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Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 207 206-A Call to Settle the Matter (2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)
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Chapter 207 Chapter206-A Call to Settle the Matter (2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

At first, Zachary couldn't quite fathom the source of John's confidence.

The young man before him exuded a composure that was far from ordinary, a demeanor that seemed out of place for a commoner.

Especially, when confronted by such distinguished figures, he remained unfazed.

As a result, Zachary subconsciously toned down his own assertiveness, saying patiently, "Young man, you must understand one thing: regardless of the nature of your conflict, resorting to violence is never the right solution."

"I have no intention of taking sides, but you struck first and injured someone, and for that, you must face the consequences of the law."

John smiled lightly, responding with an air of nonchalance, "If Chief Barnes sees it that way, then I have nothing more to say. However, before you apprehend me, may I make a call?"

Zachary cast a puzzled look at John, wondering what he was playing at.

Was this young man seriously contemplating settling the matter through a mere phone call, right in front of the chief of police?

In this city, he, Zachary, was the pinnacle of law enforcement.

Who could possibly sway him so easily?

"If you're thinking of calling Chairman Benjamin Taylor, I'd advise you to think again... Given Chairman Taylor's character, I doubt he'd shield someone who broke the law, no matter how close their relationship," Zachary said, deliberately glancing at Nicholas.

His statement was not only for John but also a warning to Nicholas, suggesting that even Benjamin Taylor's influence wouldn't be enough to trivialize this incident.

Nicholas stood silently, a shadow of unease flashing in his eyes. He discerned the implications in Zachary's words.

John, however, just chuckled, maintaining his serene demeanor.

"Chief Barnes, you're overthinking. Chairman Taylor is just a businessman, and I haven't intended to drag him into this."

"Since Chief Barnes is adamant about arresting me, surely granting me a chance to make a call isn't too much to ask?"

With a hint of impatience, Zachary waved his hand dismissively, remarking, "Go ahead and make your call. I'm quite curious to see who you could possibly summon."

Nonchalantly, John pulled out his phone, scrolling through his contacts until he found the name he was looking for.

The call connected swiftly, and the rich voice of Nathan echoed from the other end, "Mr. Foster?"

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With a light chuckle, John replied, "Yes, it's me. I was wondering if your banquet has concluded?"

A hint of surprise colored Nathan's response, "It just ended. I've escorted the two guests back to their hotel. I'm on my way to meet Mayor Daniel Roberts at the city government office now. Do you have any instructions, Mr. Foster?"

With a mischievous grin, John remarked, "I apologize for interrupting your work. I'm dealing with a minor situation here and could use your assistance."

On the other end, Nathan immediately paused whatever he was occupied with and responded gravely, "Speak freely, Mr. Foster. If there's a way I can be of help, I will spare no effort."

John whispered the current situation into the phone.

After a brief pause, Nathan calmly replied, "Understood. I'm already aware of the matter. I'll call Chief Barnes immediately."

Hanging up, John slipped his phone back into his pocket.

With a mocking smirk, Zachary taunted, "Done with your call? Seems like your little phone trick hasn't achieved much, has it?"

His words had barely faded when a secretary's phone nearby suddenly rang.

The secretary picked up the call, exchanged a few brief words, and promptly handed the phone to Zachary.

"Chief, it's Secretary-General Turner from the city government office," the secretary informed him.

Zachary's expression shifted dramatically, swiftly taking the phone from the secretary.

"Secretary-General Turner, this is Zachary. What can I assist you with?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. "Understood... Rest assured, I'll handle this matter appropriately," he continued, his gaze fixed intently on John, unable to hide the astonishment in his eyes.

Once the call ended, he took a deep breath, mustering a forced smile, "It seems there was indeed a misunderstanding, Mr. Foster. My apologies for the inconvenience."

John, with a sardonic smile, commented, "So, no longer planning to arrest me?"

Zachary chuckled awkwardly, "Secretary-General Nathan Turner has made me aware of your status. It appears we were oblivious to the gem before us. Let's consider the matter settled for today. If given a chance, I'll personally visit and offer my apologies."

John waved his hand dismissively, remarking with casual grace, "No need for apologies. To be frank, I never intended to escalate the matter. But after you leave, do ensure you discipline your children properly. Just because they come from privilege doesn't mean they can act recklessly."

