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Chapter 297 297 - Serious Matter
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Suddenly those devices began to glow. Markus instantly became very cautious. He doesn't know anything about those devices but one thing he can tell is that those devices will do something that will bring disaster. He instantly used his power. He tried to cut those devices. But until he cut all those devices, some devices already did their work. If you are wondering how, then instantly the defense system began to ring. It means something happened to the defense system of the central city. Not only Markus, Veena and the other warriors were also alert.

All of them came toward Markus to see what's happening. When they reached the area, Markus already destroyed all those devices. But those unknown devices already damaged the defense system, because of this, everyone was very anxious. Warriors already try to fix the damage, but even after trying to fix the problem they are unable to do anything.

"Sir, we are unable to do anything right. It will take us sometime to understand the problem. We are trying our best but those devices are unknown to us and because of this we are unable to solve the problem." One warrior said to Markus. Markus nodded after hearing that. He also knows that it will take some time to understand the problem.

"Markus, did you find anything about those strange devices? Still now, I don't know how the dark association was getting those strange devices. Did anyone give them or they made those devices on their own." Suddenly Veena asked Markus.

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Markus shook his head and said,

"No, even after interrogating those dark association's Warriors we were unable to find anything. We just only get to know that the elders of the dark association are the one who provide all them with those strange devices. Except for those elders, we don't know anything." Markus said with a sigh. He also wanted to know how those dark association's elders were getting those strange devices but until they didn't Interrogate any elders they wouldn't be able to find anything.

Even though they were S-grade warriors they were unable to find the real location of the dark association. Those elders were very cautious because they were like this that even the Saints were unable to find their location. Right now, Markus, Venna and the others were looking for those warriors who were trying to fix the problem of the defense system.

Sometime later,

Markus once again became very serious. He just hung up his call. Sometime ago, many Warriors from the warrior association who were in many cities, just called him. They told him that some time ago, their branch got attacked by some warriors. Those warriors mainly attacked the defense system of that city. After hearing that Markus became very serious. Well, it was natural for him to become serious. The defense systems of every city got attacked by the dark association and it was naturally not a good thing.

"What happened to Markus? Why did you suddenly become this serious? Did something happened once again?" Veena asked Markus. Markus who was in deep thought, only then Markus came back to his senses and he then explained everything. After hearing all of this Venna also became very serious. Right now, nobody knows why the dark association is attacking the defense system for every city, but one thing they are sure of is that they are planning to do something that will only happen when the defense system of every city gets damaged. Because of this he instantly told all those warriors to increase the security around all those cities whose defense system got attacked.

Alena, Maria, and many other Warriors who were in the stadium also got infrom by Markus. Alena and Maria stayed in the stadium while those other Warriors went outside of the stadium. Both of them stayed in the stadium to watch over the security of those people who were in the stadium. She already informed all those other teachers who were present in the stadium. She even informs Sam's parents about all of this. Right now nobody knows what the dark association will do and because of this she will indeed alert everyone so that if the dark association attacks them all of them will be ready for that. Except for all those teachers she did not inform any students about this. She also told all those teachers not to inform their students about this right now. He has the full confidence in Sam and Gloria, but there are still many students who will start to panic after hearing that the dark association wanted to do something.

Because of this, she did not want to inform any student about this. But after some thinking she decided to inform Sam and Gloria about this so that they could also prepare for that. She also told all those teachers to inform them that they are students in which they have the confidence that they will not start to panic after hearing that. Right now the situation is very dangerous and most likely the target association will attack them very quickly. Because right now if the warrior association gets time then they will fix the defense system and the dark association wouldn't want that.


Right now Sam and many friends have already finished their food and are once again going to the stadium. But suddenly he got a call from his teacher. At first he thought that Alena was calling him to say congratulations but when he finished hearing the explanation from her, he became very serious. He already felt that something dangerous was approaching them because his teacher told him that the dark association had already made their move. The dark association already damages many cities' defense systems. It will take the warrior association some time to repair that and because of this, right now it is a very dangerous moment for everyone.

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Sam wastes no time, informs all of his friends. As he expected, after knowing all of this his friends didn't panic. They became very serious but they did not panic after hearing all of this. He also told everyone to get ready to face the dark association's Warriors. His teacher already told him that not only his team but many other teams will get informed by their teachers. But those teachers will only inform all those students who will not panic. She will also inform his sister about this. Sam doesn't have problem with that. Because he knows that his sister will win her match even if she gets informed about all of this.


"Ok, master. Didn't worry, I am always prepared for them." After saying that Gloria hung up the call.

"Gloria, what happened? Why are you looking so serious? Haha… Did the opponent team make you afraid?" At this time, Fiona suddenly asked this while joking. Gloria didn't waste any time and directly told her everything that Alena told her. After hearing all of this, Fiona stops smiling and she also becomes very serious. Sometime later, They have their final match but before that they are getting this type of serious news. Because of this right now they are very serious because compared to the final match this matter was very important. Just Fiona was about to say something when Gloria said to her not to tell anyone right now anything about this. Right now everyone was focusing on the final match and she didn't want anyone to start to worry about this. Fiona didn't say anything, and just nodded.

Sometime later,

Once again the stadium was full of people. They were very excited to watch the next match. Right now the third year will be fighting against each other and it was their final match. The Royal Academy and the Golden Dawn will be fighting against each other. The referee did not waste anymore time and quickly came to the battle ring. He then began his speech. At first he was welcomed to the Golden Dawn's team. The captain of the Golden Dawn was leading his team toward the battlefield. Sometime later, he welcomed the Royal Academy's team. Gloria was leading her team while she was holding the banner of her college. All the audience present in the stadium began to cheer for both of the teams. Right now in the whole stadium you can only hear the name of both of the colleges.

Sometime later the referee told both of the captains to send their first teammate in the battle ring. Both of the captains send their teammates in the battle ring. Both of the fighters are very serious. The moment they got the signal they began to fight. Everyone from the Royal Academy's team wanted to win every match without losing. With that they will keep their invincible status. Sam and his teammates were able to keep their invincible status until the Quarter final, but Gloria and her team were able to hold this status till semifinal. Because of this they wanted to keep that status.

______________To be continued____________