my fist trembles.

He chuckles. “I thought as much.” Gesturing behind him, “That’s why I brought along sfriends.”

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I look at the wolves behind him, each of them vibrating with a taste for blood and violence. Their stench is

revolting. Their eyes are red and vacant of any humane thoughts, showing just how depraved rogues are. I hate

the bunch of them.

“This is between you and me. Let’s have a one-on-one battle and if you defeat me, the position is yours.” I could


Chapter 120

almost feel the disapproval from Raphael’s and Alex’s wolves as they take a step closer to me. But I couldn’t let them go against those barbarians when we were severely outnumbered. We might win the battle but at what cost? Half my pack will be dead and I don’t think we can survive a loss as great as that again.

If there’s a way to cout victorious without a mass death, I’m going to try and achieve it. I’ve trained every single day of my f u c k n g existence and Jude might be on the huge side but I’m sure that I can take him.

Jude blinks atand then he laughs. F u c k i n g laughs in my face. Once he’s done having his share of fun, he straightens and swipes a finger under his eyes, wiping away metaphorical tears.

His face hardens, a three-sixty-degrees change from the smile he spotted a second ago. “You must think I’m an idiot.” His hands flare wide. His voice goes deadly low, “Why would I do that when it’s very obvious which side is going to be winning this fight?”

The air charge with friction, the smell of violence already infused in it. There was no talking with a man that was

out for blood.

“Then we fight till the last man is standing,” I say, shifting back into my wolf, my head held high in the air and the eyes gazing directly at the man whose life I’m about to claim.

Jude shifts as well and with a growl from him, they attack.




That’s all I see all around me. Heavy masses of bodies thump dead on the ground. A few of them I can recognize. People with families, ambitions, and dreams are all lying dead.

We’re trying our best. Despite the odds stacked against us, we’re holding on, fighting for the ones that fell before us and finally getting the vengeance that they deserve.

From the distance, I make out a herd of wolves heading our way with a familiar wolf leading them to us. Isiah.

He cthrough and delivered his promise. We’re so winning this fight.

Pumped up, I dig my teeth into the jugular of a rogue beside me, tearing his veins right out of his neck and



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Chapter 120

watching as the life drains out of his eyes.

Looking around, I try to fish out an average-sized grey wolf. In the chaos, Jude managed to evade my sight, probably waiting to attack when I least expect it.

Two average-sized wolves pounce onand I deal with them, snapping the neck of one and flinging the other off my back as he tries to aim for my neck. He hits a tree with a satisfying snap, definitely breaking his spine. If he wasn’t already dead from that impact, then his life is going to be one that’s worse than death.

Turning around amid the bloodshed, I continue scouting out for Jude, and I’m just about to get a rogue that’s trying to scurry away into the woods when my gaze lands on something that turns my blood cold.


She has three huge wolves on her and she lets out a howl that digs into my heart when one of them bites into her


With Jude shoved to the back of my mind, I race in her direction, immediately getting rid of one with a dig into his neck. He falls limp to the ground and I advance to the next one, pushing him away from Alessia while she

deals with the last one.

Once I’m done with giving him a swift death, -a far cry from the slow, painful death I have in mind- I turn around to see that Alessia has taken care of the last one. She’s standing over its body and other than the bleeding wound in her shoulder, she seems fine.

I hold her wolf’s eyes, trying to ask if she’s truly alright without any spoken words.

I’ve been trying to get Alessia in tune with our mind-link. She has been getting the hang of it but at times, she finds it difficult to connect to it. It is to be expected, given that she has never been in a pack and has never learnt


Zuri nods, answering my unspoken question but then her gaze shifts to behind me, her eyes widening in size. They flick back to mine, horror infused in them.

‘Caden, turn around!! Turn around!’ A voice yells in my head. Alessia’s voice.

Confused, I turn around and feel a sharp, burning pain in my chest. A blade has been lunged into my heart, and Jude in his human form smiles victoriously as he pushes it deeper.