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Sacrifice's Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple

Chapter 205 204-Looking Down with Contempt?
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Chapter 205 Chapter204-Looking Down with Contempt?

The moment Timothy King entered the room, his gaze immediately found Eric King, writhing in agony against the wall.

His expression darkened abruptly, his piercing eyes scanning everyone in the room.

But Timothy, having single-handedly led the rise of the Prosperity Group, was a shrewd businessman.

Unlike Eric's arrogance, Timothy didn't lash out at everyone immediately but assessed the situation rapidly.

However, those following Timothy were far less composed.

Especially when they saw Eric, tears streaking his face, trying to crawl towards the entrance.

The crowd rushed forward.

Among them, a poshly dressed middle-aged lady let out a scream and dashed towards him, "Eric! My precious child, what happened to you?" This woman was presumably Eric's mother.

When Eric had called his father, she had been nearby, hence her anxious arrival.

"My hand, Mom... they broke my hand!" Eric collapsed into his mother's embrace, lamenting his pain and pointing fingers.

His mother, her once radiant face now twisted in fury, gritted her teeth, "Who did this? Who dared to lay a hand on my child? I swear, you'll regret this..." She then motioned her men to take Eric to the hospital.

But Scarface, having already received instructions from Nicholas White, swiftly moved to block the exit.

Several other burly men promptly positioned themselves behind Scarface, their menacing gaze fixed on the newcomers.

Timothy furrowed his brows, looking intently at Scarface, "What's the meaning of this, Scarface? Even if the boy was mischievous and made some mistakes here, did he deserve to be treated like this?"

Scarface smirked, a mischievous grin playing on his lips, "Mr. King, you've been a regular here. You know our rules well – we don't tolerate disruptions."

Timothy waved a dismissive hand, "Don't preach to me about rules. All rules in this world are made by men. Some are bound by them, and some aren't. Given how much I've spent here, surely I'm entitled to some preferential treatment?"

Shrugging nonchalantly, Scarface responded, "Had your son caused some minor troubles, we wouldn't have gone this far. Unfortunately, he messed with the wrong person…"

"You're aware, I'm just an enforcer here," Scarface began, "We follow orders from above. In this matter, it was indeed your son who was in the wrong. No matter how you put it, you don't have the moral high ground."

Timothy's eyebrows arched sharply, and a dangerous glint appeared in his slightly narrowed eyes. "Oh? I'd be keen to know who in this city is someone even I, Timothy, should steer clear of?"

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His gaze immediately settled on the back of Nicholas White, standing directly in front of him.

It was clear in Timothy's mind that the real player in the room wasn't the man standing before him, Scarface, but the man with his back turned to him.

As for John and the others seated across from Nicholas White, they barely registered in Timothy's assessment.

Mostly unfamiliar faces, all seemingly young in age.

In Timothy's view, they hardly seemed influential enough to have someone like Scarface in their debt.

"May I ask the identity of this distinguished gentleman? Would you do me the honor of turning around so I might make your acquaintance?" Timothy's voice carried a hint of chill, his cold laughter directed at Nicholas White.

Emptying his drink with a single sip, Nicholas gave John a quick wink before slowly rising from his seat.

The moment Timothy caught a glimpse of Nicholas White's face, he was taken aback, momentarily rooted to the spot.

The previously self-assured demeanor vanished without a trace. "You are... Nicholas White?"

Nicholas gave a faint smile, casually inquiring, "Why, Chairman King, have we met before?"

Swiftly masking his face with a warm smile, Timothy laughed heartily, "It's indeed a case of 'the cobbler's children have no shoes'. Nicholas is a prominent figure by Chairman Taylor's side. I had the privilege of meeting you once when I visited your conglomerate to sign a contract..."

"I had no idea I'd encounter Nicholas here. Did my young son inadvertently offend you by any chance?"

The onlookers were left dumbstruck.

No one had anticipated that the Chairman of the Prosperity Group, who had entered with such bluster just moments before, could shift his demeanor so swiftly.

It was almost as if they were watching a magician's performance.

Beside him, Eric was in utter disbelief.

