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Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 333 Chapter332-A Warning Text
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 John accompanied Benjamin Taylor and his family towards the inner circle entrance. 

Casting a glance at the people queued on the other side, he couldn't help but reflect on the world's inherent inequalities. 

While some are born with privileges, others are left to hustle in the grind of life. 

Though he harbored no envy for the privileged, he wished for an egalitarian existence for all.

The inner passageway was tranquil, with only a few individuals ahead. 

Benjamin Taylor led them past the grand entrance, through an elongated corridor. 

Magnificent paintings lined the corridor walls, reminiscent of a medieval noble's mansion.

John admired the exquisite art but ruefully shook his head, feeling out of his depth in art appreciation. 

The corridor eventually led to a massive gilded door, adorned with an array of precious gems, underscoring the concert's lavishness.

Two uniformed guards stood sentry. 

On spotting Benjamin Taylor and company, they immediately bowed in deference. 

After exchanging a few words with the guards, Benjamin Taylor turned to John, saying, "Let's head in. This is the inner circle's reception area where we can wait for the concert to commence."

Nodding, John followed Benjamin Taylor's family into the reception area beyond the gilded door. 

The space was expansive, furnished with plush sofas and coffee tables. 

The surrounding walls were adorned with photographs of renowned musicians, celebrated worldwide.

John casually took a seat on one of the sofas, taking in the surroundings.

The atmosphere here was serene, with guests engaging in hushed, discreet conversations. 

Several attendants bustled about, performing last-minute hospitality duties before the concert began.

Benjamin Taylor settled on another sofa, his gaze sweeping the room, a slight furrow in his brow. 

A sense of unease permeated him, the feeling that things might not be as straightforward as they seemed.

"Johnathon," Benjamin Taylor suddenly inquired, "Do you suspect any issues with the organizers of this concert?"

After a brief contemplation, John responded, "I don't think so. I've heard that the organizers of this event are quite reputable, having managed many high-end concerts before. Presumably, they've ensured tight security?"

Benjamin Taylor's unease stemmed from the fact that upon entering the opera house, all his bodyguards were held back at the entrance, leaving the entire security responsibility to the event organizers.

Hearing John's measured tone, Benjamin Taylor nodded in agreement, "You're right, the organizers must have a comprehensive security protocol in place. Yet, I can't help but feel that if a terrorist organization chose this concert for an attack, they might have some affiliation with the organizers."

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John's eyebrows arched slightly, suspicion dawning, "Are you suggesting the organizers might be colluding with a terrorist group?"

Benjamin Taylor exhaled deeply, his expression grave, "I can't say for sure, but if that's the case, we find ourselves in an even more perilous situation..."

After reflecting for a moment, John calmly proposed, "Once the concert begins, Mr. Taylor, you, your wife, and Mia should sit with me."

Benjamin Taylor was momentarily taken aback but quickly grasped John's intention. 

With a light chuckle, he whispered, "There are police outside, and inside, a professional security team specially hired by the organizers. Do we really need to be so cautious?"

John slowly shook his head, "If things are as you suspect, then we can no longer trust the concert's organizers."

Benjamin Taylor's demeanor grew instantly somber. 

After pondering deeply, he nodded in agreement with John's proposal.

John's eyes scanned the surrounding dignitaries, all engrossed in quiet conversations. 

Their faces, somber and their discussions tinged with caution, made it evident that they too sensed the impending crisis.

"By the way, Mr. Taylor, do you have any speculations regarding the true motive of the terrorist group's presence in this city?" John suddenly turned his head, asking in a low voice.

Benjamin Taylor pondered for a moment before responding, "I believe they might have a grander objective. This concert might be just one step in their plan; they might have further actions lined up."

"This cult's international reputation is nothing short of abysmal. 

Their proclaimed doctrine is the reestablishment of the world's order, asserting that the true deity is about to descend and that humans are mere servants to this deity. 

They argue that humanity should sacrifice everything for this deity, even their lives! 

Isn't that absurd?"

A strong sense of impending danger washed over John, his brow furrowing deeper. 

He suddenly realized that this so-called cult might have connections with the Godslayer realm.

As the two conversed, an attendant arrived to inform those in the lounge to proceed to the main hall as the concert was about to commence.

