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Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 444 444-Everyone’s Hesitation
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Chapter 444 Chapter444-Everyone’s Hesitation

In the palace of Duke Arsena in Storm City, John and Duke Arsena were deeply engaged in a discussion about the recent chain of events.

John had already made arrangements for Emma and SkyStars, allowing him to focus on the more pressing issue at hand.

"My guess is, could it be possible that the Dark Faction, after a series of failures, is planning to concentrate all its forces for a major assault on us? If that's the case, then the current events make a lot of sense," John posited.

John had access to information unknown to Duke Arsena, including details about devils trapped in the main plane.

He had learned from these devils that the Dark Faction had been plotting attacks against the Order Faction, but their efforts had so far been unsuccessful.

Even when some devils from the Dark Faction had achieved partial success, they had the misfortune of encountering John.

So far, all the devils who had directly engaged with John had been defeated.

Duke Arsena responded noncommittally to John's speculation.

He also considered John's theory plausible, but as a leader responsible for the safety and security of his people, he had to be cautious and could not make hasty judgments.

The potential of a concentrated attack by the Dark Faction was a serious matter that required careful consideration and strategic planning.

After contemplating for a while, Duke Arsena spoke up, "Regardless of who carried out the previous attacks, our top priority must be to ensure the safety of Storm City.

If we can't guarantee the security of our own city, how can we face the assaults from enemy factions?

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Therefore, I think it's best if you stay here with me to defend Storm City.

I've already dispatched others to gather additional intelligence. If they come back with useful information, we can make a more informed decision."

Duke Arsena remained as calm as ever, his composure so steady that it made John wonder if the Duke was actually indifferent to the safety of Storm City.

For a brief moment, John considered the possibility that Duke Arsena might be attempting to limit his movements to Storm City.

However, he quickly dismissed the thought, reasoning that Duke Arsena wouldn't betray his own domain.

Unaware of John's fleeting suspicions, Duke Arsena assumed that John was still pondering about the identity of their recent attackers.

Just then, a rapid knocking interrupted their discussion.

"Is there an urgent matter? If it's not important, please don't disturb us. I am in the midst of discussing Storm City's security with John," Duke Arsena said, slightly irritated.

He had previously instructed his subordinates that he would be occupied with a lengthy discussion with John.

Upon hearing the urgent news from his intelligence advisor, both Duke Arsena and John were taken aback.

They hadn't anticipated such a swift and bold move from the Dark Faction, and the fact that the Faction seemed fully prepared and unconcerned about potential failure made the situation even more critical.

Duke Arsena's surprise was short-lived; he quickly regained his composure.

"I understand. I will immediately arrange for Storm City's guards to support the Defend Wall. Summon the captains from the city's barracks. I'll instruct them on their next course of action," he responded decisively.

After sending away the intelligence advisor, Duke Arsena turned to John, pondering whether to send him to support the Sunset Mountain area. John had his own conjectures.

He suspected that Duke Arsena would prefer to keep him in Storm City while personally overseeing the support for the Defend Wall.

John was comfortable with this potential decision.

Remaining in Storm City, one of the Order Faction's main cities, was a far more appealing option than the austere conditions at the Defend Wall.

John, after carefully considering the situation and the unexpected choice given to him by Duke Arsena, felt something was amiss.

He couldn't help but wonder why the Dark Faction, after two successful assaults on Storm City, was not launching another attack on the city itself but instead focusing on the Defend Wall near Sunset Mountain.

Was it possible that the Dark Faction was merely trying to divert their attention from a more significant plan?

Or were they testing the defenses and responses of the Order Faction?

These thoughts lingered in John's mind as he weighed his options.

Finally, John spoke up, "Duke Arsena, I believe that both of us are crucial for the defense of Storm City. However, considering the urgency at the Defend Wall, I suggest we reinforce it.

But, we should also be mindful of a potential feint by the Dark Faction, where their true aim might still be Storm City.

Therefore, I propose that we send a detachment of our strongest guards to support the wall, led by one of your trusted captains.

Meanwhile, we both stay in Storm City to ensure its safety and to be ready for any unexpected moves by the Dark Faction."

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John's proposal was a strategic move, ensuring that both Storm City and the Defend Wall received adequate attention and defense.

It balanced the need to address the immediate threat at the wall while keeping in mind the broader picture of the ongoing conflict between the Order and Dark Factions.

Upon hearing John's analysis, Duke Arsena took a moment to ponder the implications.

John's suggestion that the Dark Faction's current attack might be a diversion to draw their attention away from Storm City seemed plausible, especially given the cunning strategies often employed in such conflicts.

After a brief pause, Duke Arsena replied, "Your assessment could very well be correct, John. It's indeed suspicious that the Dark Faction would so boldly attack the Defend Wall after their recent successes against Storm City. This could indeed be a strategy to weaken our defenses here. We must consider the possibility of a larger scheme at play."

He continued, "In light of this, I agree with your suggestion. We should send a strong force to reinforce the Defend Wall, but it is imperative that we both remain in Storm City. We must be prepared to defend our city from any possible attacks. I will arrange for a capable commander to lead the reinforcement and ensure that they are well-equipped to handle the situation at the Defend Wall."

Duke Arsena's decision reflected a strategic approach, balancing the need to support the critical defense point at the Defend Wall while ensuring that Storm City, their stronghold, was not left vulnerable.

This plan would enable them to respond swiftly and effectively to any shifts in the Dark Faction's tactics.

Duke Arsena listened patiently to what John had said. Indeed, just as John had mentioned, he was also very worried that the sudden situation was an action taken by the Dark Faction to distract them.

If Duke Arsena really sent one of the two strong defenders from Storm City to the Defend Wall, it might leave the defenses of Storm City imperfect.

This situation made Duke Arsena very hesitant and conflicted.

John felt the same way. Apart from the two of them, the guards in the Storm City barracks were also very hesitant and conflicted.

Although most of the guards in Storm City had quickly assembled upon learning that the Defend Wall of the Order Faction was under attack by the Dark Faction, they were all discussing whether to go and support the Defend Wall.

These ordinary guards of Storm City understood that this might be a trap.

Naturally, other more powerful members of the Order Faction could also think of this.

In the situation where neither John nor Duke Arsena could make a decision, the intelligence advisor of Storm City once again knocked on Duke Arsena's door to urge him.

"Your Grace! The guards are all ready! Didn't you say you were going to tell them about their next battle plan? They have been waiting for a while now!"