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Reborn as a Demonic Tree-Novel

Chapter 277: Kill Zone
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"The registration fee can be paid with high-grade spirit stones, dragon crowns, or Yinxi Coins." The Lotus Informat listed off as she placed the jade slip with her non it under the table. "What will it be?"

Stella hardly registered the woman's words as she felt blind. The defensive formations in this place were suffocating. Her spiritual senses were suppressed to just a meter, and even cycling Qi through her spirit roots was a chore. So, for the first tin years, she relied on her eyes and ears to feel the shifting and murmuring of people around her.

"Hello? Are you listening?" The Lotus Informat said in a dull tone.

"If you can't even afford the fee, you shouldn't have chere—"

Stella threw a few high-grade spirit stones onto the counter, "Here."

"Thank you," The woman gave the fakest smile.

The Lotus Informat took all of the high-grade spirit stones, and Stella caught a flash of golden light out of the corner of her eye as the Lotus Informat bent down to get something from under the counter.

"Here is your pendent," the woman said, placing a black and cold coin-shaped object on the counter.

"Hey, random question." Stella leaned in closer, resting her elbow on the counter, and kept her distorted voice low, "What is the punishment for an Iron Seeker if they kill a Lotus Informat?"

"Punishment?" The woman tilted her head, "I suppose there isn't one for killing a Lotus Informat specifically."

That was not the answer Stella had been expecting. This woman was being blatant to the point of robbing her, yet there was no punishment if she retaliated by executing her on the spot?

"Hypothetically speaking, I won't be exiled from the pavilion if I cut you down right now?" Stella asked, just to be sure. Killing this woman over this wouldn't be worth the hassle and attention, but this was good information.

"Letexplain something to you, Iron Seeker," The woman rested her chin on her arm and smiled, unfazed by Stella's blatant threat. "You have a juicy bounty on your head, yet stand here alive. Now, why is that?"

That was a good point. Everyone kept their distance and didn't show any hostility despite her bounty. "I don't know."

"It's because we have rules that cannot be broken." The woman gestured to the room. "This pavilion is a strict no-kill zone. If not for this rule and the defensive arrays to help prevent fights, there would be a slaughter here every day. After all, you aren't the only one here with a bounty looming over their head, as it's common for bounty hunters to put bounties on their competitors."

"Your bounty is rather special because of how high the reward is compared to how low your cultivation is," The woman said with amusement, "But in the grand schof things, you aren't that special. Bounty or not, someone could kill you out of the blue for free. It's a dog-eat-dog world out there, but it's safe in here."

"Just out of curiosity, what happens if I break the rule and kill someone in here?" Stella asked. The array did make cycling Qi hard, but she could always cut someone in two with her sword.

The woman's smile reached her ears, "Ooo, that's a fun one. You will be exiled from the pavilion, meaning anyone here could cut you down where you stand without repercussions. In fact, they would even be rewarded with every Yinxi Coin left in your balance."

Stella's eyes flicked to the doorway, "What about outside this pavilion? Does the no-kill rule still apply?"

"The whole mountain is a no-kill zone," The Lotus Informat had a sly smile, "And Lotus Informats live on the mountain, so killing one of us will indirectly lead to exile. Though the defensive arrays are weaker outside the pavilions, and accidents can sometimes happen. So do be careful when walking around."

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"If that's all the questions, let's finish this registration, shall we?" The Lotus Informat pushed the gold and black pendant across the counter. "Please draw sblood and drip it onto the pendant."

Stella saw a spike on the pendant, so she used that to prick her finger and smeared sblood on its surface. The pendant glowed with power as it absorbed her blood and Qi.

A strange symbol appeared on the counter around the pendant, and the Lotus Informat studied it. "You have a registered bloodline. How interesting. One moment, please."

"Registered bloodline?" Stella asked as the Lotus Informat searched for something under her counter.

"Yeah, to crack down on people using fake names in recent centuries, we started keeping a record of families' bloodlines." The woman placed a sizeable leatherbound book onto the counter and flipped through the pages. "Since the formation reacted, somebody from your family has registered with us before, and I can now find out if your surnames match."

"Ah, here we go," The Lotus Informat said. There is indeed another person here, and they also registered under the Crestfallen family name."

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Groans of disappointment sounded out as a few groups of bounty hunters wandered back to their tables.

Stella leaned forward to see the book, but the Lotus Informat slammed it shut. "With that, your registration is complete. You are now an Iron Seeker of the Eternal Pursuit Pavilion. If you wish to advance to a Crimson Tracker, complete ten bounties or other missions of appropriate levels from the other halls. Any other questions?"

"What was the nin the book?"

"800 Yinxi Coins."

Stella tilted her head. Had the woman not heard her?

"Everything in this pavilion has a price. Such confidential information about ancestral bloodlines costs 800 Yinxi Coins."

Stella ground her teeth behind her mask. How could information about her own family be confidential? "But I just registered. How am I supposed to have any Yinxi Coins?"

"How is that my problem?" The woman rolled her eyes as she hid the book back under the counter. "Go kill someone or sell something. This ain't a charity for weaklings, you know?"

"Don't." Diana grabbed her arm. "I know what you are thinking. That information isn't going anywhere. We can get it later."

Stella clicked her tongue, "Fine." Taking the pendant and putting it into her spatial ring, she turned to leave. In hindsight, she didn't want this Lotus Informat shouting out the information about her family, so it was best to leave for today and ask a more competent one tomorrow.

