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Shrewd Wife Of Lin Brothers

Chapter 486 Kidnapped Lin Ze
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Chapter 486 Kidnapped Lin Ze

Lin Ze heard Zhang Xiaohui's curses coming from the house and spat on the road, he just took a few silver taels and she was cursing at him like he snatched her family's fortune.. wasn't he doing this for their family? If he hit a jackpot wouldn't their family be living comfortably? Humph, acting like this just because she earned a few taels, was there any need for her to act like this? No matter what he was still the head of the house, can't he just use a few silver on himself?

Lin Ze was really angry, listening to Zhang Xiaohui's curses many of their neighbours came to look at what was happening outside, Lin Ze wished he could have just slapped that woman unconscious. He used a light hand because he was afraid that he will hurt his wife but now he was kind of regretting it, he shouldn't have been nice to that arrogant woman, who cares if she got hurt?

" What are you looking at?" He spat at the young boy who lived next to their family's house. The young boy was really nosy, every time there was any kind of excitement going on in the neighbourhood, he would always poke around and then rush back to his mother to tattle. After that the young boy's mother who was one of the most gossipy people in the village would go around spreading rumours, he didn't mind those rumours before because they didn't concern him but this time it was him who was the main protagonist, so he couldn't let the boy or his mother make fun of him. He glared at the young boy until the latter turned around and ran back to his house, only then did Lin Ze shout at his running back " Work hard in the fields boy, instead of nosing around like this. Unlike my boy, you don't have the luck to study in a big academy, pei!"

The young boy ran away without looking back and Lin Ze who felt that his pride that was stomped on by his sister and wife had somewhat recovered and he smilingly stroked his chin. His mood uplifted a bit and upon seeing the silver in his hands, his mood heightened even more. With this silver in his hand, he will be able to gamble quite a lot in the gamble house, as long as he played it safe he would be able to at least win double the amount he will be gambling.

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" Ah, I shouldn't bother with such petty things" he happily rubbed the few taels in his hands and grinned foolishly, this much money, with this much money he would be able to enter the shop with his head held high. " Today is a good day, I shouldn't dampen my mood like this."

Lin Ze placed the silver in his hands as he walked towards the place where the ox cart was usually rented, with money in his pockets the swagger in his walk was even more pronounced. The villagers who saw him walk like this were all stunned.

What happened? After the fight between him and Uncle Wu, he has been hiding in the house. So, what happened now that he was swaggering around like he won a jackpot? Was he in the right state of mind?

Collectively they all looked at the sun, the sun was rising in the east so what was happening?

Lin Ze didn't even bother to look at them, unlike these poor villagers he was different, he had silver in his pockets and what did they have? Nothing! Haha!

What Lin Ze didn't know was that every villager had a few silver taels as their savings. They were just saving it for their family, unlike Lin Ze who was wasting away his family's savings by gambling.

Lin Ze walked outside the village and sat on the big boulder where Brother Lu tied his ox-cart, even his sitting posture was even more dignified than before with the burning money pocket in his hands. He has just sat down on the boulder when he noticed a woman coming toward the town exit while stumbling. She was dressed in plain clothes that accentuated her curves. Lin Ze only saw her fair, flawless face and he found himself gravitating toward her.

Before he knew it, he was walking toward the woman. He put on his best scum smile as he said " Lady, are you alright?"

The woman looked up as she hasn't expected someone to talk to her all of a sudden, she stared at Lin Ze and smiled shyly before raising her skirt and showing off her swollen ankle. Seeing her fair and dainty toes, Lin Ze swallowed … if her toes were so pretty then what about her well shaped long legs that seemed to be stretching forever?

" I fell on my way up here," she said with an apologetic smile as she pointed at the small hill where the villagers usually went to collect pigweeds " I wasn't paying attention and that's why I tripped over a small stone, now my ankle is like this."

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The woman was in her twenties so she was indeed really pretty and her voice was as soft as water trickling and gurgling in a water stream. Lin Ze was so hooked with just her voice and pretty face that he didn't even notice that despite bluffing that she came from the barren land where they all collect pigweeds, the woman was empty-handed.

In fact, with just her charming voice, Lin Ze was getting so dizzy that he couldn't even think straight. He stared at the young woman transfixed as a heroic feeling rose in his heart, the woman was so young and by her plain clothes it looked like she was the infamous village widow who was often praised by the men of the village for her beauty.. the woman was so young yet she was already this helpless.

The more Lin Ze thought like this the more he felt like he was watching a delicate lily going through a millennial of suffering, his heart couldn't help but ache (a/n: says the man he pushed his wife) " Shall I help you to your home?"

" Really, you will help me?" asked the woman but then her expression faltered as she stared at the ground and muttered, "it's alright, if someone sees you with me they will make uncomfortable rumours about us."

" I don't mind," said Lin Ze at once without missing a beat.

" Excuse me?"

" I mean I don't pay attention to gossip mongers like them" he hurriedly amended and said with a small smile " here" stretching out his arm he held it out for the woman to take " Let me help you."

" Thank you, I am Ye Duo by the way" taking Lin Ze's arm, Ye Duo introduced herself.

Lin Ze who thought that he has impressed this lady didn't even get the chance to say anything before he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck and he slid down to the ground.