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Star Odyssey

Chapter 2948: Strange Laws
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Chapter 2948: Strange Laws

Lu Yin's eyes turned cold. "Destroy it?"

Progenitor Xi smiled. "Simple, no?"

"Are there humans?"

"Do you want there to be?"

"I hate humans."

Progenitor Xi shook her head. "I’m sorry, but there are no humans in that universe, only sastral beasts. They are multiplying too quickly, and more and more powerful ones are appearing. If things continue in this manner, they will eventually beca problem for our Aeternus. Please, go kill them all and destroy the universe."

As the woman spoke, figures approached from the distance. They cto a stop behind Progenitor Xi, and Lu Yin saw that they were five Progenitor-level corpse kings.

"Given your strength, you are indeed qualified to beca True God Guard Captain. These five are yours to command. You can control them with divine energy, so just use your own understanding of the energy to control them. They are now yours," Progenitor Xi stated with a smile.

Lu Yin was surprised. This was what Yu Huo had meant when he had said that he controlled his corpse kings with divine energy.

Divine energy was similar to stellular energy, in the sense that they were both types of energies. It was possible to cultivate stellular energy and becan Envoy, then a Semi-Progenitor, and finally even the Progenitor level. People at the scultivation level could have vastly differing levels of combat strength, and there were countless different battle techniques that used stellular energy. The scould be said of divine energy.

Everyone who cultivated divine energy should have slightly different understandings of the energy. Did that extend to how the various captains controlled the True God Guard?

Lu Yin quickly took control of the five Progenitor-level corpse kings by leaving a bit of his own divine energy within their bodies.

Progenitor Xi praised his actions. "Yu Huo mentioned that you were able to use divine energy the very first tyou cinto contact with it. I see that it’s true. Mr. Ye Bo, you have a good chance of becoming one of the next Seven Skygods of Aeternus."

Lu Yin pretended to be confused. "One of the next Seven Skygods?"

Progenitor Xi smiled. "Shaman God is dead, and his place needs to be taken by another. The True God Guard Captains and other Progenitor-level experts are all competing for that position, including even sof our outside allies. Given your talent for divine energy, you have a very good chance.”

Lu Yin's eyes lit up. "I will do my best to take it."

"I look forward to seeing your efforts," Progenitor Xi replied.

Lu Yin looked up at the cosmic door that the divine energy was touching, and he leaped into the sky and moved towards it.

This task was essentially a test that the Aeternals had given him. If he could pass it, he would beca True God Guard Captain. If he failed, Ye Bo would be nothing more than another average Progenitor-level powerhouse within Aeternus.

Lu Yin needed to obtain a high status among the Aeternals. Only someone who was at least on the level of the True God Guard Captains were qualified to know about secrets like the Ossis Ark.

As for becoming one of the Seven Skygods, Lu Yin knew that even if he truly tried his best, he would not be able to take such a position. He was far from the necessary level of strength.

Even when seriously injured, Shaman God had been incredibly difficult to kill, even with the help of Progenitor Hui. The outsider powerhouse who had appeared in the Giants’ Purgatory, the Star Devourer, had been equally terrifying. Lu Yin was not as strong as those experts.

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With a single leap, he charged through the cosmic door, closely followed by the five Progenitor-level corpse kings.

On the other side, they found themselves in the middle of a massive battle that filled outer space. All that separated this chaos from the Aeternals’ peaceful territory was a single cosmic door.

An endless number of the Aeternals’ corpse kings were fighting against ferocious-looking astral beasts. There were actually even more astral beasts than there were corpse kings, and the creatures could be seen everywhere, as they practically filled the universe.

There were both strong and weak astral beasts, and Lu Yin even saw one with the strength of a Progenitor. It was fighting against a Progenitor-level corpse king.

There was more than just one Progenitor-level corpse king on the battlefield. Lu Yin noticed three, as well as a Progenitor-level powerhouse with a black cloth draped over his figure, making him look like a bamboo pole. That figure was another one of the True God Guard Captains. His nwas Da Hei. He had been among the Aeternals who had ambushed the third battalion, and Da Hei had been the one to fight against Lu Yin’s father, Lu Qi.

Lu Yin ordered his five Progenitor-level corpse kings to join the fight.

