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Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 376  Chapter375-Threat
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Chapter 376  Chapter375-Threat

The Wolf Guild was finished.

This was evident to all players.

Targeted by so many top-tier guilds, the upcoming series of Guild Battles was something the Wolf Guild simply couldn't withstand.

Even with Wolf Prime, the guild leader of Wolf Guild, holding noble titles in both the Easternwood and Northern Myst Empires, it was impossible to withstand the collective targeting of so many major guilds.

Pitying glances were cast by surrounding players.

John, holding the Divine Blade in a reverse grip, glanced lightly over the crowd.

His gaze lingered particularly on Darklord and SoulSong among the throng.

The depth in his look was unspoken but clear.

Darklord felt uncomfortable all over. As an ally of the Wolf Guild, he should have stepped forward at this moment.

But seeing the collective outcry of the big shots from the second floor, he lacked the courage to make a stand.

Instead, he lowered his head in frustration, pretending not to see.

45 coughed lightly twice, a tough character, forcibly swallowing the blood that had risen to his mouth.

His expression was cold as he said, "Young man, I admit you are strong, but offending us, AGHHO, is not a wise choice."

"The creed of AGHHO is never to abandon any quest. Every time a quest fails, the next person executing it is stronger. Just because I can't beat you doesn't mean others in our guild can't..."

"I'm here just to retrieve these six daggers. AGHHO's honor cannot allow others to trample on it like this. As for you, be prepared to face the wrath of AGHHO!"

John raised his eyebrows slightly, a hint of surprise on his face.

He couldn't understand why, at this point, 45 still dared to talk to him so boldly.

"Are you mistaken about something? Whether you AGHHO assassins can leave here alive depends on my will. How dare you speak to me so boldly?"

There was a faint mockery in John's voice.

The Divine Blade in his hand shimmered, its sword light flickering with a threatening aura.

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Members of AGHHO trembled inside facing John's threat.

The name Galewind was well-known to them. In AGHHO, it signified the downfall of five core members.

Only after witnessing John's strength did they realize the gap between themselves and him.

45 clenched his teeth in anger. Despite being at a distinct disadvantage, he was unwilling to give up easily.

He was acutely aware of the severe consequences of failing a quest.

Their guild leader, not only renowned but also a tyrant within, was merciless.

Those who failed quests faced extremely harsh punishment.

Moreover, this quest was related to AGHHO's reputation, and the guild leader would never tolerate his survival by mere cowardice.

His mind racing, 45 quickly concocted a plan.

Abruptly, he gestured to his subordinates behind him.

The AGHHO assassins swiftly lowered their daggers, bringing out hostages they had taken.

Clearly, they planned to use these players as leverage, forcing John to comply.

"Even if you're formidable, can you be sure to save so many at once?"

45's tone was thick with malice and cunning.

A cold light flashed in John's eyes. He shook his head in resignation and slowly advanced toward 45 and his men.

"Do you think holding these players hostage can threaten me?" John's voice carried a hint of mockery, nonchalant. "Knowing who we are, don't you realize we can resurrect?"

His demeanor awed the surrounding players, like a proud lion standing tall despite the storm.

45 coldly responded, "Of course, I know you have some strange means, making it hard to kill you completely. You guys from an unknown world, seem not to belong to our world at all, ignoring the basic ORDER!"

"But do you think that makes you untouchable? These people are now marked by AGHHO. If this quest fails, they'll become our top hunting targets. I don't believe your resurrection doesn't come at a cost!"

"Or perhaps, being eternally imprisoned somewhere isn't much different from death, right?"

A chill passed through John's gaze, dredging up unpleasant memories.

45 was right.

In the game 'Godslayer', players reappeared at their last logout location upon logging in. If trapped somewhere, only in-game methods could free them. Even upon dying and resurrecting, they'd reappear in the same place, just as he had been trapped in the Godslayer Temple.

"You can try, as long as AGHHO can withstand my fury!"

John feigned indifference, seemingly uncaring about the fate of the hostages.

Seeing John's calm demeanor, 45's men grew increasingly anxious.

