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Chapter 359 359 - Dark Aura
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Well, there weren't many warriors present in the Dungeon and because of this, Sam, using this opportunity, killed almost every Monster present on the floor. You can say that it almost takes him 5 to 6 hours to completely master his origin spiritual energy. Right now, he can use that spiritual energy easily. With that he did not have to worry about killing his opponent by mistake.

For these four days he just killed those Monsters without stopping and also collected many crystals except those spirit crystals. With that he decided to leave the Dungeon. Well even though he wanted to go to the next floor, he did not have time because tomorrow he has to go back to the stadium because of the competition.

Sometime later, Sam came out from the Dungeon and started to go toward his hotel room. His hotel wasn't far away from the Dungeon. At this time when he brought out his mobile phone he saw that many miss calls from his parents and also from his friends and sister. Previously he just only informed them that he was going to the Dungeon for training but most likely it still worried them. Well, it was natural, normally nobody will go to the Dungeon at this time. Sam one by one called them and told him that he was already out. So they did not need to worry.


3 hours later, around 10:00 p.m. Sam wakes up from his sleep. After coming back from the Dungeon he fell asleep in his bed. Well he was very tired because of the continuous killing.

After freshening up, he sat down on his bed. He began to look at the loot that he got this time. But he did not get any good loot this time and because of this, he decided to sell all of those loot in his system shop. Well you can say that he only received materials after killing those Kobolds. Because of this, he was interested in those loots and decided to sell them. After selling those loots he received 700 gold coins.

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'As expected. I did not get any good loot.' after looking at the gold coins he thought that. Well if he will get any rare or special grade item that will give him more gold coins than those normal loots. But unfortunately this time he did not get any of those.

But still it is okay. With that he clears his mind and then brings out those crystals. He begins to absorb all those crystals.


While Sam was absorbing those crystals, Tony and the others were busy in their training room. Well you can say that Tony, Alexa, Jeni and Elena have the advantage because they did not need to worry about the crystals at this time. Their family already sent them crystal so that they could increase their power. So right now all of them are fighting their training robots to get familiar with their new strength. Not only that they also use their spirit techniques while fighting those robots, it will increase their master over their spiritual energy and also spirit technique.

If you minutes ago they were already notified by Sam that he already came back from the Dungeon and you can say that all of them were relieved after hearing that. They don't know why he suddenly went to the Dungeon but it is good that he already came back from the Dungeon or he could have missed tomorrow's fight. You can say that from tomorrow the real match will begin.


Next day,

Today only 5 stadiums were full of people. In these five stadiums the competition will be going on. For every grade their stadium was different. It means all the early D-grade warriors, intermediate D-grade warriors and peak D-grade warriors will be fighting in different stadiums. In this way they could quickly finish the competition.

Unfortunately Sam, Tony, Alexa, Jeni and Elena will be fighting in different stadiums while Kenny and the others are only fighting in different stadiums. But still Sam did not worry about that because he had full confidence in his friends that they would win this match.

Currently Sam, Tony and the girls are already present in the battleground. At this time they already saw many students that they were familiar with. They can see James, Aliya, Gustav and the others. But not everyone was present because not everyone was an intermediate D-grade warrior. The number of second year students were greater than those 1st year students.

Around 10:00 a.m. the competition finally began. Sam and his friends are waiting on the battlefield for their number to fight. At this time James, and Aliya already came toward them. All of them were excited about this competition and they also started to discuss this competition with Tony and others except Sam. He was busy observing those students that were present in this competition.

He is already using his spirituality to observe those students that present in this battlefield. Don't know why but his instincts were telling him that something could happen in this competition. Because of this, he was seriously alert and observing all the students present in this battlefield.

Suddenly he saw something that made him startled. He suddenly saw a person who was releasing a dark aura from his body. Instantly he focuses on that person and he becomes sure that it was the same aura as those Warrior from the dark association released from their body. That almost made him jump out from his seat but he calmed down.

Only at this time he was able to recognise that person. Well even though that person was hiding his face, Sam still recognised that person and he was very familiar with him. He is Gustav from the white tiger Academy. The moment he realizes this, Sam becomes very shocked. Instantly many questions suddenly came to his mind.

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'Is he related to dark association? Why is he releasing that dark aura from his body? I still remember that previously when I looked at him, I did not see this dark aura. Then what could have happened?' like this many questions came to his mind. But suddenly one more question came to his mind,

'If he really related to the dark association, then should he be the one who previously poisoned my food?' Sam thought of this question. It is possible that Gustav was the one who previously poisoned his food.

'At any cost I need to find out the truth. If he really related to the dark association then he needed to be punished.' Sam decided to find out the truth. If after finding the truth it really shows him that Gustav was related to the dark association, then Sam wouldn't waste anymore time and kill him.

Most likely Tony and the others also noticed his seriousness. They also look toward the direction where Sam was looking and they are also a person. They also recognise that person because he was Gustav. As you know, almost everyone wanted to punish that person. But still, here comes the main question, why did Sam was looking at him seriously? They decided to ask Sam.


On the other hand Gustav was also sitting with his classmates and waiting for the competition to begin. After taking that dark pill he already reached the limit of an intermediate D-grade warrior. So you can say that he has pretty much confidence to win this competition even if he faces Sam Kainer.

Also if you are wondering why he suddenly started to release a dark aura, then it is because of that dark pill. That pill uses the dark spiritual energy and increases the power of the user. Not only that, all the normal spiritual energy will be turned into dark spiritual energy. So you can say that because of this right now he did not have any normal spiritual energy in his body.

Well if you were wondering if he was using the dark spiritual energy than how the hell those Saints didn't notice him. Well then it is because every Saints were busy because of the people from the other world and because of this, they did not get the chance to observe all the students.

Gustav, who was looking at the first fight in the battle ring, suddenly felt that someone was looking at him. He quickly looked in that direction and saw that it was Sam who was looking at him. It wasn't only some but Tony and the others also looking at him. For a moment he thought that all of them would find out about his secret but then he realized that he did not have to worry about his secret. Most likely they are looking at him because they can feel his power. He just smirks at them. He already has the confidence that in this competition if he faces them then he will just crush them.

_______To be continued_______