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Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 595 568-Anomalies in the Details
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Chapter 595 Chapter568-Anomalies in the Details

Upon arrival, John noticed an eerie absence of demons around the Dark Realm's transmission point.

The weaker demons he had encountered during his previous visit had vanished, as if their powers had been absorbed by more formidable entities.

"Why is the situation in the Dark Realm so different from what I expected? I thought this place would be teeming with powerful dark power," John pondered, reflecting on the stark contrast to his anticipations.

Natasha, whose understanding of the Dark Realm had been superficial at best, had harbored the notion that it was a place thoroughly permeated with sinister energies and the quintessence of dark power.

This preconceived image had painted in her mind a landscape fraught with malevolent forces and ominous presences.

However, upon their arrival, the reality that unfolded before her eyes was starkly different.

The anticipated shadows and nefarious energies were conspicuously absent, leaving her in a state of bewilderment.

This stark discrepancy between expectation and reality plunged her into a deep pool of confusion, prompting a reevaluation of her understanding of the realm's true essence.

The absence of dark forces challenged her initial beliefs and forced her to confront the complexities and nuances that defined this mysterious domain, far removed from the simplistic notions of inherent malevolence she had previously held.

Duke Arsena, too, appeared troubled, furrowing his brow in deep thought.

It was clear he sensed that something was amiss, though he chose not to voice his concerns immediately.

Shatras, the Legend Magus from the Naga tribe, possessed some knowledge of the Dark Realm, albeit derived solely from textual sources.

His understanding, while theoretical, could offer insights into the unexpected calm that greeted them upon their arrival.

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After a moment of contemplation, Shatras turned to Natasha and explained, "I've read about the Dark Realm in books, and it's indeed where dark power is at its most potent. However, it's not common for this power to be evenly distributed across the entire realm. The concentration of dark power is highest where Devils reside. Given that we're currently around the Dark Realm's transmission point, it indicates that no Devils are present here."

Natasha nodded, tentatively accepting Shatras's explanation, though she remained skeptical about the unusual calm in their surroundings.

She felt that they should proceed with caution in their forthcoming endeavors.

While the trio was engaged in conversation, they failed to notice John's actions.

John was not particularly concerned about the weakness of the dark power around them. The most update n0vels are published on Noᴠᴇlꜰire.nᴇt

Instead, he was more focused on the subtle anomalies he detected at the Dark Realm's transmission point.

These anomalies suggested that the transmission point was not as stable as before, seemingly affected by the dark power.

The connection between the Dark Realm's transmission point and that of the Order Faction seemed to be at risk of disruption at any moment.

If this was indeed the case, John realized he needed to be even more vigilant.

"We must act swiftly," John emphasized, sensing the looming shadow of unforeseen dangers.

"Should we encounter unexpected threats, we must be prepared to retreat back to the Order Faction promptly. Our strength has its limits within the Dark Realm, whereas the Devils here can continuously draw on dark power to maintain their peak condition. Engaging in a war of attrition against them is a battle we cannot win."

John's timely caution was acknowledged with nods from Duke Arsena, Shatras, and Natasha.

They understood the gravity of the situation and proceeded towards the direction where the dark power felt most intense, aiming to weaken the Dark Faction's forces to the greatest extent possible.

Their destination was the town of Styx, which had clearly prepared its defenses thoroughly.

The Flame Knight, awaiting their arrival, was intent on a decisive battle with John.

Confident in his impending victory, the Flame Knight was not only bolstered by the formidable dark power but had also secured the aid of other adventurers, making him a more formidable opponent than ever before.

Outside the town of Styx, a series of defensive formations constructed from dark power spells were in place.

Among these magical defenses, some were specifically designed to counter John, as the Flame Knight had come to recognize John's favored spells from their previous encounters.

In particular, he had devised magical defenses that could nullify spatial spells using dark power.

When John and his companions arrived at the Dark Realm's transmission point, the Flame Knight was immediately aware of their presence.

"They'll soon be heading towards Styx. You must be ready to defend! There's no time for hesitation; activate the defensive formations now!" commanded the Flame Knight to his demonic subordinates.

The lower-ranking demons promptly set to work, executing the orders issued by their leader.

Meanwhile, the adventurers who had aligned themselves with the Dark Faction also began to take action.

However, these adventurers were understandably reluctant to confront John directly.

They were well aware of John's formidable strength, not from personal encounters but from the extensive information circulated about him on player forums and gaming communities.

Although they were yet to identify John's actual in-game ID, it was common knowledge among them that any anonymous player capable of venturing into the Dark Realm must be among the elite, thereby heightening their wariness of engaging John in combat.

Thus, the adventurers who had aligned themselves with the Dark Faction aimed merely to disrupt John's operations.

Their role was to provide additional support to Flame Knight, enhancing his capabilities.

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The Dark Faction's strategy proved somewhat effective, empowering Flame Knight with unprecedented levels of dark power.

Despite being one of the Devils, Flame Knight had never before accessed such immense dark power, which only became available to him in times of great peril to the Dark Realm.

Upon approaching the outskirts of the Styx town, John immediately detected the dark magical defense arrays surrounding it.

However, he did not pay excessive attention to these defenses, considering it natural for such an important player stronghold like Styx town to be well-protected.

"Our actions must be swift," John asserted.

"I have a feeling that the Dark Faction is already aware of our plans and will have prepared accordingly. I'll lead the frontal assault, while you three attack from the flanks. Our priority is to quickly neutralize the Styx town's defensive arrays and then proceed to obliterate it. Destroying Styx town will sever the Dark Faction's ability to launch attacks from this base, thereby ensuring the safety of Storm City within a short span."

John quickly outlined his strategy, and while Duke Arsena and Natasha readily agreed, believing it to be the best course of action, Shatras harbored some reservations about the plan's inherent risks.

"Shouldn't we consider utilizing the oceanic spell scrolls we received from the Naga Queen? Employing these scrolls could potentially counteract the dark magic defenses of Styx town," Shatras suggested, aligning with the tactical approach commonly adopted by the Naga tribe.

John patiently explained the rationale behind not immediately resorting to the spell scrolls.

"Indeed, we could use the spell scrolls to dismantle the dark magical defenses around Styx town. However, doing so would alert the demons inside to our presence and intentions, affording them ample time to mount a counterresponse.

Our attack must catch them off guard to ensure swift victory and safe withdrawal. Remember, the longer we linger in the Dark Realm, the greater the peril we face. I presume none of us wishes to spend more time here than necessary."

After John's brief explanation, Shatras ultimately concurred, trusting John's judgment as the most accurate.

With all preparations in place, the group was ready to initiate their action. The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via /n/ov/el/b/in.

John took out the Book of the Astral Realm, knowing that its power was crucial for ensuring the effectiveness of his attack.

Given that Styx town was of a comparable level to Storm City, which boasted formidable defensive arrays, the defenses of Styx town should not be underestimated.

John understood that without the Book of the Astral Realm, his attacks might not achieve their full potential against such strong defenses.