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Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 213 212-The Orange High-Difficulty Mercenary Quest (2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)
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Chapter 213 Chapter212-The Orange High-Difficulty Mercenary Quest (2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Adam and Blue Sea were mostly indifferent to the stares of the surrounding players.

Evidently, they had grown accustomed to being the center of attention.

However, John still found it disconcerting.

He couldn't quite describe how he felt.

The pointing and discussions of the nearby players gave him the sensation of being fully exposed to the public eye.

Thankfully, he wore the Asura mask.

Without it, John feared he might've felt the urge to flee in embarrassment.

"Galewind, what's gotten into you?" Noticing John's tense demeanor, Adam asked with a gentle chuckle.

John just responded with a wry smile.

"I understand," said Blue Sea, "Galewind, you might not enjoy the scrutiny, but as your stature grows, such situations will become more frequent. Try to get used to it. If we don't want to fade into the crowd like ordinary players, we must accept the admiration and reverence of others..."

Blue Sea, speaking like someone who'd been there before, offered his perspective as they continued their way deeper into the Mercenary Hall.

At the very back, they immediately spotted Grand Archmage Saphir behind a glass wall, busily issuing some orders.

As the highest authority in the Silverglow Mercenary Hall, Saphir was always dedicatedly at his post.

Nearly every player who came to accept or turn in a quest would see this Grand Archmage in action.

John once suspected that after the tragic loss of his family, Saphir might not have any life beyond his duties at the Mercenary Guild...

John tapped lightly on the glass partition, and Saphir looked up with a hint of surprise.

Upon seeing John, the typically stern and cold expression on Saphir's face suddenly melted into a genuine smile of delight.

"Young man, we meet again... It's only been a few days since your last departure. Could you possibly bring me good news so soon?"

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John knew the "good news" Saphir referred to was the task he had entrusted him with last time.

Regrettably, John's visit this time did not bear the hoped-for tidings.

He gently shook his head, chuckling lightly, "I'm sorry, I don't have the news you were hoping for... But aren't you being a bit impatient? It's only been a few days."

Saphir set down his quill, smiling ruefully, "I can't help it. This matter has become an obsession for me. I constantly hope for a swift resolution."

John responded soothingly, "Don't worry. Having promised you, I won't renege on my word. My reason for coming today is to check if there are any quests related to Storm City. My two friends and I are heading there soon. If there's a suitable quest, we might as well take it on."

Saphir, looking somewhat surprised, replied, "Isn't there a high-difficulty quest from Storm City listed on the quest board? About hunting down a formidable Wraith Mage?"

John rolled his eyes in exasperation, "That red-coded, ultra-high difficulty quest? How long has that been hanging on the board? We don't have the guts for such a task."

"But the last time you..."

Saphir halted abruptly, musing for a moment before beaming, "As it happens, I indeed have a quest related to Storm City right here. It's issued by the Manor of Storm City... I haven't had the chance to announce it publicly yet. If you're interested, you can take a look."

Through a gap in the glass partition, Saphir slid a scroll over to John.

Without hesitation, John unfurled it.

[Secret Exploration: Orange High-Difficulty Quest. This quest is issued by the Manor of Storm City, calling for the exploration of an extremely perilous realm. All adventurers are advised to proceed with caution...]

[Quest Information: 200 kilometers north of Storm City lies a naturally-formed cavern named Thousand Streams Cave. This mystical place, once brimming with magical energy, was home to numerous inherently magical creatures and flora. Many magicians from Storm City used to harvest ingredients here for crafting magical potions. However, not long ago, an overwhelming and mysterious force seized control, turning it into a hazardous forbidden zone. Countless unsuspecting souls have met their doom here... The Manor of Storm City has repeatedly sent experts to investigate but has always returned empty-handed, suffering great losses in the process...]

[Quest Objective: Uncover the true cause behind the transformation of the Thousand Streams Cave. Ideally, determine the origin of this immense force and report back to the Manor of Storm City!]

[Quest Rewards: One piece of epic equipment, one epic item, 100,000 gold coins...]

