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Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 443 443-The Battle of Sunset Mountain
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Chapter 443 Chapter443-The Battle of Sunset Mountain

At an outpost on the periphery of the Sunset Mountains, two guards from Storm City were engaged in a conversation about recent happenings.

"Have you noticed? There's been a surge of Dark Faction adventurers lurking around our station.

Could it be they're plotting an attack on us?" one guard remarked, leaning against the wall of the outpost.

Fatigue was setting in after a full day spent vigilantly monitoring the Dark Realm.

He was chatting with a fellow Storm City guard who was about to take over his shift.

The incoming guard, however, wasn't entirely convinced by his colleague's speculation.

In their view, the Dark Realm hadn't launched an offensive against the Order Faction in quite some time.

And if an attack was to come, it seemed implausible that it would originate from Sunset Mountain, given its challenging terrain.

Besides the series of towering mountains, the area was riddled with canyons, rivers, and marshes.

Even if the demons and devils of the Dark Realm possessed extraordinary abilities to overcome these natural barriers, they would still find themselves crashing against the formidable Order Faction Defense Wall.

The outpost where the two Storm City guards were stationed was merely a reconnaissance station situated before the main Defense Wall.

Everyone understood that in the event of a direct war between the Dark Faction and the Order Faction, this place would offer little safety.

"Don't get too carried away with assumptions," one guard cautioned.

"While the current situation is indeed worrisome, shouldn't we be more concerned about Duke Arsena? I've heard about the mysterious faction's attack on Storm City. Since the enemy has already targeted Storm City, they wouldn't strike Sunset Mountain as well, right?"

The guard who was about to return to the Defense Wall after completing his quest nodded in agreement, finding logic in his colleague's words.

"Alright, I hope things turn out as you say. Keep a close eye on the Dark Realm direction. Note down everything about the Dark Faction adventurers you see. I have a feeling our captain will inquire about it later. He must be quite worried about a potential attack from the Dark Faction."

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The departing guard offered this reminder to his replacement, who nodded in agreement with a smile.

After ensuring that there were no other issues, they prepared to attend to their respective duties.

However, it didn't take long for the newly stationed guard at the outpost to notice something unusual.

Upon hearing his comrade's call, a guard initially set to leave returned to the watchtower.

The two Storm City guards intently observed the direction of the Dark Realm.

After a while, they realized that an attack from the Dark Realm was imminent.

They identified the approaching entity – a Demonic Siege Beast, under the command of Karthus, the guild leader of the Shadowrealm Guild.

Karthus had received precise instructions from a figure clad in black.

The Shadowrealm Guild was ordered to launch an immediate assault on Sunset Mountain.

The Storm City guards were in a state of panic.

They quickly sounded the alarm at their watchtower, and the warning bells echoed throughout the nearby outposts.

Soon, all the Order Faction outposts surrounding Sunset Mountain were alerted to the impending attack.

In response, General Yorick, responsible for guarding the Order Faction's Defend Wall, promptly ascended the wall to assess the situation.

By the time General Yorick reached the top, Karthus and his adventurers from the Shadowrealm Guild had already made significant progress.

They had swiftly eliminated all of Storm City's outposts outside the Defend Wall.

As Karthus began employing his Demonic Siege Beast to directly assault the Order Faction's Defend Wall, General Yorick could distinctly feel the wall vibrating under the beast's relentless attacks.

Despite the immense pressure, General Yorick maintained his composure, understanding the importance of appearing in control to inspire confidence in his subordinates.

"Have we lost contact with all the outposts on the perimeter? Did none survive the Dark Realm's onslaught?"

General Yorick inquired of a squad leader beside him.

The squad leader quickly responded, "General, we've lost contact with all outposts. It appears none have survived."

General Yorick's inquiry was aimed at assessing the scale of the Dark Faction's attack.

The total loss of the outposts suggested that this was a full-scale assault by the Dark Faction.

As the strongest defender of the Defend Wall, General Yorick knew he had to mobilize all his strength and swiftly communicate the situation to Storm City.

"Given the circumstances, order all guards to man the walls for battle! We absolutely cannot allow the Dark Faction to breach the Defend Wall. If they manage to get atop, the wall could fall into their hands," he commanded decisively.

This directive rallied the defenders, preparing them for what would likely be a fierce and crucial battle.

Every available warrior was summoned to the ramparts, ready to defend against the advancing forces of the Dark Realm.

The fate of the Defend Wall, a critical stronghold of the Order Faction, now hung in the balance, dependent on the resolve and strength of its defenders.

General Yorick's subordinates understood the gravity of the situation and rapidly mobilized their guards to reach the Defend Wall.

General Yorick himself took a direct role in the defense, positioning himself prominently on the wall.

His strategy was clear; he would not engage with adventurers of lesser strength, considering such confrontations a waste of time.

Instead, General Yorick focused on identifying and confronting the most powerful adversaries in the attack, and his attention quickly settled on Karthus, the guild leader of the Shadowrealm Guild.

"A mere adventurer daring to side with the Dark Faction and attack the Order Faction's Defend Wall is truly overestimating his abilities!"

General Yorick scorned the idea of adventurers aligning with the Dark Faction.

In his view, most adventurers treated their involvement as a game, but the battle unfolding before him was a serious affair, a decisive moment that could determine the fate of the entire Order Faction.

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Understanding the high stakes, General Yorick was prepared to exert his full strength and capabilities.

This battle was not just about repelling an assault; it was about safeguarding the future and stability of the Order Faction.

As such, General Yorick was ready to face Karthus and any other significant threats head-on, with the determination and resolve befitting a leader of his stature.

As a level 150 warrior, General Yorick was indeed capable of holding his own against Karthus.

Their battle on the Defend Wall became the center of attention, as both were the strongest combatants present.

Initially, General Yorick, a Paladin, had the upper hand.

His class naturally countered Karthus's evil warlock abilities, providing him with an early advantage.

However, as the battle progressed, the tide began to turn. Karthus, equipped with god-tier equipment provided by the mysterious figure in black, slowly started to gain the upper hand.

This powerful gear granted him the capability to challenge and potentially defeat formidable opponents like General Yorick.

Karthus, feeling confident and arrogant as he began to dominate the fight, wore a smug, exaggerated smile.

"Do you really think you can defeat me? I've actually been holding back. If I were to fight with my full strength, you would have been annihilated by now!" he taunted.

In response to Karthus' taunts, General Yorick's expression remained unchanged, his resolve unshaken.

He knew his primary mission was to defend the wall, and he didn't need to engage in any negotiations with members of the Dark Faction.

Gathering all his strength, General Yorick leaped high off the ground, targeting Karthus with a powerful attack.

His sword, radiating with the potent Holy Light energy, was poised to strike a decisive blow.

The Order Faction's guards watching the battle were confident in their general's success.

They understood the overwhelming effectiveness of Holy Light against Dark Faction adversaries, especially against evil warlocks, whose demonic spells could be neutralized by it.

However, Karthus remained supremely confident. Glancing at his demonic wand, he made no move to dodge the attack.