They began to doubt their choice of taking hostages. It seemed this powerful figure, Galewind, was utterly unaffected by their tactics...

But faced with 45's arrangement, they dared not object and had to continue executing the quest with determination.

John advanced slowly, and the AGHHO assassins could only retreat gradually while holding the hostages.

This scene appeared somewhat comical, as if John alone was forcing a group to retreat...

John looked around and silently invoked the Eye of Artemis. Under its enhancement, his divine power could clearly sense the tense emotions of 45 and his subordinates.

It seemed they weren't as fearless as he had thought.

A cold smile played on John's lips. Regardless, he had to be the one to decide the outcome of this encounter.

The AGHHO assassins holding the players saw John's sudden smile and became more alert.

Overwhelmed by nervousness, one of the AGHHO assassins nearly lost grip on his dagger.

45's eyes widened in fury. "John, your contempt will cost you. Don't think you're invincible!" he shouted.

As his words fell, 45 suddenly launched an attack, clearly on the verge of collapse under the oppressive aura of John and seeking to strike first.

45 vanished abruptly, entering stealth mode. When he reappeared, he was already in front of John, his dagger gleaming like a venomous snake lunging out of its burrow, delivering a lightning-fast lethal blow.

John smiled slightly, neither dodging nor avoiding.

The Divine Blade in his hand had already intercepted 45's strike without anyone noticing.

Before the eyes of all, dagger and sword collided, emitting a thunderous clash.

A powerful surge erupted between them, sweeping around.

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The surrounding players were forced to retreat repeatedly by the intense energy fluctuations.

45 retreated into stealth again, his expression darker than ever. He realized that his attack had been effortlessly neutralized by John.

Seeing that his attack not only failed to repel the opponent but was effortlessly countered, 45's heart filled with boundless disbelief and despair.

How could this young man named Galewind possess such formidable strength?

John glanced coldly at 45, elegantly sheathing the Divine Blade. His gaze then locked on the subordinates holding the players hostage.

"You can choose to let them go and leave this place. I can spare your lives," he said, his voice brimming with icy authority.

"But forget about taking those daggers back. After all, they are my spoils of war, and only I decide their fate!"

"If you think your AGHHO's pride is wounded, feel free to send more assassins after me, as long as you have the courage to do so!"

The players being held hostage cast grateful looks at John, understanding that only through his strength could they hope to escape this dire situation.

The AGHHO members holding the players exchanged glances, filled with internal struggle and hesitation.

They clearly knew that giving up the hostages meant losing their only means of threatening John.

However, if they persisted in using the hostages as leverage, there was a real possibility of their complete annihilation should John, in a fit of anger, decide to strike back.

45 sensed his subordinates' wavering. A flash of ruthlessness crossed his eyes; he could not allow his plan to fail.

Gritting his teeth, he suppressed his inner fear and unease, firmly telling his subordinates, "Hold your ground. No one is allowed to falter at this time. Anyone who dares to drop their dagger will face severe consequences when we return!"

Hearing 45's words, the faces of the AGHHO assassins holding the players revealed expressions of fear.

The nature of this so-called guild rule was unknown, but whatever it was, it instilled such fear in these desperados.

John shook his head in resignation.

Clearly, these people were hell-bent on their course, resorting to any means to complete their quest.

But he had no intention of indulging them. Since they were bent on a path to their own destruction, then let them all meet their end...

John gripped the Divine Blade once more, a glint of murderous intent flashing in his supremely confident eyes.

In the next second, his figure became elusive and swift, spinning and moving so fast that no one present could discern his position.

John's actions were a blur, an embodiment of agility and precision. He maneuvered like a phantom, his movements a whirl of grace and lethal intent. The Divine Blade in his hand seemed to come alive, its edges dancing with a life of their own. Every move he made was calculated and swift, striking fear into the hearts of the AGHHO assassins.

The players, once held hostage, found themselves gradually released as their captors became more focused on the imminent threat of John. He was like a storm unleashed, his presence overwhelming the AGHHO members with its sheer intensity.