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Supreme Monarch

Chapter 323 C323. Meeting A Great
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Amid Paragon's city's first ball, a loud sound suddenly reverberated across the entire hall, instantly garnering the attention of everyone present here today.

There were currently more than 10,000 people in the hall with the majority of them being at the very least of the Tier 2 standard, and currently, that many gazes filled with hostility were directed at the ones who had disrespected their master by barging in on such an important occasion for their city.

With such numbers, even a Demon Lord-level fighter would hesitate to take a single step into the hall.


Despite the pressure emanating from the masses, several figures clad in silvery black full plate armor— with glowing red crystalline metal lining their edges, hurriedly marched into the hall uninvited before splitting into two rows as they moved to either side of the door and stood at attention.

They had completely disregarded the death glares being directed at them as they proceeded to stand by either side of the doors motionless, as though awaiting something.

Following the knight's flashy entrance were three figures as they casually strode into the hall almost without a care in the world. They easily moved admin the hostility as easily as though they were simply taking a stroll in their own backyard.

Even against the gazes of thousands of insanely strong members of hidden amid the crowd, their attitude did not change as their presence immediately encompassed the hall, causing the hall to fall into silence.

Despite their previous hostility, almost everyone standing close to them would subconsciously take steps back, unintentionally creating a path for the intruders as they walked unhindered towards the center of the hall.

Tyler stared quietly at these three figures that had just intruded on his party uninvited as they casually approached him as though they owned the place. However, contrary to his blank and somber expression, he was actually quite overjoyed by their intrusion and if he could, he would've happily thanked them for saving him from facing the embarrassment of the dance floor.

However, now was not the time for such idle thoughts and he could not let himself remain distracted by that. After all, the people that had just barged into the hall after secretly infiltrating his city were no ordinary individuals.

Of course, he had been aware of their intrusion but had been advised by Uriel not to do anything, and boy was that the right decision based on their timing alone.

At first, he had been a bit skeptical about letting beings of this level infiltrate freely without retaliating but Uriel was usually never wrong so there was no huge risk in the idea.

Besides, Z had also predicted such an irrational move by one of these people so it was fine. The only reason why he didn't know who exactly would try such a thing was because of his lack of a widespread information network. Divination alone could only get one so far.

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As Tyler's mind wondered, the three individuals that had barged into the hall had finally made their way to the other side of the hall and stopped a reasonable distance before his seat. It took everything Liz had to restrain Rain from flat out attacking these three from the moment they had taken a single step into the hall but Tyler was interested in what they had to say before escalating issues.

However, he had severely failed to take into account the multitude of emotions swelling up inside every single one of his subordinates. And while the presence of these three intruders was enough to suppress the majority of them, there were still those that could easily resist such things.

*Whoosh... Boom!

The moment the three intruders had come to a stop in front of Tyler. Several figures appeared behind them, weapons drawn as they moved swiftly and as a unit.

Their weapons glow in a gentle hue as each of them activated their strongest skills while combining them with secret techniques.

These figures were the members of the Black Flame Legion under the command of Orias. As the members of the Black Flames were still only consisting of the original members of the former Black Ravens, their teamwork was impeccable and their movements were without flaws.

They hadn't made any sounds as they moved and their strikes aimed directly at the trio's blindspots, aiming to split their skulls before they could even realize what had happened.


While the members of the Black Flame Legion had received an increase to their Magic potential as a reward for their contributions in the undead war and had all gotten stronger.

Their attacks had still failed to reach their targets.

"Zero Counter - Gravity Fall."

For a moment it felt as though their attacks had met an impenetrable wall even though there was nothing there as the force of their strikes was completely absorbed in an instant and a black dense ball of gravity appeared above them and the force of their attacks was reflected back at them.

Everything had happened in only an instant as over a dozen members of the Black Flame Legion had suddenly crashed to the ground, unable to get back up.

The scene stunned all those who had witnessed it. Especially those that had been able to follow the high-speed movements of both parties.

At this moment, Tyler's Great demon generals present here frowned as they moved toward the trio in retaliation but Tyler simply signaled for them to halt.

He was well aware that if a fight was to break out between these three and his generals, almost all of his citizens would die immediately before they even had time to flee. Worst of all, the beautiful city they were still in the midst of constructing would be obliterated.

