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Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 347 346-The Hidden Sixth Layer!
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Chapter 347 Chapter346-The Hidden Sixth Layer!

The elder's clouded eyes were fixed on John, and in that moment, John stood in silent wait.

Even though this was within the [Twelve Trials of the Hero] trial, where everything was not truly alive but mere fragments of time, turned into a trial by the Abyss game, the sentiment was real.

A man may die, but his spirit endures forever.

John deeply respected this notion, willing to extend his time within the trial out of reverence.

The old man slowly ambled to a wooden chair nearby.

His pace was sluggish, each step taken with a limp.

Still, John waited patiently, showing no hint of impatience.

Having settled into the chair, the elder addressed John, "My child, do you understand the Abyss?"

Upon hearing this, John recounted his experiences.

The elder's brows rose briefly in surprise when John mentioned how, upon his earliest memory, he was meant to be sacrificed.

But he maintained his grave demeanor and continued, "Child, you don't truly understand the Abyss. What you've seen is merely its surface, including what we're experiencing now."

"I have ventured into the depths of the Abyss before," the elder's voice trailed off as he lost himself in memories.

His murky eyes fixated intently on the constantly thudding forbidden door.

From him emanated a peculiar, profound aura of wisdom and mystery.

When John felt this presence, alarms rang inside him.

Having been slain by gods multiple times, John recognized this enigmatic energy as a potential threat to him.

Just as suddenly, the elder retracted his aura.

The fact that such power resided within the frail shell of this aged being caught John off guard.

A level 300 individual, one seemingly on the verge of life's end, yet possessing such sealed might, earned John's newfound respect.

With his clouded gaze, the elder said, "There are two paths before you, and I offer you a choice."

"The first path: in the town, find the house at its very heart. Within it lies a sacred potion. Distribute it among the villagers, and you shall pass this trial."

Interrupting, John inquired, "And the second path?"

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The elder briefly gestured to the stone door behind him.

As John attempted to focus on the door, he found himself unable to maintain his attention on it for long, even though he himself was nearing a demigod constitution.

Such a scenario suggests interference from beings of a higher dimension; otherwise, this situation would be impossible.

The elder opened his mouth, addressing John, "Young man, the second path is to step through this door and enter the sixth layer. There, you will encounter a distinct latter half of the Twelve Trials of the Hero."

John was taken aback. What? Two paths in this trial? He had never come across such information before.

Meanwhile, the Lord of Storm City, watching from a screen, spoke with a hint of reproach to the Pope, "Mister Pope, the Storm Church has cooperated with my Storm City for so long. How come I wasn't informed that there are two paths in the [Twelve Trials of the Hero], both leading to the completion?"

Upon seeing the eerie wooden door, the Pope immediately activated the storm energy in his hands.

Beams of Holy Light descended upon the bishops and the church's elites, rendering them unconscious.

Some of the clergy tried to resist the Holy Light from seeping into them, but the Pope calmly reassured, "This is the Lost Formation; it causes no harm."

Upon hearing this, the elites allowed the Holy Light to penetrate them without fear.

As the ruler of Storm City, the Pope had no reason to deceive his own.

Only four Cardinals remained conscious, and some blurry figures began to materialize within the church.

The Lord of Storm City, upon recognizing the vague figures, exclaimed, "The thirteen council members of the Empire!"

The Pope then conjured a barrier, with storm energy enveloping the surroundings.

The Lord of Storm City did not resist or counter the barrier; he sensed that its purpose was merely to prevent prying eyes.

The Pope turned to the city's lord with an apologetic expression, "Mister Lord, do you truly understand the [Twelve Trials of the Hero]?"

Upon hearing this, Valerie felt a surge of displeasure.

However, he considered his rise to power through military merit, and his lineage, which, including his parents and ancestors, lacked a powerful legacy.

His family in the Storm Nation was merely of silver nobility.

They weren't even of the golden nobility and had no access to the core council of the empire.

All the ancient knowledge he possessed had been acquired over the years.

He fixed a curious gaze on the Pope and asked, "What do you mean by those words?"

With a wise glint in his eyes, the Pope addressed the Lord of Storm City, "There were things, in the past, that you could remain unaware of, Lord Valerie. Even if you knew, you couldn't change them."

