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Re:Zero Kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

Volume 4, Chapter 31 [Maid・Maid・Maid]
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Volume 4, Chapter 31 [Maid?Maid?Maid]

――For Subaru, this would be the second time returning to Roswaal’s Mansion from the Sanctuary.

[Subaru: Although it was just a painful experience the first time……]

Subaru scratched his cheeks mumbling this, and jumped down from Patrasche’s back outside the gate.

After bidding farewell to Lewes, Subaru and the refugees returned to Arlam village safe and sound. Although, since they had already done so in the last loop, and having his trusted Patrasche to guide the way, there was nothing he had to worry about.

[Subaru: The villagers are rejoicing, and Otto’s staying behind in the village like last time. I was originally hoping to bring Otto along as a meat shield though……]

Actually, Subaru hesitated about dragging Otto along to the mansion. After all, there was a good chance it could get genuinely dangerous, and bringing Otto, who doesn’t last well in intense situations, along probably wasn’t a good idea.

In terms of a straight-up brawl, Subaru couldn’t win against Otto, but Otto wasn’t exactly a god-like martial artist. Subaru wasn’t particularly looking forward to seeing his organs in front of the Bowel Hunter.

[Subaru: I hope nothing happened……]

Last time, Subaru returned to the Mansion six days after the beginning of the Trials. This time, it was three. ――Compared to before, he still had three days of leeway.

Presumably, the Mansion was attacked on the same night Subaru was killed. Taking all the factors into consideration, that much should be certain. The problem was,

[Subaru: Three days left…… in other words, I’d have to get the information out of Frederica and head back to the Sanctuary, fix the problems in the Sanctuary, and then force march back to the Mansion with Garfiel. Just looking at time alone, it’s not impossible, but……]

There were tremendous hurdles to overcome before he could turn these empty theories to reality.

It takes 8 hours just to clear the one-way route from the Sanctuary to the Mansion. Going back and forth once would already take up almost a day in travel time. Counting the loss of time in between as well, the amount of usable time available to Subaru becomes all the more severe.

[Subaru: There are backup plans for solving the problem as well…… If I choose the optimal plan, it will be an arduous route even in the most optimistic cases…… ]

Knowing ahead of time when Elsa will attack, the optimal solution for Subaru would be to repel the assassin. This way, they wouldn’t need to be constantly looking over their shoulders and be frightened by every shadow. In other words, he was hoping for complete victory, if possible.

To accomplish this, they must exceed Elsa in combat strength, which would require having either Roswaal or Garfiel. But at the moment, the likelihood of bringing either of them back to the Mansion was not looking high.

[Subaru: So in the end, there’s no choice but to go for the second-best option…… huh]

While Subaru was muttering this despondently and scratching at his head, Patrasche brought her nose over. Smiling awkwardly at the face of the ground dragon that was nudging against his shoulder, Subaru rubbed his palm over her hard scaly skin, and patted her on the head,

[Subaru: The rewards match the risks, but we aren’t ready to bring nearly enough winning chances to counterbalance the risk. Which pretty much just leaves us with the turn tail and run and scatter like a bunch of baby spiders battle-plan]

At the time of his battle with the Witch Cult, this was a conclusion that had crossed his mind.

But while this was possible due to the number of pieces he had last time, this time, there weren’t as many hands he could play. Even with prior knowledge of the incoming attack, he would be more than satisfied if they could just manage to escape.

But, there were problems with that as well.

[Subaru: Everyone in the Mansion. Rem, Petra, Frederica…… and Beako, I don’t know if they’ll all cooperate with evacuation. Honestly, if I just piggyback Rem and hold Petra’s hand I’ll be able to bring them along, but I’ll probably break a few bones before I could convince the other two]

Of course, if it ever comes down to it, he would drag everyone into the dragon carriage by force and abduct them away if he had to. He didn’t think he’d be able to beat them in a fight, but if he kept yanking on their arms and wouldn’t let go, he might just manage it somehow. No, he definitely will.

[Subaru: ――Huu]

Exhaling a small sigh, Subaru felt the weight of the responsibility on his shoulders.

How many people’s fates were resting on his words, his actions, and his resolve. On the night before the battle with the White Whale, he had felt this way as well.

[Subaru: It won’t do any good to procrastinate outside the gates forever. I still don’t know if anything happened inside. Better make sure everyone’s fine first……]

[???: And after that?]

[Subaru: After that, I’ll think about how to persuade them. Oh yeah, I got it, since they won’t know anyway, I’ll just lie and tell them that it’s Roswaal’s instructions or something……]

[???: Woaa. You’re so bad~, Subaru]

[Subaru: Just call me DIRTYWILD, I’m still at an age to aspire towards this kind of bad-boy image, you know…… wh]

In the middle of his sentence, Subaru heard the sound of giggling coming from behind and turned around. And, in the Mansion’s front gardens on the other side of the gate, there was a little maid―― the familiar little girl, Petra, standing there.

