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Small upgrade system

Chapter 322 322 - Fusion
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Sam did not sell the area that he used in his second identity and also he didn't sell the armor that he got from after winning the competition. Both of the armor were very good and because of this he did not want to sell them. Everything was done right now he was very excited to use his new feature of the system. As you can guess you wanted to use the fusion feature of a system. There wasn't any limit and because of this he wanted to check this with his throwing knife first.

"Throwing knife

Attack power - E

Grade - 40

Durability - 50/50. "

This is the normal status of his 3 knives and he already brought out 3 of these knives and placed them together. After that he opens his fusion option and it tells him to select the thing that he wanted to fuse together. With that Sam selected these 3 knives. Instantly all these three nice disappeared and went inside of his system. At this time suddenly one more option appeared on the screen that was to start fusion. Not only that he can also see that all these three items have an 80% chance to fuse together. Sam did not waste anymore time and quickly started the fusion.

Instantly all these three knives fuse together and become one knife. But to use the fusion option he also needed the Dungeon and to fuse these three knives together. 2k points were needed to fuse these three knives to fuse together.

" Throwing knife

Grade - D-

Attack power - 100

Durability - 150/150. "

Just looking at the description of this new knife you can say that Sam became very excited. Fusing these 3 knives instantly upgrades the power of the knife and also increases the durability. So with that he can increase the power of his loot and his techniques that have the same category. Sam calmed himself down. Right now he cannot fuse anything because he does not have unlimited Dungeon points. He also needed to upgrade his techniques and because of this he needed to think about what he wanted to upgrade and what he wanted to fuse.

Because of this, he decided that you will think about that later. Right now he also wanted to try one more thing that was to absorb crystals. He already knows that he could absorb 100% essence of same grade crystals. Right now he wanted to know if he will get the 100% essense of the crystals that were higher grade than him. Because of this, he also brought a box of crystal of peak D-grade. So he did not waste anymore time and quickly brought out one crystal and then using his absorption technique he began to absorb that crystal. Slowly slowly you can see that the crystal turns into dust and all the essence gets absorbed by Sam. All this time Sam was enjoying the feeling of absorbing the crystal. And finally when he noticed that the crystal had already turned into dust, he already understood that he had already absorbed all the essence of the crystals. He already checked his status and saw that he already got 2 points after absorbing this crystal in his agility. Previously it was 146 but right now it already became 148 but it is still showing D-. Most likely after crossing the mark of 150 it will show him D.

But still you can say that Sam was very excited right now. With that he is able to become stronger. He did not waste anymore time and quickly absorbed all the crystals that he bought from the system. His mom and dad already restrict him from going out of his house. Right now he won't be able to go to Dungeon. He was only able to go to the Dungeon a week later. So before that he wanted to upgrade his status as much as he could.


"Name: Sam Kainer

Health: (1500/1500)

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Spiritual energy: (2500/2500)

Strength: C- / 200

Agility: D+/ 189

Physique: C- / 201

Intelligent(mental power): D / 174

Spirit: D- / 148

[System remark:- S > A > B > C > D > E > F.]

Grade: (D) (intermediate)

Potential: Rare

Upgrade point: 59 K


Special technique:

Supreme upgrade

Fusion technique

Absorb technique:

Original Dragon devour (grade C)

Combat techniques:

Balor boxing ( grade B)

Fast sword (grade B)

Tri sword technique (grade C)

Neo sword style (Grade C)

Invisible shot (C-grade)

Multiple shot (C-grade)

Rapid shot (C-grade)

" Conceal technique:

Superior Stealth (grade C)

Superior spirit concealment (grade C)

Movement technique:

Light walk (grade B)

Spiritual techniques:

Flame control (B-grade)

Spiritual energy control (B-grade)

Energy mode: (B-grade)

(*) First move: Weapon coating

(*) Second move: Hand coating

Sonic blast technique: (C-grade)

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Strength buff technique: (C-grade)

Mind control technique: (C-grade)

Telekinesis: (C-grade)

Berserker (C-grade)

Light control (Grade C)

Spirit technique ( Grade C)

Dark spiritual energy control ( Grade D) (+)

Passive techniques:

Energy recovery: (B-grade)

Mind protection: (B-grade)

Spirit Eye: (B-grade)

The power of the moon. (Grade: C)

[ Remark: You just now have some strength to protect.] "

As you can see, he already absorbed many crystals. Right now he was looking at his status screen. Not only did he absorb all the crystals but he also upgraded all of his important techniques. After upgrading all of this right now he had only 59k Dungeon points left in his system. Now with that remaining Dungeon points he wanted to see how many things he would be able to fuse.

Right now if you look at his status screen then you will notice that he did not upgrade his sword techniques or his archery techniques. Well as you can guess that he wanted to fuse those techniques and make one ultimate sword technique and one ultimate archery technique. The main thing was he didn't know how many Dungeon points you would need for that. He just not only wanted to fuse techniques but he also wanted to fuse his sword and Armor. But the Dungeon points were the main thing. He doesn't know if you will be able to upgrade them or not.

Well Sam was busy in his thinking but suddenly he realized that he was hungry and because of this he went to the kitchen to eat something. Even though the warrior association already takes care of all the casualties caused by those monsters, because of the dark association all the Dungeons also get affected. Because of these right now all the high grade warriors were busy killing those monsters until they did not get released by the dark spiritual energy. Well in the case of those Dungeon's monsters, many of them already got affected by those dark spiritual energy but when you kill them the dark spiritual energy will come out from his body and because of these the Warriors were busy killing those monsters. Really who could have thought that the dark spiritual energy that most likely used by those ghost monsters were these must dangerous and they would use like this to cause destruction. Also one more thing was that the warrior association already announced that 10 days later they will organize the pricing ceremony and because of this day also 1 second invited all those colleges that participate in the annual college competition.


One week later,

Sam was going toward the hospital for the final check up. Well the doctor already told him that he was very healthy but still they wanted to check if there was any remaining of the dark spiritual energy in his body. In this week his friends came to visit him many times and not only that many other Warriors also came to visit him. It was a happy moment for Sam that all those Warriors worried about him but while those Warriors came to visit him he also observed them very carefully.

As you know that right now Sam wanted to investigate how the hell he got the dark spiritual energy in his body. Those monsters won't be able to do that because if they are able to do that then many of the Warriors will become like him. Most likely it was done by someone that was working for the dark association. Sam wanted to find that person. He also told his parents, his sister, his teacher Alena and Saint Vena about this. They also after hearing this question become very serious because they also know that it was a very serious matter. Sam already told them that from the first he was very careful and he did not get close to other people and most likely he did not get contact with any warrior from the dark association. Previously the doctor told him that he got that spiritual energy in his body by food.

So with that Sam becomes sure that most likely someone from those students that he faced in the stadium most likely working with the dark association. As you should know that Sam did not participate in many matches and because of this he did not meet that many people. Also he mostly avoided those outside food then how the hell he got that dark spiritual energy in his body.

To be continued_________