Registering had been the only goal for today at the Eternal Pursuit Pavilion, and although it had been far more eventful than she had anticipated, it was done. She was now an Iron Seeker, which granted her access to the pavilion's resources, and she could travel to any demonic sects without her identity being questioned.

"A real bitch isn't she?"

Stella paused and turned to the person who had called out from the shadows, "Who are you?"

"By that question, I can tell you are new." The person looked straight at Stella, their features hidden behind a jade mask. "Giving out such information is a quick way to the grave. The Lotus Informat wasn't lying about the dangers. Beyond those doors, assassinations occur more often than she made it sound."

"For this chance meeting, you can callSeth." The man stepped forward and offered a gloved hand. "I am happy to answer any questions you have."

Stella made no move to shake it.

"How cold." Seth sighed and lowered his hand.

"Why did you call that Lotus Informat a bitch?" Stella asked bluntly.

Seth laughed, "Is she not? I am sure you noticed, but nobody will line up at her counter except clueless newbies like you."

"How is she still working here if she acts like that?" Diana asked.

Seth shrugged, "She has connections with the Lunarshade family, so nobody dares to touch her, and other than being a bitch and committing spetty crimes, she mostly stays within the rules. Though between you and me," Seth stepped closer and lowered his voice, "She is one of the few Lotus Informats that will take bribes. It's already hard enough to advance to the rank of a Crimson Seeker, so nobody here wants to get rid of someone who could give them an advantage."

"Is becoming a Crimson Tracker really so hard?" Diana asked. Ten missions and a combat test seem simple enough."

With his chin, Seth gestured to a nearby table, "How about we discuss over there?"

"What's the catch?" Stella didn't trust this shifty person one bit. It may be 'safe' here, but there were ways around everything. If she was poisoned in here and died outside, would that exile the killer, or would it be written off as another unfortunate 'accident?'


"What do you gain from sharing this information? Do you want something from us?" Diana insisted. Her voice dripped with suspicion.

Seth raised his gloved hands, "Okay, you caught me. I was going to ask you a favor, but you are under no obligation to accept it. I will answer your questions regardless."

"Hmm," Stella looked to Diana, and the woman shrugged.

Stella sighed and followed Seth to the nearby table. There was a silver ball in the center, which he placed his hand on and inserted sQi.

Diana grabbed his arm, "What are you doing."

"Relax. It's a formation that distorts our voice so others will struggle to listen in." Seth replied calmly. His Qi made the silver ball glow and a sure enough all the ambient noise around them becdistorted. "Now then, can you please let go of my arm?"

Diana withdrew her hand into the many folds of her cloak.

"Quite the strength you have there, I thought my arm was going to break." Seth rubbed the area Diana had gripped.

"My apologies," Diana said, "Now, if you don't mind, could we get to the answers? I have something to do tonight."

"The combat test to advance, right?" Seth said as he relaxed his arm, "With strength like that, you may have a chance at passing."

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"What do you mean? Is it really that difficult." Diana asked.

Seth gestured around, "If it was so easy to advance, do you think there would be this many people stuck down here having to share a space with the disgusting mortals? Everyone here fights tooth and nail to claw their way up the mountain using any means necessary. Don't look down on their struggle just because you got a recommendation letter."

"I see. What does the test involve?"

"It really is a simple combat test—nothing but a duel. However, it's the opponent who makes things tricky. Since the pavilion wants to keep the prestige of the ranks intact, they make us fight and have to win against someone from the Crimson Tracker rank. You have heard the term 'mission' thrown around, right?"

Stella and Diana nodded.

"Defending the honor of the Crismon Trackers is one such mission available to them. There is no pay, but they are eager to participate."

"Why?" Stella didn't understand. Fighting was a risky thing to participate in and also a waste of Qi. If there was no pay, what reason would they have to do such a thing?

"That is rather harsh," Diana agreed, "Especially since you have to beat someone from a higher rank who may have an affinity that counters you. It's as much luck as it is skill."

Seth nodded, "Do you see now why we are all stuck here?"

"This is where my shameless favor comes in." Seth leaned on the table, "I need one more mission to qualify to advance. I have the location of Albis Lunarshade locked down."

Stella glanced at the white jade pillar and quickly found the person in question.

[Death of Albis Lunarshade]

Target's estimated threat level: Star Core 2

Affiliation with the Lunarshade Family: Nascent Soul 6

Bounty: 10,000 Yinxi Coins

The bounty is placed by Corvin Blightbane. For more information, consult a Lotus Informant.

"As you can see he is listed as being in the Star Core Realm with a bounty of 10,000 Yinxi Coins. That's where you two and especially Stella come's in. I may know his location, but I am not strong enough to defeat him. However with the three of us, I believe we can win."

Diana crossed her arms, "Suppose we agree. How would we split the pay?"

"You both need the Yinxi Coins really badly, right?" Seth stroked his chin under the mask, "How about 2,000 for me, and you two can split the remaining 8,000? Sound fair?"

Stella exchanged a glance with Diana. "The deal sounds good to me. Could you give us a few days to discuss and get back to you?"

"That's fine." Seth shrugged, "It would be best to wait until after Diana has been promoted to the Crimson Trackers anyway, so it counts toward her advancement to becoming a Jade Sentinel. Speaking of which, the duels should begin within the hour. I could lead you there if you wish?"

Seeing no issue with that, the three left the building through the backdoor toward the arena.

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