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Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 378  Chapter377-The Death of 45, The  Auction Continues
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Chapter 378  Chapter377-The Death of 45, The Auction Continues

Facing 45's ferocious and sudden attack, John merely sidestepped effortlessly, dissipating all danger into nothingness. At this moment, 45 had employed all his assassin skills, his swift movements and sharp attacks astonishing the surrounding players.

Every strike he made was filled with lethal threat, sending shivers down the spines of onlookers. However, no matter how hard 45 tried, his attacks were easily evaded by John. It seemed as if John had anticipated each of his moves, always countering at the critical moment, rendering 45's efforts futile.

45 felt exhausted both physically and mentally, but he still refused to accept defeat. This battle was not just a fight for survival for him, but also a battle for honor.

45 swiftly blended into the shadows, becoming a ghost in the darkness. He used his skilled shadow control techniques to move silently around John, almost imperceptible.

John's divine power tracked 45's every move in the shadows, but even he couldn't completely pinpoint 45's position. The legacy of AGHHO did have its merits, and combined with 45's background as a top-tier assassin class player before joining AGHHO, he exhibited exceptional prowess when fully committed.

However, John merely smiled slightly, as if completely unconcerned by 45's stealth. Just as John seemed to let his guard down, 45 suddenly burst from the shadows, dagger in hand, aiming for John's vital spots. Yet, in a split second, John's figure too vanished into thin air.

45's dagger struck nothing but air, causing no harm. He stopped, wide-eyed in shock, feeling a surge of despair. All his techniques seemed feeble and ineffective against John.

John reappeared in 45's line of sight, gazing at him quietly, a mocking smile playing on his lips. This perceived insult deepened the anger in 45's heart. He couldn't give up now, not when he had to survive.

With an internal roar, 45 exerted all his strength, blending back into the shadows. He moved swiftly and silently, nearing John with deadly intent, still targeting his vital areas. A successful strike could turn the tide of the battle.

However, at the moment of his strike, John simply shifted slightly to the side, making 45's attack miss once again. This time, John didn't maintain his playful defense.

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With a whooshing sound, the Divine Blade in John's hand flashed brilliantly as he swiftly turned around, the tip of the sword breaking through the air, aiming directly at 45.

Caught off-guard, 45 could only try to dodge hastily. Still, the tip of the sword grazed his chest, leaving a deep wound. Blood gushed from the wound, and a sharp pain overwhelmed 45, his face turning deathly pale.

He let out a low growl and, with a fierce expression, turned to counterattack. However, with a simple raise of his hand, John effortlessly blocked 45's incoming dagger.

Pain spread through 45's body, his form staggering. Blood seeped from his wound as he felt his strength dissipating, his life slowly burning away.

Clamping his teeth together, 45 mustered his last bit of energy for another attack. His eyes flickered with an unyielding will; he refused to fail, to fall at John's feet. However, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how many assassin techniques he deployed, he couldn't shake John in the slightest.

John effortlessly dodged his attacks while delivering fatal counterstrikes. 45's body collapsed to the ground, his vision blurring, consciousness fading. He knew he had reached the end of his life.

John waved his hand, and the Divine Blade dissipated. He bent down, gazing at the increasingly weak 45, and sighed softly, "I gave you a better choice, but you refused to accept it, insisting on taking the worst path. You have only yourself to blame…"

45 closed his eyes, his body losing all strength, the excessive blood loss bringing an extreme coldness. He took a deep breath, and his last bit of consciousness slowly faded away.

The surrounding players fell silent, having witnessed the fall of a master assassin. The entire battle could hardly be called evenly matched. From beginning to end, John maintained absolute dominance, almost toying with 45 in combat.

"Galewind's strength is truly unfathomable, to so effortlessly defeat such a formidable opponent…"

"Indeed, this assassin master must have been over level 200, right? Yet he had no chance against Galewind."

"It feels like we're not even playing the same game. How can Galewind be so strong?"

