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Supreme Monarch

Chapter 322 C322. The First Ball
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—Paragon City.

—The city's Lord's Masion.

After his business with all the various noble representatives that sought an audience with him was concluded, the only ones left in his office was Tyler himself, Rain and Cora.

There was of course the two maids, Verlia and Varys— who had been assigned to attend to his guest until now— they both stood silently by the side of the room as they patiently awaited a need for their services to arrive.

Their disposition and mannerisms were leagues above those of the maids in the castle as they had obviously received more training than even Cora as they were originally the daughters from a low ranking noble household that would usually have their daughters be married off or serve as maid in higher ranked noble household.

Still, the way they were able to blend into the background without anyone noticing them unless they moved was impressive and Tyler was even wondering if they were using a skill to accomplish that.

However, his interest in their abilities wasn't strong enough for him to bother asking them for details as his main focus at the time was getting done with his work.

Still, having them just stand there watching his ever move was a little unnerving and he was starting to get a little uncomfortable.

With the last representative gone, Tyler didn't think there was anymore need for them to remain standing but he couldn't find the proper words to express his thoughts to them without sounding rude.

He also didn't think they would be happy to be dismissed and didn't want to go through that last ordeal again.

Then again, perhaps he was just being full of himself and they didn't even like standing like that to begin with. Those conflicting thoughts were swirling around in his head as he found himself in deep contemplation on what to do.

After the last representative left his office, the only thing left for Tyler to do now was attend the grand opening ball of his city where he would have to address everyone in a speech he hadn't even written yet.

'I'm not getting anywhere like this.'

With that in mind, Tyler suddenly stood up, breaking away from Rain's embrace as he declared.

"I will be attending the ball next."

It had been several hours since he arrived here and began meeting with various noble demons who simply came to lay judgment on him, so naturally, the time for the ball had already passed.

The sun seems to have set a while back and the city still under construction was beautifully illuminated with Magic lamps, set up accross the massive city.

With his last statement that sounded more like an order, Tyler strode forth and Rain accompany him. Cora also followed in silence. Naturally, so did Varys and Verlia as they would be attending to the guest in the hall alongside the other maids.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Upon getting to the door, Tyler subconsciously reached forth to grab the doorknob when Cora hurriedly rushed past him and open the door with a stern smile.

'Ah... right,'

For some reason, his maids didn't like it when Tyler would try to open the doors himself as it seems he was taking away aspects from their duties.

There wasn't much for them to do for him so they had taken pride in the little things he had allowed them to do.

Frankly, this was his fault for being so passive in the beginning as he was so unaccustomed to such treatments and simply allowed them to do whatever they wanted.

However, it was truly hard for Tyler to deny a sincere request from those around him. This was something his little sister had taken advantage of quite often. In the end, she had had always gotten her way.


Tyler let out a silent breath as he walked through the opened door and down the corridor. At this point, everyone had been gathered in the massive hall on the first floor of the City's Lords mansion and they were all simply waiting for his arrival as they chatted with one another, creating new friendships and bonds with the multitude of races they would usually never associate with.

Unbeknownst to Tyler, his tardiness had allowed the little animosity between the several races that had always clashed with each other to finally communicate their grievances, realizing that they no longer had a need to fight as they were all now serving under the same master.

Tyler enjoyed his quite stroll down the mansion as he approached the honored entrance to the main hall were everyone was gathered.

However, before he could reached the entrance to the large hall, the space directly in front of him suddenly distorted for a moment as a slender figure appeared directly in front of him.

"Well well well... it looks like the two of you are having quite a nice time together aren't you, Lord Ty."

A beautiful smile adorned the face of a God Tier beauty wearing a extremely gorgeous sky blue dress that complimented her beautiful blue eyes that were current as cold as ice as she approached the figure of Tyler and Rain, who current had her arms wrapped around his.

However, the air around her didn't seem to compliment her smile as the temperature in the corridor began to drop rapidly.

"Oh-oh Liz... you-you're done with your work so soon... that's odd..."

"Odd you say? Now why would that be odd uh Rain. Do you mind enlightening me."

Seeing Liz suddenly appear before them, Rain seem to get rather anxious. Almost as though she was a criminal having been caught in the midst of of crime.

"Oh umm... no reason, it's not because I had them send over multiple days paperwork to keep you busy today or anything. Definitely not, tehee."

"Why you..."

Liz brown twitched as she glared at Rain who had moved slightly behind Tyler doing her best impression of a bashful maiden.

'What the hell did she do.'

Tyler found himself stuck in the middle of a conflict he didn't have anything to do with as he found himself wondering what the hell Rain had done to caused this.