The astral beasts were ferocious, seemingly endless, and absolutely bloodthirsty.

The corpse kings were not much better.

The arrival of five Progenitor-level corpse kings on the battlefield instantly reversed the situation, and countless astral beasts were quickly slaughtered.

Lu Yin actually breathed a sigh of relief. He felt incredibly lucky that he had not been sent to attack a universe occupied by humans, as he had no idea how he would have dealt with such a task.

This was the way of the universe; the strong lived, and the weak died. Lu Yin was no saint, and he had no intention of saving this particular parallel universe, let alone the race of astral beasts. All he could do was extend his selfishness to mankind as a whole. He would do what was necessary to preserve mankind, because he was human.

It was possible that the day would cwhen spowerful creature wanted to exterminate all of humanity for its own selfish desires. That was certainly possible, and humanity could only do all they could to protect themselves. There was no point in blaming the attacker.

Only by having sufficient strength could one establish a secure foothold.

An astral beast attacked, snapping at Lu Yin with a blood-stained mouth.

Lu Yin easily dealt with the creature and then joined his first battle as Aeternus’s Ye Bo.

The arrival of six Progenitor-level combatants shifted the balance of the battle. More and more of the astral beasts fell, and space shattered as cracks spread through the void. The universe was doomed.

This parallel universe had met its end.

As more and more astral beasts died, one Progenitor-level beast let out a tremendous roar. Half of its body had already been sliced apart. After that, the rest of the astral beasts also let out roars of their own, as though responding to skind of signal. All of the creatures lifted their heads and roared.

Even in the face of death, these astral beasts roared.

Lu Yin frowned and looked into the depths of the universe. He sensed a vague feeling of danger.

After the deafening roars ended, ripples spread through the void, radiating from the depths of the universe, but quickly sweeping across the entire realm.

Lu Yin's expression changed. This was a true powerhouse.

The roars continued in a rhythmic manner. It was clear that ssort of communication was taking place. Far away in the universe, a massive shadow shot forward, rapidly approaching the battlefield. It was a terrifying creature that was much larger than any of the other astral beasts. It was even bigger than the jiao. As it roared, sharp claws slashed out of the Hollow up above, falling towards Lu Yin, Da Hei, and countless corpse kings.

Lu Yin immediately turned and fled. He had no intention of saving any of the corpse kings, not even his own.

Da Hei took the exact sactions, though he retreated even faster than Lu Yin.

The sharp claws fell, shattering the void and opening the Hollow, which swallowed many of the corpse kings and countless astral beasts. There was no distinction between friend and foe.

Lu Yin's eye twitched and he used Heaven’s Sight, instantly seeing sequence particles. This beast was actually a sequence powerhouse.

The cosmic door connected to this particular universe was nothing exceptional, and yet it had led to a parallel universe with a sequence powerhouse. It was clear that the Aeternals were not only fighting against the Sixverse Association.

Why did they want to destroy this specific universe?

A single swipe of the enormous beast’s claws eliminated two Progenitor-level corpse kings. Upon seeing this, Lu Yin felt both relieved and worried.

Progenitor Xi had told Ye Bo to destroy this universe, but there was a sequence powerhouse protecting it. If Lu Yin failed at this task, would he fail to beca True God Guard Captain?

As the terrifying astral beast fully appeared, it glared at the entire battlefield with fury-filled eyes. Again, the rhythmic roars rang out. The beast was talking, and its language could be instantly comprehended by Progenitor-level experts. "Who? Who is slaughtering my clan? Who?

"Doing this is asking to die!"

The moment the beast finished speaking, its claws rose back up and swung down.

Lu Yin glanced over at Da Hei and saw an upraised hand. The black cloth that shrouded the True God Guard Captain shot towards the astral beast and wrapped around its claws. The cloth was so strong that even Progenitor-level experts would find it difficult to break free once they were enshrouded within the cloth’s folds.

The astral beast kept swiping its claws about, trying to tear through the cloth, but every attempt failed.

Da Hei tore through the void and instantly appeared above the astral beast. A hand rose up, and the black shroud tightened on the astral beast as a beam of black light fell upon it.

