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SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar-Novel

Chapter 463 Ana's Evolution [Pt 1]
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Chapter 463 Ana's Evolution [Pt 1]

[Days Before]

Ana was elated.

As she jumped on her bed, she was giddy and bursting with excitement.


"He actually found these? Incredible!!!" She shouted with glee.

Jared had just visited her room out of the blue and given her Lewis Griffith's Hidden Manuscripts.

Treatises that were never published.

Theories that were never shown.

Possibilities that remained unknown.

All of those were now in her grasp.

"I'm so excited! I'm so excited!"

She went through the book several times, but she hadn't started reading yet.

'Should I really begin tonight?!'

After a bit of back and forth, Ana finally picked up the first volume.

Once she finally focused her attention to read the Author's notes, she noticed something strange about it.

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There were strange engravings, as well as what seemed like a Mana Circuit embedded on the parchment.

Ana had been researching Magic for very long, so she recognized a Rune when she saw one.

'But why is this here? And it's somewhat incoherent...' The girl thought as she observed the strange flow of the code.

Finally, her curiosity got the better of her, and she eventually solved the riddle.

By infusing her Mana into the finished results, a bright blue light pervaded the room.

Once the light settled, Ana found a letter atop her bed.

It was unexpected, but the letter actually contained a message from Jared himself. She initially couldn't believe it, but the whole stuff was a test to see if she could spot, or even decipher his code.

~If you're reading this letter, that means you're skilled enough to handle what I'm about to tell you.~

Ana wanted to yell at how he underestimated her, but she kept her cool and decided to read through his message.

That was when the oddest thing was revealed to her.

~A Demon Lord is most likely going to invade Ainzlark Academy~

Jared had dropped a bombshell in his letter.

Not only did he state how and why this Demon Lord would be invading, but he also mentioned the likely scenario that would occur as a result.

To be honest, everything he said made Ana completely bamboozled.

'I can't believe this...'

But she did trust in his every word. Not only because he spoke facts, but also because he sounded so sure.

Jared was never one to be wrong on such important matters. It could have been her heart speaking, but Ana knew this for a fact.

'He's perfectly logical and on-point that it's almost scary...'

Nonetheless, Jared was yet to conclude his surprise.

~Well, that's what I have to say about it. You guys can handle the information I've given you any way you want.~


Ana was so sure Jared would offer a plan at this point, but he simply threw the initiative on how to handle the situation into their hands.

Ana pondered on the hidden meaning behind his message, but found nothing.

~To be honest, I was planning this to be like a gift for Neron. He has been telling me how bored he has been. So, you guys can create the perfect stage by using the information I'm given you.~

Jared went on to explain the identity and ability of the intruder.

Ana wondered how he came across such detailed Intel, but she couldn't fathom it. Realizing that it was useless to question his sources, she simply kept reading.

~I'll leave everything in your care. No matter how things turn out, it'll still end up in victory. Her little interference won't be consequential in the long run. Just think of it as an exercise for fun... and a reward for your hard work.~

The boy was basically offering a Demon Lord as a reward for their efforts.

'Jared, that monster... only he can do something like this.' Ana smiled once she finished reading the letter's contents.

The young girl fell to her bed, now drained of the motivation to delve into Lewis Griffith's Research materials—something Ana would never have imagined.

She pondered on what to do with the information she had just gotten from Jared.

As he mentioned in the letter, she was the only one who was aware of the Demon's intrusion, and the Demon Lord's abilities made it impossible for anyone to detect her presence.

Now caught in a pickle, it was common sense that Ana would rely on Neron in handling the case. However...

'Huu! Finally, I have the perfect opportunity!'

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... The young girl called Ana had something else in mind.

'This Lydia of Blanc... she'll be perfect for the job!'


"Jared was right, after all. This is quite interesting."

Three Automatons floated around her. They looked like small heads, but had three tentacles each—serving the functions of limbs.

Each Automaton had a single wide eye, but several functions could be performed despite their small frames.

Ana always went around with them—though they were usually in stealth mode.

The only reason the three little critters popped up at the moment was because of their automatic sensory functions.

They perceived danger!

"You... what are you saying...?" The middle-aged Maro asked as he narrowed his gaze.

Ana was simply astounded.

The more she watched the man, the more amazed she was.

"To think you can really mimic everything about your target. It's amazing. This world truly is vast." She beamed, clasping her hands together.

Many people didn't know this, but Ana's glasses were made with cutting-edge Magic Technology.

Not only could they analyze her targets, but could also scan properties and cross-reference patterns.

Even in a fight, she could see the subtle movements of her target and predict whatever moves they would make based on several external factors—such as breathing, muscle movement, eye movement, etc.

Currently, she was completely analyzing the 'Maro' in front of her, and it was a complete match with the 'Maro' she knew.

"I'm guessing you also have all his memories and whatnot. That's how you were able to find this place, right? Amazing!" The young girl clapped with genuine praise.

At this point, Maro/Lydia was in a stunned state. Not because the Demon felt cornered, but because she didn't understand one critical thing.
