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Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 402 402-The Journey to Karen Port
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Chapter 402 402-The Journey to Karen Port

Guided by Blue Sea's messages, John quickly located the painting in which Blue Sea was sealed. 

As John expected, it was the same painting he had seen earlier in the secret hall of the Blue Sea Guild.

[Stop wasting time! I've found the painting that's sealing you. But how do we break the seal? Should we tear the painting apart?]

Currently, John could only communicate with Blue Sea through the game's communication channel. 

Along the way, Blue Sea had been continuously urging him, and John was growing impatient. 

The channel quieted down for a moment, possibly because Blue Sea sensed John's impatience or was thinking about how to break the seal.

John, not in a rush, continued to send messages to Adam while communicating with Blue Sea. 

Since Ethereal Seer had impersonated Adam, it indicated that the Seer might know Adam very well and could have encountered Adam on his way to the Blue Sea Guild. 

In any case, Adam should be able to provide additional information about Ethereal Seer.

However, despite sending numerous messages, John received no reply, which made him worry that Adam's situation might be worse than Blue Sea's.

As John pondered this, another message from Blue Sea came through the channel:

[I don't know how to break the seal yet, but you absolutely must not tear up the painting! If you do and I'm not freed from the seal, I'll be trapped in it forever!]

[That's not a big problem. If your account gets stuck in the painting forever, you can just level up a new character. With the resources at your disposal, I imagine you could quickly level up a new account, right?]

[Easy for you to say! Why don't you level up a new account?! In the game Godslayer, the resources required to level up a new character are enormous. Even as the guild leader of Blue Sea Guild, I can't manage it!]

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Blue Sea's response didn't surprise John. 

After all, when John himself was trapped in the dilemma at the Godslayer Temple, he too had chosen not to start a new character.

John's words were merely meant to ease Blue Sea's anxiety. 

If Blue Sea remained overly anxious, he might not think of a way to help himself break free from the seal. 

John's plan seemed to work, as Blue Sea soon sent another message with a suggestion for breaking the seal.

[The painting is related to the Naga tribe. Maybe you can try using items related to the Naga to attempt to break the painting's seal! You'd better hurry; my situation here is getting worse!]

John glanced around the secret hall of the Blue Sea Guild and indeed found many items related to the Naga tribe. 

However, his attempts to use these items to unlock the seal on the painting all failed. 

It seemed that items related to the Naga tribe couldn't break the painting's seal.

John didn't give up easily. 

When only a conch shell was left, he thought it might be the key to unlocking the seal. 

Without hesitation, he blew into the conch shell. 

As soon as the shell was sounded, the hanging painting on the wall underwent a significant change.

The originally static painting turned dynamic. 

Something in the ocean within the painting seemed to be growing. 

Upon closer inspection, John saw that it was Blue Sea struggling inside.

"Don't just stand there watching! The painting's seal is already half broken. Hurry up and break the remaining half!" 

Blue Sea, not yet fully free from the seal, could now communicate with John. 

John wasn't deliberately stalling; he genuinely didn't know how to break the remaining half of the seal.

"How should I break the rest of the seal? You mentioned before that blowing the conch shell could summon the Thetis Whale, but I don't have any items related to the Thetis Whale here."

John looked around but indeed found no items related to the Thetis Whale in the secret hall. 

He certainly didn't have any such items himself. 

Blue Sea, still sealed within the painting, seemed anxious and shouted to John, "Blow the conch shell again, maybe I can walk out of the seal by myself."

Upon Blue Sea's suggestion, John blew the conch shell a second time. 

As the shell sounded again, the sealed painting underwent another change. 

In its corner, several Thetis Whales appeared, and Blue Sea, still in the painting's world, quickly grabbed onto them.

The moment Blue Sea caught the Thetis Whales, he was thrown out of the painting's world, along with a large amount of seawater.

"It looks like you're in good shape. You could have gotten out on your own, really, without my help. Couldn't you have just asked a member of your guild to blow the conch shell?" 

John said jokingly, seeing Blue Sea's condition and assuming he hadn't been in grave danger.

After coughing out the seawater and standing up somewhat disheveled, Blue Sea responded, "You don't think I thought of that? I wanted to message my guild members too, but I couldn't contact them."

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"You were the only one I could send system messages to. Besides sending messages to you, I couldn't take any other action."

"Now, tell me what happened! Why did Adam suddenly attack you? And why did he seal me into the painting with that blue orb?"

Now safe, Blue Sea was eager to know what had transpired during his entrapment. 

John recounted his battle with Ethereal Seer.

After hearing John's account, Blue Sea appeared puzzled but quickly caught up, asking John directly, "Did you get any message from Adam? Haven't you tried contacting him?"

John replied gravely, "Of course, I tried every possible way to contact Adam, but there was no response from him. I even reached out to a member of the Genesis Guild."

"They didn't know Adam's current whereabouts either. They only knew that he had headed to Karen Port before this incident. This matches the information given by the fake Adam, impersonated by Ethereal Seer."

"Perhaps Adam has encountered a similar situation to yours. If Ethereal Seer could seal you in a painting, he certainly has the ability to do the same to Adam. We might need to go to Karen Port to look for traces of Adam."

John shared his judgment briefly, confident in his assessment. 

Blue Sea, after listening, fell silent for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"I too believe Adam is in danger, possibly even greater danger than I faced. After all, I could still send you system messages while sealed, but Adam hasn't sent a single one. You're right; we should head to Karen Port immediately."

"But before going to Karen Port, shouldn't we stop by the Genesis Guild first? We might gather more information there, which could help us in rescuing Adam."

Blue Sea's considerations went beyond just rescuing Adam. 

He was not only seeking to save him but also to gain an advantage over the Genesis Guild during Adam's absence. 

As the leader of one of the game's largest guilds, Blue Sea Guild, he had always been somewhat competitive with Adam's Genesis Guild. 

This situation could be the unique opportunity Blue Sea had been looking for to surpass the Genesis Guild.