However, those were not the only reason why he didn't want them to engage in a fight.

After signaling for his Generals to hold off, they all took a step back to his side and Tyler settled his gaze on the intruders.

"Greetings Demon Lord Ty, it's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. So please, pardon the intrusion."

The one who spoke stood at the front of the group, he was a slim male figure wearing official attire of black and gold with several items of exquisite equipment adorning his person.

He had long, silk-like white hair that gently fell all the way to his back. His scarlet eyes shone with a soft hue that was complemented by his vertical slits and deathly pale white skin tone that made him look as though he had never once stepped foot into daylight.

Standing only a step behind him and to his right was a young lady with skin almost as pale as his. She had short white hair and red doll-like pupils, adorned in an exquisite body-fitting black and white dress, her enticing figure combined with a pretty, yet expressionless face could stir the hearts of many.

Similarly, standing a step behind and to his left was yet another young lady of equal beauty and similar presence, yet her demeanor was almost a complete polarity.

She was rather tall in comparison to the two, standing at almost 6'3. She had long black hair that fell all the way to her lower waist, she had similar scarlet eyes that seems to match the other two.

Wearing a rather short white dress that enunciate her rather erotic figure, she smiled rather lewdly as she casually observed the male gazes focused on her large chest.

However, those gazes had only lasted a moment as everyone's attention and animosity had been directed at the one responsible for injuring their comrades.

"Lord Ty Falls Darknar. Please forgive our rude interruption, this is the ruler of the Demnirantre Region, The Great Vampire Lord, Felis Drax Morningstar, who seeks an audience with you."

The one who spoke was the silver-haired female to his right as her head was slightly lowered as a show of respect when addressing someone of a higher status than hers even if they were of an opposing family.

'The Lord of the Demninatre region? A vampire?'

Tyler questioned internally as he failed to understand what this girl was saying. What the hell was a vampire doing in the demon continent and how the hell was he also a Great Demon Lord.

[Answer: A Vampire is a rare path in the demon evolution hierarchy. Mirroring the path of demon nobles, vampires ascend in strength based on their titles.]

'So there are vampire barons and vampire dukes.'

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[Correct. However, vampire dukes are also known as vampire elders and as the vampire gene pool is only limited to the Morningstar family, there can only ever be one Vampire Lord at a time.]

'Wait what? That's a bit weird.'

Tyler was still trying to wrap his head around what he had just heard when the situation suddenly took a turn for the worst.

"You seek an audience after barging into Lord Ty's presence unannounced, and then proceeding to attack his vassals. Such arrogance."

A sweet yet bone-chilling voice came from the blonde girl standing beside Tyler as the temperature in the hall instantly dropped below the freezing point and if it wasn't for the Magic runes engraved on the wall maintaining a constant pleasing temperature, everyone would've immediately become a block of ice.

However, those runes were not powerful enough to completely negate Liz's cold aura as everyone shivered from head to toe. Even the black armored knight that escorted those three here was shivering in their metal boots.

Tyler immediately fell into a panic as he had failed to stop Liz on time. He was aware that there was a rather high possibility for one of the Great Five to completely forgo caution and either attack him or seek to negotiate with him.

However, he had never imagined in a million years that they would not bother to send a representative to him, rather, the Great Demon lord himself.

[I apologize for my incompetence master. As any information on the secrets of the Great Five is protected against even my World Divination. It was impossible to predict their behavioral patterns without any information to go on so my calculations could not meet an adequate conclusion.]

'Hmm? Oh, that's not really your fault. It's only natural for them to have their own God Tier artifact to protect their most precious secrets so even if your calculations had failed, that would've been understandable. However, there was only an unexpected variable added to the middle so I'll say you did better than even possible.'

[I'm sorry master. I will try better to achieve a more than 97% conclusion rate next time.]

'Indeed. You were still able to— Huh? Wait what!'


'Don't tell me you had a more than 97% chance that the Vampire Lord would be visiting me unannounced and you didn't tell me!'

[I cannot provide a report to master when it has a more than 1% likelihood of failure.]


As though struck by lightning, Tyler was rendered speech as he just continued to stare strangely at the three intruders standing before him.

'...You're kidding right?'