[Quest Level Requirement: Due to the extreme danger involved, it is recommended that only mercenaries with a three-star gold badge or above undertake this task...]

[Note: This quest is officially issued by the Manor of Storm City, and the rewards are guaranteed genuine.]

The moment John read the quest details, a peculiar look overcame his face.

Blue Sea and Adam, standing nearby, mirrored the same expression.

The coincidence was almost staggering — their intended destination in Storm City was none other than this Thousand Streams Cave.

"What do you think? Should we take on this quest or not?" John, turning his gaze to the two beside him, asked with a light chuckle.

Adam frowned, a hint of hesitation in his voice, "The quest destination aligns perfectly with ours, but if we accept it, would it interfere with our mission to find the Aqua Blue Flower?"

"Moreover, this quest is clearly intended for mercenaries with a three-star gold badge or higher, not for players like us..."

"The highest badge level among players currently is probably just silver, isn't it?" Adam clearly leaned towards a less-is-more philosophy, not particularly inclined to take on the quest.

His perspective wasn't without merit.

Their primary mission in Storm City was to harvest the pollen of the Aqua Blue Flower, intended to incubate the Cloud Beast pet egg they both possessed.

Accepting this quest could very well introduce unnecessary complications.

However, John saw things differently: "Look at it this way; while high-difficulty quests like this come with their risks, they also offer rich rewards... "

"If we pass on this quest now, who knows when we'll next venture to Storm City? The opportunity is right before us. Do you really wish to simply let it go?"

John's words were undeniably persuasive.

Seeing the pair still wavering, he added with a sly grin, "As for the quest level requirements, the two of you needn't fret..."

With a swift flourish of his right hand, he revealed a badge emitting a radiant golden glow.

Blue Sea and Adam's eyes widened in shock, fixated on the gold badge in John's hand.

"For the love of... Galewind, when did you become a gold-ranked mercenary?"

Adam couldn't contain his shock, exclaiming aloud.

John just smiled faintly, "I completed a particularly challenging quest not long ago, allowing for a direct leap in rank."

Both Blue Sea and Adam fell silent for a moment, seemingly at a loss for words.

John teased with a smirk, "Make up your minds. Once this opportunity passes, there won't be another like it."

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The hesitance was evident on their faces.

With their intellect, they both clearly understood what John was implying.

In this kind of game, risk and opportunity coexisted.

If one constantly played it safe, there'd be no progress at all.

With a sigh, Adam relented, "Our ad-hoc team heading to Storm City was formed under your leadership, Galewind. Whatever you decide, Blue Sea and I will follow suit."

John chuckled, jesting, "It seems you both are keen on piling all the pressure on me. Admit it; deep down, you both want to take on this quest, don't you?"

Adam and Blue Sea exchanged glances, their faces breaking into knowing grins.

John had indeed nailed their true sentiments.

Having led two of the top ten global guilds this far, it'd be utterly far-fetched to say that Adam and Blue Sea were strictly risk-averse.

In their bones, they harbored a profound penchant for adventure, a longing to seize opportunities amid crises.

Their usual mature and steady demeanor was more a necessity due to the responsibilities of managing numerous guild members.

But now, as they journeyed to Storm City, it was just the three of them.

Without a single member from their two major guilds accompanying them, what harm was there in indulging just once?

Seeing the mischievous grin growing on John's face, Blue Sea, slightly exasperated, said, "If we're all of the same mind, then let's take on this quest."

Together, the trio signed the agreement and temporarily teamed up.

[System Notification: Temporary party formed. Party members: three. Currently online: Galewind, Adam, Blue Sea...]


[System Notification: You have accepted the mercenary quest (The Secret Exploration). Given the high difficulty, please be thoroughly prepared...]


Back-to-back, the three heard two system notifications. Behind the glass screen, Saphir waved his right hand, and the quest scroll gradually vanished in the air.

"Congratulations on accepting the quest. I wish you all... good luck!" Saphir announced.

John, Blue Sea, and Adam exited the mercenary quest hall, heading straight towards Silverglow's teleportation point.