In front of the surprised-looking Subaru raising his brows, she shook her chestnut-colored hair and adorably tilted her head,

[Petra: Welcome back, Subaru-sama. Your return has come earlier than I thought]

[Subaru: Yeah, I’m back…… looks like I just caught a glimpse of the results of Frederica’s education for the gifted. Thanks for the reception]

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At the sight of Petra picking up the hems of her skirt in a curtsy, Subaru loosened his cheeks in relief, before softly pushing open the gate and stepping inside. As he went on leading Patrasche toward the ground dragon stables, Subaru looked down at Petra walking alongside him.

[Petra: ――?]

Seeing Subaru looking at her, she made a strange expression and hurriedly turned her back and began cleaning up her hair and smoothing out her dress. After she seemed satisfied with all that, [O-K], she turned back to Subaru with a nod,

[Petra: What is it, Subaru-sama?]

And, with a smile even more radiant than before, she showed him her adorable smile.

Merging the cuteness of a little girl, and a promise of future beauty, it was a smile that, in spite of its youth, carried a fiendish power to abduct the hearts of the opposite sex. ????n????r????????????. c????????

It was a perfect smile calculated with a complete understanding of how it would be perceived by others. Presented with such a smile, Subaru had to suck in a bit of air,

[Subaru: Aaaahhh, that! Isn’t that just way too adorable, youuu!]

[Petra: Wa, waaah!?]

Completely oblivious to her underlying intentions, Subaru wrapped the little girl in a hug as if that was the reaction she requested and started affectionately rubbing her head with a variety of complex petting techniques without any regard for restraint. Petra squeaked out a confused cry at the sudden action, but,

[Subaru: You don’t even know half of what I’m feeling right now. Youuu, youuu! Aaahhh, damn I’m so happy to see you again!!]

[Petra: Wha what, what’s going on!? Wah, wait, Subaru…… it’s too early for me to……]

[Subaru: Really, I’m so glad……]

[Petra: ――Subaru?]

Her face all blushing, struggling in his arms, Petra’s expression changed. She settled in his arms, and looked up at Subaru who had lowered his voice, and, gradually, the at-once embarrassed and delighted expression disappeared from her face.

[Petra: Are you, hurting somewhere……?]

Worried, she extended out a finger and touched his trembling cheeks. Then, a palm pressed against her fingers, and with [I’m alright], Subaru shook his head.

He inhaled a deep breath through his nostrils, and paused for a second. And then, opening his eyes once more,

[Subaru: I’m just seriously, from the bottom of my heart, relieved. ――I’m home, Petra]

――After returning Patrasche to the stables, Subaru returned to the Mansion holding Petra’s hand since she wanted to hold hands with him. Fortunately, according to Petra, no noteworthy changes had taken place since Subaru left the Mansion.

[Petra: Right now, big-sister-sama Frederica is away inspecting the Boundaries in the mountains, so she’ll be back after a little while…… maybe]

As Petra informed him of the Head Maid’s absence, Subaru recalled the Boundaries in the mountains―― that is, the magical crystals that sealed out the Wolgarms. Though the Wolgarms in the mountains were supposed to have been eradicated, the Boundaries remained in service even now.

It seems, aside from the Wolgarms, there were other dangerous Mabeasts that needed to be kept out by the Boundaries, and, as the managers of Arlam village, the task of maintaining them fell to the subjects of the Roswaal camp.

[Petra: Once everyone in the village comes back, they can check for breaks in the Boundaries themselves, but since everyone hasn’t come back yet, big-sister-sama Frederica is doing it]

[Subaru: Now that you’re calling her big-sister-sama, it sounds like you two have gotten closer while I was away, kinda makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Also, the villagers are all back now, you know]

[Petra: Really?]

When he pointed in the direction of the village, Petra’s eyes lighted up and she squeaked out an excited cry.

Her family was among those who evacuated to the Capital, so both her parents had already been safely returned to the village. But even so, she was still separated from neighbors and friends. Now that she knew they were safe, Petra happily clapped her hands.

[Subaru: Yeah, you should go see them later. I’m sure they’ll be excited to see you in your maid’s uniform]

[Petra: Yeah. Once I get permission from big-sister-sama Frederica, I’ll go change!]

[Subaru: No, there’s no need to change…… You look cute in it, you should let everyone see……]

[Petra: Ehehee, cute? I’m cute?]

[Subaru: Yeah you’re cute, you’re cute. So everyone sh……]

[Petra: Yeah! I’ll change and go see them!]

It pretty much turned into a situation where no matter how many times he tried saying [No it’s fine], his voice kept getting canceled out by her peals of thunder.