Although Tyler wasn't really interested in knowing what happed. It seems Uriel was quite excited to inform him of the events that had unfolded behind his back.

Apparently, Rain had secretly snuck out of the castle and instructed Hecated to gather up all the paperwork reserved for Liz office and send it to her today. It was why she had gotten so dressed up as she wanted to be the one to walk into the hall with Tyler, instilling the image as his primary patner in the eyes of everyone gathered here today.

Her plan had been quite simple but had clearly been effective and Liz had been forced to use various skills and techniques to make sure she could go through the mountain of paperwork on time without making any mistakes.

'This girl.'

Tyler was completely at a loss as he found himself no longer able to comprehend what the girls were thinking as apparently, they were now resulting playing such dangerous games that surely wouldn't end well.

Still, he wouldn't get involved in their elaborate plots but unfortunately for Rain, she had lost the right to escort him for the rest of the day after being scolded by Liz who had taken full advantage of the opportunity.

While she pouted and grumbled, she didn't try to argue with Liz's decision as the temperature in the corridor finally returned to normal before she had unintentionally frozen Cora and the other maids who— while shivering, managed to naintain their composure during the entire encounter.

'Now, that's what you call a professional.'



The majestic arch doors suddenly swung open as the entire hall grounded to a halt and all eyes immediately shifted to the ones that stood behind those massive doors.

An aged man dressed as a butler with a pair of Golden gloves on her hands entered the hall alongside two guards clad in exquisite metal armor. The guards moved uniformly as they marched inside the hall before moving to the side, making way for their supreme ruler's entrance.

In the next moment, the aged man most where hadn't seen before announced their Lord's arrival in a dignified tone that instilled a sense of reveren In all those that heard him.

Subtle gasps and awed-inspired looks escaped the mouths of everyone that laid eyes on the world-class beauties that had graced their presence upon them as they walked into the hall alongside a man everyone here knew well.

The Great Demon Lord of the Darknar family, Ty Falls Darknar.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Of course, that name was not known by many until this day as his appearance right then had been announced by the aged man dressed in a butler's garb and wearing a pair of Golden gloves.

The interior of the hall had completely changed since the last time Tyler saw it only a few hours ago as a vast array of individuals dressed in their best garbs stood motionlessly as they admired the beauties by his side.

Tyler was sure they had even forgotten about him but didn't let himself get discouraged as he moved cooly to the center of the hall.

As though on cue, a maid gracefully brought them glasses of wine and a spoon for Tyler to draw the attention of the crowd in a toast to start the event.

As the hall was massive, a subtle strike to his glass would not be sufficient to break the crowd's daze from the girls but with a little spatial distortion, he had done just that.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. To be frank, this is more of a celebration of all of your hard work over the last few weeks so there is no need to be this former. However, this had also become, the former debut of our new family, the Darknar family."

Naturally, rumors of what Tyler had just said had already spread far and wide but this was the first time anyone had heard it in such official capability. At least, coming straight from his mouth. This was as official as it gets.

"This party will also introduce you to all our officials including, my most trusted aides. The six great Demon Generals."

At that, several individuals moved towards Tyler seat and stood proudly by his sides as they boldly faced the crowds and looks of amazement and curiosity as well as anticipation, filled the hall.

"Unfortunately, some of my generals are on missions and are currently aware of the city but please, do not let that distract you. With that in mind, I hope you'll have fun at Paragon City's first ball. Cheers!"

Tyler raised his drink high into the air as a symbol for everyone else to do the same and they followed suit as cheers of joy and excitement rang out from across the hall.

With his heart racing and surprised he hadn't embarrassed himself, he took a sip from the wine and walked away from the center of the hall as the live music began their performance.

The generals that had stood beside his seat him had scattered as they were engaged in talks with several representatives and ambassadors from other families perhaps to get a better feel of their strengths in person and even Rain and Liz were being approached.

In a normal setting, Tyler didn't think anyone here would be able to even mutter their courage to approach the girls and it wasn't because of their looks either.

After a while of everyone mingling with one another and indulging themselves in the vast array of food and drinks, they invited Tyler who sat on the chair prepared for him in the front of the hall to the dance floor to have the first dance.

However, this was beyond Tyler's expectations as he had never danced a day in his life. No one had ever mentioned this to him so he hadn't even been prepared or practiced.

His nerves immediately rose as tension gripped his heart trying desperately to maintain his facade.

'What kind of twisted punishment is this! Somebody save me!'


As though the heavens had heard his cry for help, the large doors to the lord's mansion were slammed open as several figures barged into the hall.

'Oh thank God.'