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Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 9 - Eager To Run To Your Mommy To Complain??
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Taking into consideration that this was still the first day of their school, teachers did not teach much but just introduced themself and the subject they were going to take.

Sitting at the last row and the corner, Sia was already bored and was about to doze off. hearing the same thing from all the teachers, she felt annoyed and had the urge to skip the class but considering that this was still her first day of school, she decided to endure it for a while.

When the first teacher, that is their homeroom teacher entered the class and introduced himself and his subject, Sia felt that things were okay but later when she heard the same words again and again, that annoyed her a lot.

Tired of hearing the same thing, she laid her head on her arms and pouted. Just then with a buzz, a fly which was two centimeters long and two centimeters wide flew and sat on her book, unlike other girls who would scream the hell out, Sia just looked at lazily and flicked it with her fingers without even looking at the direction she had flicked but. But when the insect flew, it directly hit Lu Jin's ear hole and made a slight buzz.

Lu Jin, who was listening to the class lazily felt something hit his ear and he heard a low buzz next to his hear, startled he stood up from his desk with a yell and kept patting his ears and when he saw something falling from the corner of his eyes, he looked down only to find an insect lying on the floor paralyzed. Shocked for a moment, he suddenly yelled out startling everyone in the class


the teacher who was initially teaching saw the monkey act of Lu Jin's and thought that he was making fun of him but then when he heard him shout he thought something was wrong and went to the last row and saw an insect lying on the floor paralyzed. Thinking that Lu Jin, a big man was scared of insects the teacher could not help but frown in displeasure.

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knowing that the teacher misunderstood him, Lu Jin wanted to explain but suddenly saw a silhouette from the corner of his eyes. Turning his head, he saw Sia trying hard not to laugh and he was extremely displeased and when he turned around to explain to the teacher he saw that the latter was already a few distance away and was continuing the class. Feeling aggrieved, he turned his head and glared at Sia but the later instead of shrinking back her neck reenacted the action of flicking her fingers showing him how he was attacked by the insect.

The more Lu Jin saw Sia's action they more aggrieved he felt. Afraid to burst out and displease he teacher, he turned his head with a hmph and no longer looked at Sia but in the end, he could not help but look at Sia from the corner of his eyes, afraid to be attacked another insect.

Finding a new way to release her boredom, Sia made a few paper balls and aimed it at Lu Jin knowing that the later was seeing her. Just when Sia was about to flick the paper, Lu Jin hurriedly covered his ears and leaned front to avoid Sia's little crazy act.

Covering her mouth, Sia had a hard time to control her laughter. Because the latter was sitting at the last and that too at the corner, the teacher did not notice her little action. But there was one certain person who saw her action clearly and the latter could not help but smile a little.

When the classes were done, Sia along with her four friends went out of the class and stood in the corridor chatting. Remembering something, An Ran looked at Su Yan and Sia and asked curiously "Oh by the way, what happened to Lu Jin? why did he yell all of a sudden in the class?"

Because An Ran was sitting in the same row as Lu Jin and was at the corner, she did not see what happened to Lu Jin and because Sia and Su Yan were sitting behind them, she thought that the later must have seen and asked curiously.

Recalling what happened earlier, Su Yan and Sia suddenly burst out laughing. Laughing her stomach out, Su Yan said "Haha....don't ask me. Ask this great lord next to me"

Confused, An Ran and Xiao Li looked at Sia and asked "Huh? why?"

"Because this great lord was the one who bullied your ex" Su Yan said with a grin

"Bullied? how?"

"You want to know?" Sia asked with a grin

As curious as she was, An Ran and Xiao Li nodded their head eagerly.

Seeing someone walking towards their direction, Sia grinned widely and asked: "How about let me act and show you?"

Thinking that both were the same, the two just shrugged her shoulder. With a mischievous look on her face, Sia got into her act and started to enact the story but a little bit exaggeratedly. When she finished enacting the whole story, the three girls could no longer hold in and burst out laughing loudly.

"Hey...you-you are really somethig...haha," An Ran said between her laughter.

Not far away from them, when the victim of the bully saw the whole act he had the urge to run away and cry in front of his mom. What more, the brother behind him who was initially clueless, after seeing Sia act the whole situation could not help but laugh silently but Lu Jin could still hear their muffled laughter. Enraged, he walked towards Sia and pointed his finger at her eyes and stuttered "You-"

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Before Lu Jin could finish speaking, Sia gestured the act of flicking her fingers, and the later subconsciously moved back and covered his ears and looked at Sia with his guard up. Seeing this, the girls and the boys who were not far away from them burst out laughing once again.

Realizing that he was pranked once again, Lu Jin was angry but then when he saw An Ran laughing her heart out from the corner of his eyes, his eyes softened for a moment. Afraid that he would be caught, he hurriedly looked away but Sia still saw through his emotion before he could conceal.

'hmm...interesting' Sia thought but did not expose him.

Aggrieved, the later looked at Sia and his friend resentfully and turned around to walk off from there but does he think that our FL will let him off soo easily?

As soon as Lu Jin turned around and took a few steps, he head Sia say "Little kid, eager to run to your mommy to complain?"


"Ahh...you are indeed a kid. Depending on your mom even at this age? well...be careful, what if some bully you? you know, not everyone is as good as me?"

Hearing Sia's last words, not only Lu Jin, even the other felt to puke. this girl was too bad.

Almost on the verge to cry, Lu Jin was afraid to stay there for a second more. With his tail his between his legs, he almost ran away from there leaving the people behind laughing at his misfortune.