Seeing that she was definitely not planning to change her mind about this, Subaru gave up making any further proposals.

Cracking the bones of his neck, […ah], Subaru exhaled a deep breath and stopped.

They were on the Mansion’s second floor―― rubbing his soles on the carpet, he had lifted up his face and was staring at a door. Petra, feeling a little lonely, let go of his fingers. She was a smart girl who could read the mood.

[Subaru: I’m sorry, Petra. Let me be alone with her, for a little while]

[Petra: Mn, I understand. I’ll go finish cleaning up the west wing, please call me if you need anything]

As though she knew even before Subaru spoke, Petra put away her young girl’s demeanors and returned to the role of a maid, and, with a slight bow, she left him there.

Receiving this gesture of consideration from her, despite there being a mountain of pressing matters closing in on him, Subaru lightly poked himself in the head.

Poking, and――

[Subaru: I asked myself what I should give priority to…… and I wound up coming here]

Pushing open the door, Subaru slowly stepped into the room.

A room where time had stopped. In that plain and simple room, there was a bed―― and on it, a young girl was sleeping. The girl was no longer wearing her familiar servant’s dress, but was now wrapped in a light blue nightgown.

Her eyes were closed, and not even her faint breathing could be heard. Only, the silent rise and fall of her chest gave proof that she still lives.

[Subaru: ……Rem]

Lending voice to that name, who could understand the vortex of emotions carried within that single word. That unstoppable torrent of emotion, meant for only one person in the world.

He had resolved to be strong, to turn his heart to steel, to not waver in the face of all difficulties. Resolved to no longer depend on others, and to hold his head high.

――But, in front of her, all this determination scattered into mist.

The Subaru who told Emilia to leave it to him, who took her hand and told her he will find a way, the Subaru who once did so with so much strength. The facade of that resolve fell apart the moment he stood before her.

[Subaru: I’m pathetic…… I’m so… weak]

As soon as he was in front of Rem, Subaru returned to the weak Natsuki Subaru he once was.

Returned to the time before Rem’s devotion had affirmed him, to the time before he first stood up.

Slowly, he reached out to her sleeping face and gently swept aside the hair on her forehead. Asleep, her expression did not change, and he had not found a single clue to restoring her eaten self.

But if he did nothing and let her go on sleeping like this, it would be certain that even her vessel will be lost as well.

[Subaru: Maybe you didn’t mean to, but because of you, my resolve has been hardened]

Weak and fragile, the surface of his heart that would break off at the touch was slowly covered over with steel.

The fact that Rem’s sleeping figure and the certain beating of her heart still existed allowed Natsuki Subaru to return to that instant. To the emotions of that moment when he was reborn.

[Subaru: Because you told me that it’s alright even if I am weak, you told me that you will help me become stronger…… I will find a way, no matter what it takes, and stand up no matter how many times I fall]

No matter what pain, what suffering, what hardship or unpleasantness awaited him, the love of her entire soul healed Subaru, and sent the desire into his heart to move forward in return.

[Subaru: You, and Petra and everyone else…… I will bring you all out safely]

He gently stroked her sleeping forehead, and suppressed his feeling that wanted to touch her more. A gust of wind had blown into the room, while he sat silently in the chair at her bedside.

That portion of the limited time he had, the meager, precious time that he needed to conserve, he gave it all to her. At this point, this was the best that Subaru could do to offer her his heart.

For how long had time passed in this stillness.

Suddenly, Subaru’s consciousness that was vacantly staring at Rem in a daze was pulled back to reality by the sound of a knock on the door. Lifting his face, and turning to the door, [Yes], he answered, and,

[????: Apologies for the intrusion. ――I am glad you’ve returned safely, Subaru-sama]

Quietly pushing open the door, a tall woman entered the room.

With her golden hair swaying, and her posture impeccable and refined―― it was Frederica.

Seeing Subaru at the sleeping Rem’s side, she slightly lowered her head, and,

[Frederica: There are a variety of questions I wish to ask you…… and I am sure Subaru-sama feels the same. Let us change the location. Although she is asleep, I doubt these are things that she would especially like to hear]

[Subaru: That sure helped speed things along. ……The things I want to ask you, do you already have some idea what they are?]

[Frederica: Possibly]

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Hearing that modest response, Subaru spilled out a small sigh and stood up from his chair. He touched Rem’s sleeping cheeks one last time, and, as if to sever his reluctance, he clenched tight his fist,

[Subaru: Your rowdy, foul-mouthed little brother, that Gap-Moe who looks like a Loli but is a Granny on the inside. The Sanctuary that is the Experimental Grounds, and Roswaal’s true intentions. Let me look forward to seeing how much of that you can answer]

[Frederica: Since the Master hasn’t returned, it would seem that the Trials haven’t ended yet?]

After leaving Rem’s bedroom, the two of them moved to the drawing room.