"But now, after witnessing this scene, I must share a tale with you."

"Ten thousand years ago, traces of the Abyss were discovered in Storm City. These were remnants of the Dark God's pawns. Our entire continent seemed cursed, with signs of the Abyss appearing in every race and land."

"Back then, the eleventh Pope, under the title of Filtr Crown, ventured into the Abyss."

"Together with God Seeds from several advanced races, he constructed forbidden zones, what outsiders refer to as trials, to suppress the emerging portals from the Abyss."

Lord of Storm City, Valerie, exclaimed in horror, "So all of this... is the Abyss..."

Xitell silently looked towards the ethereal figures of the thirteen council members of the Empire.

An elderly man with a snowy beard spoke gently, "Child, you're right. On the surface, passing a trial only grants a fraction of power, a certain capability to diminish the Abyss's influence. But it cannot eradicate its essence. The initial pact was too restrictive, only allowing the young to embark upon it, and they weren't of a high rank."

"With each step, they weakened the Abyss, granting our continent a fleeting peace."

Stunned, Valerie stammered, "Then, what if [Galewind] directly confronts the Abyss?"

There was a saying in the continent, a taboo amongst all races:

"When you gaze long into the Abyss, the Abyss also gazes into you."

The Abyss was uncontrollable.

Many races perished fighting it in the past. It represented the greatest terror of the age.

All these tales underscored the Abyss's power, a force of annihilation, mysterious and terrifying.

And now, before them stood an entity, [Galewind], who sought to gaze into the Abyss.

The Pope heaved a sigh, "Back in the day, many experts collaborated to predict an outcome. During the Abyss's aberration, a Chosen One would emerge, leading us to triumph over the Abyss."

"The initial stages of the Twelve Trials of the Hero merely filtered some contenders.

If they didn't meet the standards, they would progress through superficial levels, gradually weakening the Abyss.

A few prodigies ventured in but met their demise."

"Only nine from the Church survived. They were the twelfth to the nineteenth Popes, including my grandfather."

"When he emerged, the Abyss revolted. He chose to confine himself within the trial, guarding the Abyss, preventing it from breaking out."

"And descending upon our world..."

Stunned, Valerie murmured, "When you gaze long into the Abyss, the Abyss also gazes into you..."

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He looked at the choice made by John in the projection.

John stood before the enigmatic gateway. An incomprehensible, imperceptible force hinted that behind this door lay elements beyond his control.

But with it, the potential to become stronger.

With resolute action, John declared his choice to the elderly figure. Taking large strides, he approached the door, and a system notification echoed in his ears:

[Warning! Player Galewind has activated a hidden level of the Twelve Trials of the Hero!]

[Unknown perils lie within, an endless realm of horror, where slaughter, death, and destruction are the norms...]

[The Seven Levels beneath the Abyss!]

[Rewards will be significantly increased, with a chance to obtain god-tier items, equipment, and more...]

[Would you like to enter this hidden level?]

John steadied himself, thinking that the most formidable threat inside could only be god-tier beings, those Dark Gods.

Coupled with his hidden class: Godslayer, this concealed level seemed tailored for him, with no room for retreat.

To him, this trial paled in comparison to his initial challenges.

He adjusted his pain threshold, allowed his depleted MP to regenerate, and, after consuming a boosting potion, resolutely stepped in.

Outside the screen, the thirteen council members watched John enter, their figures gradually fading away.

The Pope, meanwhile, looked at the old guardian standing by the dilapidated church.

His eyes held a complex emotion.

His grandfather, once a prodigious talent, had become a shadow of his former self after venturing into the Abyss, his progression stalled.

His rise in rank was merely a result of the passage of time.

Growing up, the Pope had been regaled with tales of his grandfather's exploits.

Could this assassin, [Galewind], achieve what his own grandfather couldn't?

Deep within, the Pope held onto a sliver of hope, wishing that Galewind could succeed.

Too many prodigies had fallen into this mysterious Abyss, perishing in the concealed trial.

In his younger years, he wasn't even chosen to enter, a mockery to someone who aspired to surpass his legendary grandfather.

But none of that mattered.

The Abyss was the enemy of the continent and their lineage.

The elder at the entrance, with a glimmer of clarity in his eyes, whispered, "May the Almighty Lord watch over you, child."