Never had he imagined his father – a man he idolized, a veritable god in the business world who was always treated with reverence by others – would bow down with such a submissive attitude to greet the man in front of them.

Eric belatedly realized he had provoked someone he shouldn't have.

He trembled, seeking refuge behind his mother, a look of deep unease on his face.

Eric's mother, on the other hand, remained oblivious to the tense atmosphere.

Perhaps years of luxury had eroded her ability to read the room.

She continued to shout hysterically, "Timothy! What are you waiting for? Call the police and have these criminals arrested for injuring our son!"

"Who's this Nicholas? Never heard of him! I refuse to believe that there's anyone in this city who's untouchable. If you won't act, I'll call my brother!"

Timothy's smile grew strained as his wife's shrieking echoed in the silence.

It became especially uncomfortable when he lifted his eyes to meet Nicholas's slightly amused expression, sending chills down his spine.

Timothy was well-aware of Nicholas's role in the Taylor Group.

This man was Benjamin Taylor's right hand, dealing with all the messy jobs.

For years, he had managed the conglomerate's shady dealings without a hint of scandal.

Such a man could indeed be described as a kingpin in his own right.

Not someone to be trifled with lightly.

Pulling at the corners of his lips, Timothy suddenly turned and roared at his wife, "Silence, you ignorant woman! It's because of your constant indulgence over the years that Eric behaves so recklessly!"

The woman looked up in shock, retorting angrily, "How dare you, Timothy! Think you've grown wings now? Have the audacity to shout at me? Have you forgotten who helped you with your business all those years ago? Who propelled you forward, helping you establish the Prosperity Group? Without my father and brother, you'd still be a penniless nobody!"

"He's my only precious son! And now that he's been hurt, am I not allowed to seek justice for him?" she demanded.

A dark shadow crossed Timothy's face.

This foolish woman, always so haughty, forever blind to the gravity of situations.

Were it not for her well-placed father, the then-mayor, would he ever have chosen her as a wife?

Especially when Timothy noticed the curious glint in Nicholas's eyes, he felt a prickling unease.

The story of Timothy was indeed one for the ages.

Many years ago, he was a nondescript college student from an impoverished family.

Yet, blessed with striking looks and undeniable talents, he caught the eye of the previous mayor's daughter, and they were soon wed.

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With the backing of his influential father-in-law, Timothy's star rose rapidly, eventually founding the vast Prosperity Group.

And this spirited, somewhat brash middle-aged beauty was none other than that mayor's daughter...

Timothy roared, "Silence!" He then turned to Nicholas, forcing a rueful smile, "I apologize for this... spectacle."

Nicholas slowly shook his head, about to smooth things over when a soft cough from John behind him caught his attention.

"Chairman King," John began with a hint of amusement, "I believe there's been a misunderstanding. Nicholas is merely here as a spectator. The one who truly harmed your treasured son... was me."

As John's words, light as a breeze, filled the air, Nicholas immediately closed his mouth, a wry smile forming on his lips.

It was evident to him that John was here to assert his dominance.

Every word he uttered seemed designed to escalate the situation...

Sure enough, upon hearing John's voice, Timothy's attention finally settled on the young man.

He subtly furrowed his brow, inquiring in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

John responded with a slight smile, "I am but a common man. Aren't you curious, Chairman King, as to why I'd lay a hand on your beloved son?"

With a huff, Timothy's shrewd gaze, seasoned by countless encounters, took in Emma's damp hair in John's embrace and her delicate, beautiful face.

He immediately deduced the root of the conflict.

As the saying goes, a father knows his son best.

And Timothy knew all too well Eric's temperament.

Evidently, yet another dispute had been sparked by a woman...

With this realization, Timothy's eyes narrowed, and the earlier smile on his face faded.

He coldly remarked, "I don't need to know the reason. Even if Eric was in the wrong, was there a need to harm him to this extent? Young man, if you don't provide a satisfactory explanation today, this won't end easily..."

A mocking smile appeared on John's face. "Chairman King, you certainly seem to judge a book by its cover," he said with an air of amusement.

"Earlier, when confronted by Nicholas, you weren't nearly this assertive. Could this be the legendary case of looking down on others?"

At these words, Timothy's face flushed with anger.