Placing a steaming cup of amber-colored tea in front of Subaru, Frederica sat down across from him and opened with these words. Receiving the cup, Subaru nodded [Yeah] as he stirred his tea with a spoon,

[Subaru: You sure got straight to the point. ――So, don’t you feel a little guilty about knowing all that inside information and yet giving us so little when you sent us off?]

[Frederica: I won’t make excuses. After all, it is true that I did not tell you everything about the Sanctuary and the Trials and that no-good little brother of mine]

Frederica’s detached tone did not seem to be carrying any sense of guilt about that fact. However, he couldn’t say for certain that she was entirely without remorse. Perhaps, she was merely suppressing such feelings and pretending to be without emotions so as not to reveal the contents of her heart.

It was the same with Ram―― but considering the lengths of time he had gotten to know them, it was far more difficult to tell with Frederica.

[Subaru: As I said back in the room, there’re all sorts of things I want to ask you…… Can I expect to get answers to all of them?]

[Frederica: ……I don’t imagine I would be able to meet such expectations. Since the Sanctuary is not yet liberated, I am still bound by my contract to the Master. As long as I must abide by that contract, there is a limit to what facts I can convey to Subaru-sama]

[Subaru: Contracts again…… it’s the same with everybody here]

Subaru pressed a hand to his forehead and felt an especially bitter sense of disappointment.

As much as he wanted to raise his voice and scream that contracts could be interpreted more freely, when he remembered his promise to Emilia, he realized he couldn’t bring himself to force anyone else to break theirs.

[Subaru: What if I were to ask you about the details of your contract?]

[Frederica: I’m sorry. As long as the contract exists between Roswaal-sama and myself, the information I can reveal is limited. ――I’m afraid that is all I could say on that subject]

[Subaru: There’s no new information at all. Damn it, that asshole always has to do these baffling things. Looks like this time I’ll have no choice but to treat him as an enemy from now on]

Clicking his tongue at the culprit responsible for this disappointing reality, Subaru tried to pull himself together by taking a sip of his tea. He could still only taste leaves, but after drinking them over and over, Subaru could already distinguish the expensive leaves from those that are not. ――And his tongue told him that these were expensive leaves.

[Subaru: This may not be the right occasion, but…… Frederica, you originally came from the Sanctuary, and you’re Garfiel’s older sister, right? Or you can’t even tell me that much?]

[Frederica: No, that is not a problem. What you said is…… correct. Although, more accurately, I am not from the Sanctuary, but only grew up there. However, since I have lived in the Sanctuary from as early as I could remember, it would not be incorrect to put it that way]

[Subaru: Not from the Sanctuary…… that’s what Lewes-san said as well. Sounds like Roswaal likes to bring half-bloods to live there, huh?]

In the dragon carriage on the road home, Lewes, who tagged along, had mentioned this.

Back then, because of Lewes’ refusal, he didn’t manage to get to the true intentions behind Roswaal’s actions, but,

[Subaru: Half-bloods can’t pass through the Barrier, so bringing them in is basically the same as imprisoning them there, isn’t it? Then why would he do such a thing…… and the people there, despite knowing that they’re being imprisoned, they……]

They didn’t seem to be particularly upset and instead appeared to be living peaceful lives there.

At least, they didn’t seem to be people who had been forcefully dragged in and trapped, nor were there any signs of outrage at their treatment in the course of their daily lives.

In other words, it was as though they had accepted their lives within the Sanctuary. ――Could there be some significance to that?

[Frederica: Subaru-sama, do you know about the Demihuman War?]

[Subaru: ……Demihuman War. If it’s just the word, I feel like I’ve heard it somewhere before]

If he sieved through his memories to the very beginning, he must have heard that word two or three times before. Subaru remembered being struck with the impression that that name more or less conveyed the basics of what had occurred.

Hearing Subaru’s vague answer, Frederica gently brushed her fingers through her golden hair, before lightly covering her razor-sharp fangs that were peeking through the corner of her lips,

[Frederica: If you wish to unravel the purpose of the Sanctuary’s existence and Roswaal-sama’s considerations, we would first have to talk a bit about the Demihuman War]

Saying this, she stood up and walked to the back of the drawing room. Sensing Subaru’s gaze trailing behind her, Frederica picked up a box from the table in the back of the room, and,

[Frederica: Don’t be so alarmed, I am merely getting some confectionaries]

Revealing a slight smile on the corners of her lips, she returned and set down the box in front of Subaru.

Laid out inside, were assorted sweets unique to this world which he had only tasted on extremely rare occasions in Roswaal’s Mansion.

While Subaru looked back and forth between the treats and the face of the girl who presented them,

[Frederica: Since it will be a long and tiresome story, please enjoy, and bear with me]

-=Chapter 31 End=-