Zachary nodded in agreement, "Absolutely, you're right. We certainly have lapses to address."

Seeing that John wasn't intent on pursuing the matter further, Zachary hurriedly ushered his family out of the room.

Eric seemed reluctant to leave, which earned him a sharp reprimand from Zachary.

The assembled crowd looked on in confusion, trying to piece together the unfolding events.

They were left in the dark about who had called Zachary, prompting such a swift and dramatic shift in his demeanor.

Zachary didn't seem inclined to offer any explanations either.

Even when facing his own sister and brother-in-law, he remained elusive.

However, they figured they would grasp the weight of that call once they returned home.

Nicholas, witnessing the situation's peaceful resolution, discreetly heaved a sigh of relief.

With Zachary's arrival, he had anticipated a significant escalation.

Given his own stature and status, even he would've found it challenging to sway Zachary's actions to his liking.

Nicholas had been prepared to reach out to Benjamin Taylor, asking him to contact Mayor Daniel Roberts...

Yet, here he was, watching John effortlessly diffuse the situation with a mere phone call.

Beyond his amazement, Nicholas was deeply curious about the extent of John's connections.

Seeing Nicholas' intrigued gaze, John remarked with a slight smile, "What's on your mind, Nicholas? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Nicholas let out an impressed sigh, "I must admit, I'm astounded. I never imagined a situation like this could be smoothed over with just a call from you. Who did you reach out to?"

Holding Emma, who looked at him with admiring eyes, John casually responded, "That call was to Secretary-General Nathan."

Nicholas' face turned solemn with respect, finally piecing together why Zachary's stance changed so rapidly.

Nathan was none other than Mayor Daniel Roberts' most trusted aide, his right-hand man.

Moreover, in terms of administrative ranking, Nathan's position was inherently a notch above Zachary's.

Even as the Chief of Police for the city, Zachary had rules to adhere to.

Daniel Roberts was the highest-ranking official in the city, and to a certain extent, Nathan's words were a reflection of Mayor Daniel Roberts' intentions...

It was unthinkable, and Zachary didn't have the audacity, to go against Mayor Roberts' arrangements.

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Nicholas said with a wry smile, "Indeed, heroes emerge from the young. It seems that even if my brother hadn't come today, you would have handled the situation perfectly on your own."

John responded with a light chuckle, "I still have to thank you for personally coming over. Also, please extend my gratitude to Chairman Taylor for his unwavering support. Today's circumstances aren't ideal, but when there's an opportunity, I'll pay a visit to express my thanks."

With a hearty laugh, Nicholas nodded in acknowledgment.

He then left, accompanied by an awestruck Scarface and the others.

Once outside, the ever-curious Scarface couldn't hold back his questions, "Nicholas, who exactly is that young gentleman? He wields such power, making even Zachary bow his head before him..."

Nicholas cast a mysterious glance at him, replying softly, "Ask no more questions. You're not yet in a position to be privy to his identity... Just remember, whenever and wherever you encounter him in the future, maintain humility."

Scarface nodded fervently. Even if Nicholas hadn't emphasized that point, Scarface would've acted accordingly...

A formidable figure who could incapacitate the heir to the Prosperity Group, and subsequently make the Chief of Police bow, was not someone he could afford to antagonize.


In the lavishly decorated room, an eerie silence prevailed.

Emma's classmates, who had been huddled in the corner from the very beginning, had experienced a roller coaster of emotions in just a short span of time.

They had witnessed their classmate Eric's transition from initial arrogance and domineering behavior to a pitiable state, only to rally back with a large group to regain his bravado.

Yet, all it took was one phone call from Emma's mysterious boyfriend, and they watched as Eric slunk away defeated.

It all felt like a bizarre, illogical dream.

If it weren't for John still being present in the room, they would have already started buzzing with chatter.

Under the awestruck gazes of the onlookers, John leaned down and gently asked Emma, "How's that? Are you satisfied with the way things turned out?"

Emma pursed her rosy lips, guilt evident in her eyes, "Johnny, did I cause trouble for you?"

John smiled knowingly and replied softly, "You're mistaken, little one. You did everything right. Whenever there's an issue, you should call me first."

He added possessively, "You're mine. If you can't talk to me about your problems, then who can you talk to?"

His words, dripping with possessiveness, sent a warm rush throughout Emma's body.

She wished she could meld herself into John, becoming one with him.