Entering the music hall, John was instantly struck by the opulence before him. 

The entire hall was exquisitely decorated, with shimmering lights and vibrant colors emanating from the Flowing Light. 

John couldn't help but look up, marveling at the magnificent chandelier that hung overhead, feeling as though he'd stepped into a magically tinted fairytale.

John settled into a plush seat. 

As he awaited the start of the concert, his thoughts wandered to Amelia. 

That girl, pure as a white lotus emerging from the mire, tried so hard to retain her colors amidst the overwhelming tint of the entertainment industry...

Lost in his thoughts, melodious music from the stage pulled John back to the present. 

The musicians, dressed in splendid attire, bowed in unison.

With each note of their unique melody, they transported the audience to an entirely different realm.

The seating in the venue was divided into three tiers, each exuding a sense of aristocracy. 

John's ticket was of the highest tier, placing him closest to the stage in the heart of the hall.

John glanced to the side and noticed that Benjamin Taylor and his family had found their respective seats. 

The look on Benjamin's face still bore traces of worry. 

He would occasionally scan the surroundings, clearly still unsettled by the threat of the terrorists.

Coming up with a plan, John pulled out his phone and made a gesture to Benjamin, signaling him to stay calm. 

He then sent a text message to Benjamin, conveying his intentions.

Upon reading the message, a flicker of emotion passed over Benjamin's face, followed by a subtle smile. 

He looked towards John and nodded, indicating he had received the message.

Seeing Benjamin's response, John felt a weight lift off his chest. 

He knew he had successfully communicated his plan. 

It was now up to Benjamin to act upon it.

The concert officially began, with the sounds of the symphony orchestra filling the entire theater.

As the music deepened, John felt a tremor in his soul. 

He closed his eyes, immersing himself completely in the beautiful melodies. 

The tunes seemed to meld with his very essence, evoking a cascade of emotions he had never experienced before.

With the melancholic strains of the violin, images, both vibrant and ethereal, painted themselves in John's mind. 

He felt every nuance of the emotion conveyed by the melodies – from sorrow, joy, tenderness, to exhilaration and hope. 

Every note resonated profoundly within him.

As the movements transitioned, John's emotions ebbed and flowed with them. 

Bathed in music, he felt an unprecedented sense of peace and contentment.

The opening piece concluded, leaving an ineffable sentiment shimmering in John's eyes. 

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He hadn't anticipated that music could evoke such complex emotions in an individual.

Around him, people engaged in conversation, sharing their interpretations of the music and snippets of their daily lives. 

Yet, despite the chatter, no one wore a genuinely happy smile. 

Clearly, they too were aware that they served as bait, lambs awaiting slaughter in the eyes of the terrorists. 

Thankfully, the music managed to soothe their collective anxious souls.

As the next piece commenced, a middle-aged man in a tailcoat appeared on stage for a piano solo.

John, lost in the world of music, listened intently, forgetting all the troubles of the external world.

This was his first time attending such a high-end concert. 

He marveled at the power of music, absorbing the beauty and emotions it conveyed. 

Just as he was enraptured by the melodies, he suddenly felt someone's gaze from behind.

Turning around, he was met with the stare of a mysterious middle-aged man. 

Dressed in a sleek black suit, the man had profound eyes that emanated an indescribable sense of oppression.

A flicker of realization crossed John's mind. 

He sensed that this man was no ordinary attendee, and he might even be one of the terrorists they were searching for. 

Despite the absence of any overt menacing aura, the intensity in the man's gaze unnerved John.

Maintaining a stoic face, John gave no indication of his suspicions. 

He turned his attention back to the music, pretending not to have noticed the man's presence.

As moments ticked by, John covertly surveyed the surroundings. 

He spotted several individuals in the theater who aroused his suspicions. 

Burly and with piercing gazes, their attempts at blending in were betrayed by the fleeting exchanges of their eyes.

It dawned on John that he might be the only one who had picked up on their presence. 

He needed to stay calm and do his utmost to protect both himself and those around him.

Just then, his phone buzzed. 

Glancing down, he saw a new text message. 

Its content was terse yet ominous: "Be careful! They might act at any moment."

A weight settled in John's chest, realizing the gravity of the situation. 

But now, another puzzle emerged – who had sent this message?