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Strings of Fate

Chapter 190
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190- Freezing and feeling My thoughts turn back to the tracking spell that Cam made for us. | am officially desperate enough to try anything. | can’t leave Kiara there anymore.

Ryann- The tracking spell you gave us. How well do you need to know the person you're tracking? Is it based on how long you've known them? How much tyou've spent together? How much the tis valued? Cam-Well, it is based more on the emotional connection between two people. So usually people who have strong emotional connections ARE people who have spent a lot of ttogether, but there's no requirement. As long as both parties are emotionally close the spell should be able to latch onto that.

Ryann-So what if theoretically the two people had never met in person, but there was a strong emotional attachment regardless? Cam-You mean yourself, don’t you? Look, | can’t guarantee that the spell will work for you. | mean, with all the effort you've put in I'm fairly sure that your emotional attachment is close enough. The question is whether Kiara has an emotional attachment to you.

Ryann- | mean, | THINK she does. We haven't spoken much but she knows I'm looking for her. She's... counting on me.

Cam- It’s worth a shot. The worst that could happen is the spell doesn’t work and you end up with a nasty headache.

Ryann- In that case I'm going to do it. Well, Ill talk to Bellamy first. But It’s definitely happening.

Cam-Okay. Well, to use the spell just tip it over your hand and arm with your palm facing upwards. You can think of it like a metal detector, or that ghot and cold. You should feel something in your hand when it’s facing towards her and it will get more noticeable the closer you get. It might not help if she is really far away, but since we're fairly sure she is still in the city IF the tracking spell works for you, then she should be in range.

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Ryann- Thank you so much Cam. Please letknow if there's ever anything | can do for you. Even if this doesn’t work, you've been so helpful. No wonder Harry likes you so much.

Cam- HAH! | wouldn't use HIM as a measure of a person. | mean, who DOESN'T he like? Ryann- He is a friendly guy, but I trust his opinions. He’s always been a good judge of character. | mean, would it be better if he hated everyone? Cam- | suppose not. Anyway, tellhow the tracking spell goes. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Good luck! Oh, there she goes. | guess she isn’t quite ready to believe that Harry might actually be genuine in his attentions just yet. Poor guy. It's not his fault that he’s an Incubus. It is true that a lot of Incubi do cheat on their partners, but that’s usually only the ones who are jerks and enjoy making people fall for them. Harry might sleep around a lot (although not so much recently) and he is definitely an incorrigible flirt, but he never lies or pretends to have feelings. He doesn’t lead anyone on or leave them with false impressions. | hope Cam doesn’t go too hard on him. He might be taking it well now, but the longer she refuses to believe he means what he’s saying, the more likely it is to hurt his feelings. Not that he would admit it. As if summoned by my thoughts, Harry messages the group chat.

COCK TALES 1/3 190- Freezing and feeling Harry- So I'm a little confused by the most recent drink Cam has given me....

Megan- Confused how? Darrien- Is it actually safe for consumption? If so, | can see how that might be different to usual.

Harry- It’s frozen.

Ryann- Frozen... like a slushie? Harry- No, like the entire drink is a solid chunk of ice.

Bellamy- Are you sure it’s even an alcoholic drink? | didn’t think you COULD freeze a drink like that. Did she take it out of a freezer? Harry- That's the weird thing. She just... poured it. Then | tried to drink it but... | can’t. It's like a rock.

Amber- Damnit. | can’t believe | didn’t get to see you trying to drink that. What a disappointment.

Megan- Now you know how the rest of us feel.

Bellamy- | bet that bar has security cameras. We know the bartender. | bet if you bribe her you could get your hands on the footage....

Ryann HAH. Oh I'm totally going to ask sometime.

Harry You guys are useless.

Darrien- How did she even manage to freeze the alcohol, particularly so fast? Megan-.I blmagic. Always blmagic.

Darrien- Fair enough.

Harry- You guys! | need HELP. How am | meant to drink this? It could take HOURS to melt. Am | supposed to just SIT here all night? Amber- Weren't you planning to do that anyway? Harry-...

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Harry. You have a good point. | guess there’s no rush. Maybe this is her way of hinting that she wantsto stay late.

Bellamy-That might be reading into it a little much. But sure, whatever makes you happy.

Darrien- Megan and | just finished making dinner Ryann.

Ryann- Alrighty, on my way down now.

Bellamy-Eagerly anticipating your return.

2/3 190- Freezing and feeling Amber- Rolling my eyes.

Harry- Ew, | head downstairs and Bellamy meetsin the hall and greetswith a quick k*ss. We head into the kitchen and find that Darrien and Megan have set up a ‘build your own taco’ station at the dining table. When we're all settled and eating, | inform everyone of my intention to try the tracking spell.

“Cam says that it might work, if the emotional connection between Kiara and | is strong enough, and worst case it does nothing. It's worth a shot. | don’t know why | feel the need to justify my decision so much. No one is even arguing with me.

“That's fair. We can do it tomorrow. Just givetto get the team together so we can be ready if it does work. We should also find out if Alex learned anything from the computer. We might be able to narrow down the search area or something.” | feel a sudden rush of affection for Bellamy. Not only is he backing my plan, but he’s coming up with ways to make it work more efficiently.

“You should try to tell Kiara that we're coming. | think it might make the spell work better. If she’s expecting you, she will be thinking about you. That seems like it might help with the whole emotional connection thing, right?” Megan suggests. Darrien nods approvingly at her and the pride in his eyes is almost embarrassing to watch.

Bellamy also agrees that it's worth a shot. We decide to try the spell tomorrow at about midday. It givestto wake up, try to warn Kiara that we are (hopefully) coming and use the potion. It also gives Bellamy tto communicate with the team and Alex about whatever he might have found.

After contacting Kiara, I'm exhausted again. As a result I'm practically falling asleep at the dinner table. Darrien Volunteers to coordinate with Alex to make arrangements for tomorrow and to my surprise, Bellamy agrees to let him manage things. | must look more tired than | thought because Bellamy practically dragsupstairs. We rush through our nighttroutines and for what is probably the first tin my adult life, | go to bed early without complaint. We are both in bed and asleep before it even hits nine at night.