"I no longer believe in those level rankings. With Galewind's level, shouldn't he be the first?"

"Guys, who do you think that anonymous player at the top of the ranking is?"

"I guess we got carried by a great player this time, right?"

"Definitely. Who would have thought we'd get a chance to fight alongside Galewind one day!"

"Pfft, shameless. You were just watching from the sidelines. Does that count as fighting alongside?"

The players buzzed with excitement, their discussions lively. Almost at the moment 45 lost his life, a cold, mechanical system notification rang in their ears.

[System Notification: The high-difficulty quest (Assassin Creed) has been successfully completed. Quest rewards will be distributed within twenty-four hours…]

Many players' faces lit up with surprise and delight. What they had thought to be a difficult quest turned out to be quite easy, essentially just bystanders in the event, and now they were about to receive a resurrection scroll for free. Could there be anything more satisfying?

In fact, the players present were almost all prominent figures in the gaming circle. Leaving aside the guild leaders of the top guilds in the second-floor boxes, even those in the first-floor hall were notable individuals. After all, to be invited to a Dawn Breeze Auction House event of this caliber, one's status and strength were undoubtedly significant.

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However, due to John's incredibly striking performance that day, these players seemed quite ordinary in comparison.

Meanwhile, John also heard the system notification about the quest completion. He shrugged helplessly, then turned his head towards the stage. "Miss Isabella, you can continue the auction that was interrupted…"

Upon hearing John's light-hearted voice, Isabella was momentarily startled, then quickly snapped back to reality. Clearly, she was still somewhat dazed by the scene of John's overwhelming victory. However, as a woman who had grown into her role, she quickly gathered her wits.

Isabella returned to the front of the table and smiled at the players below, saying, "I would like to thank Mr. Galewind for his assistance and everyone for your patient waiting. The auction will now continue…"

With a wave of her hand, several staff members quickly came onto the stage to tidy up the first-floor hall. Moments later, the entire area was restored to order, looking as good as new.

Isabella's face regained its smile, and she spoke with composure, "Let's continue with the auction of these six daggers. The starting bid is 10 million in cash, with each increment not less than 2 million…"

John, with his hands behind his back, walked back to his own box on the second floor, leaving behind a profound and inscrutable figure to the players on the first floor. Before leaving the first floor, he gave a slight smile towards a corner of the crowd, a nod of acknowledgement.

Dirge, facing John's smile, felt his heart inexplicably flutter again, just as it had started to settle.

In one of the second-floor boxes, Karthus, the guild leader of Shadowrealm Guild, eyed the six daggers on stage with a greedy glint in his eyes. The instant Isabella finished speaking, he raised his hand without hesitation and called out loudly, "12 million!"

In another box, Chillminder squinted his eyes, watching Karthus calmly, a mocking smile curling on his lips. "Karthus, you're quite stingy, aren't you? Hoping to get such precious daggers by just raising the bid by 2 million? I bid 16 million!"

Chillminder, leading the Silent Ones Guild, which also had many assassin class players, was equally eager to acquire these six daggers with astonishing attributes. It was unclear if there was some old grudge between the two men, as they had clashed in a similar manner at the last auction, and now it was the same scenario.

Karthus looked at Chillminder indifferently and sneered, "You're indeed generous, raising the bid by 4 million right off the bat. But your price doesn't seem as sincere as you claim… It's surprising, though, that you, an archer class player, would also be interested in assassin class equipment."

Chillminder snorted coldly, his demeanor exuding a faint arrogance, "The attributes of these daggers are extraordinary. Naturally, I won't let them slip away."

Karthus took a deep breath and laughed heartily, "In that case, let's see who can offer a higher price based on our abilities."

The auction hall fell into silence at this moment, all eyes focused on Karthus and Chillminder. Everyone couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement, not expecting to witness such a spectacle at the start of the second round of the auction. The confrontation between two top guild leaders was not something one could easily witness!