The astral beast raised its head, its mouth open to let out a roar. A terrifying surge of energy distorted the void and stopped the beam of black light from striking. At the stime, the astral beast’s tail swept in from behind Da Hei, ready to deliver a vicious blow.

Lu Yin moved out. He could not use any technique or ability connected to his identity as Lu Yin, which meant that his only option was to use the most ordinary battle techniques. He struck from the side, deflecting the tail so that it merely grazed Da Hei.

Da Hei fell back, waving his arms to continuously tighten the cloth that had wrapped around the astral beast. The True God Guard Captain was trying to completely bind the creature.

The beast's eyes turned red, and it swiped its claws yet again. This time, it used its sequence particles. The shroud could do nothing to stop the attack, and the claws finally broke free from the cloth to attack Da Hei.

The Aeternal retreated yet again. He was being attacked from every direction by multiple Progenitor-level astral beasts.

Lu Yin had his Progenitor-level corpse kings attack as he turned to Da Hei. "What is its law?"

Da Hei looked over. "A lock has but one key."

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Lu Yin was confused. What was that supposed to mean?

Sharp claws swept across from the side, tearing open five slashes in space. This was an incredibly vicious attack.

This time, the attack was aimed at Lu Yin. He looked over at the approaching claws, and upon focusing on them, Lu Yin inexplicably had the feeling that, aside from dodging, the only way to deal with this attack was to retaliate with a headbutt.

A headbutt? How stupid! Only an idiot would meet such an attack with their head.

Lu Yin simply dodged. At that moment, he understood Da Hei’s words.

‘A lock has but one key.’ This was the law that the astral beast had comprehended and what it used with its attacks. Any attack that the astral beast made could only be resisted in a single manner that the beast itself decided upon. This was its law. Regardless of how powerful its opponent might be, unless they surpassed the astral beast in mastery of sequence particles, they would have to meet the creature’s attacks in the sole method that it had devised to be used. Even someone just as strong as the astral beast would be subject to the law of the universe it used. Only one method could be used to counter the attacks, and nothing else was allowed.

In other words, even if Lu Yin were already a Sequence Progenitor, unless his mastery of his own sequence particles had surpassed this astral beast’s, he would have to meet its attacks with a headbutt. There was no other way to block the attacks. If Lu Yin tried to use his hands, legs, battle techniques, or anything else, he would be defeated.

There were svery odd laws of the universe.

Lu Yin was a bit surprised, but he already knew that there were an endless variety of laws of the universe. Chen Le had obtained the Law of Indolence, and his sequence particles made his enemies too lazy to do anything at all. It was not at all surprising to discover that practically any law could appear.

The trouble was in how to handle this astral beast.

It was not impossible to deal with the creature with divine energy, but the challenge was in the astral beast’s law.

The beast's sharp claws continued to rip through the void as its huge eyes remained fixed on Lu Yin and Da Hei. All the others were nothing in the beast’s eyes, including even the Progenitor-level corpse kings.

Lu Yin was the beast’s current target, and although he wanted to attack several times, he was stopped each time.

The astral beast’s sequence particles were really too bizarre. The second tLu Yin faced the creature’s attack, he somehow understood that he could only block it with his mouth. This was even dumber than headbutting the creature’s claws. Of course, Lu Yin instead opted to dodge the attack. He also knew that he had to block the third attack with his mouth, but the fourth and fifth attacks were ones that he needed to block with his back. The law of the universe that the astral beast had comprehended prevented Lu Yin from fighting it normally.

The swas true for Da Hei.

The two were pursued across outer space by many astral beasts. The battle raging between the corpse kings and the astral beasts had never stopped, but regardless of whether others fought or not, they remained within the powerful astral beast’s attack range. The creature was as much an enemy to its own kind as it was to the Aeternals. It was close to destroying the universe on its own.

"Is there any way to win?" Lu Yin asked in a hoarse voice.

Da Hei said nothing as he continued to dodge.

Lu Yin frowned. It appeared that there was no option but to use divine energy. However, divine energy was typically used as a last resort, even for the True God Guard Captains. It was always regarded as a final option.

OMA's Thoughts

Translated By: OMA

Edited By: Neshi/Nyxnox

TLC'ed By: OMA

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